Mark of the Beast
Aruf didn’t look behind him he just hobbled as fast as he could to the nearby door. Predictably it didn’t open, neither did the ones nearby either, even when Aruf pounded on them in frustration. If anyone was inside they weren’t opening to the likes of him.
The snuffling grew louder and Aruf still didn’t look back. He just focused on trying to get to safety, and just when he expected to be horribly ripped apart, there was a low window which was open. Aruf practically tumbled into it making his leg pain even worse in the process but he was definitely inside now.
From his prone position it looked like he was in an abandoned dwelling, in fact it looked like it either had been looted or maybe the original inhabitants left in a hurry. Aruf struggled to get up as he heard unnatural growl coming from outside nearby.
Aruf half expected the beast to leap through the window and finish him off but he was still alive. At least he knew it really wouldn’t go inside. It was making some really vicious sounds though.
The odd thing though is Aruf was now standing upright and in front of the window. He still couldn’t see the beast even though he could clearly hear it growling. Was it invisible? The man talking to him earlier didn’t really give a description of it.
A temporary saving of his life wouldn’t do too much good if he couldn’t leave and now learning that it was invisible made things even worse for escape chances, though it was still making noise so the only upside was he knew where it was.
Aruf searched for another potential way out of the home, but there was no back door and the other couple rooms the place did have didn’t have any windows other than the one he just came through.
There didn’t seem to be anything for it except waiting the beast out.
Time passed and Aruf still occasionally heard snuffling and growling outside. He still looked out the window (While staying far away from it) but saw nothing. He squinted in vain hoping maybe that might work, but again he wasn’t seeing anything at all other than the ruined bazaar outside.
Then a thought occurred to him, even if was invisible, wouldn’t it still block the view of whatever was behind it? Of course he didn’t really know HOW invisibility actually worked, so this was just a guess. Still it was enough to question if he’d jumped to the conclusion that it was invisible. The height of the window was low, but not so low that he could see the ground outside from his position.
It was entirely possible this beast was just very low to the ground, maybe like a snake? That didn’t give much hope, but it would be better than it being invisible. Honestly there was one way of finding out. Opening the door and backing away. Sticking his head out the window to look might just get him killed, but it wouldn’t enter inside. The door was the better option of getting a good look at this thing. Maybe he could study it for a weakness or something. Or maybe he was just hoping.
Either way morbid curiosity was getting the better of him and he went for the door. As soon as he did he heard awful noises coming from behind it, as if the beast KNEW he was about to open it.
If Aruf had eaten at all earlier, he probably would have been using one of those shit pots right about now.
Aruf took a deep breath and opened the door…

Not what Aruf was expecting at all.
This beast looked up at him quizzically, but made no noise other than an occasional strange higher pitched sound similar to a dog bark, but this was obviously no dog, it was just a ball of hair.
Aruf questioned if this was even the beast at first. Maybe this was some sort of illusion to lure in prey? Or maybe this was the actual beast and it just looked like this to deceive prey? Though Aruf wondered how such an obviously harmless looking thing could do so much damage. Why it did in the first place or even where it came from were other questions, but less important than how to get out of this alive.
Aruf studied the beast for a good while which occasionally made its little noises and circled in front of the door, but didn’t do much else. Eventually it found a spot to lie down and looked at Aruf every once in awhile, but again nothing else.
Aruf didn’t learn much other than he was still stuck here. There was also this odd compulsion that was developing in Aruf that made him want to pick up the little beast for some reason. It was very difficult to shake this feeling. The longer he looked at it, the more he wanted to go outside…
Aruf quickly shut the door, which was soon followed by that awful noise he heard the beast making earlier. He opened the door again and once again the beast made its high pitched squeaks.
Aruf at this point didn’t know what to make of this situation except it was already near hopeless and the funny thing is he knew of a man in Rome who collected exotic creatures and paid very well for new ones. Aruf thought if he could somehow get out of this AND capture this beast, all his problems would be solved.
And that was all he needed to push himself over the edge.
“Fuck it, go big or go to 72 virgins. I’m ready.” Aruf muttered and stepped outside.
And nothing happened.
Aruf looked down at the beast which looked back at him. Aruf slowly went to pick up the beast.
And nothing happened.
It was as soft as it looked. Such a curious creature. Aruf still wondered how it could do so much damage. It didn’t seem to do much at all while Aruf had it in his hand other than do a lot of sniffing. Aruf went through his many bags to find something to keep the beast in, while doing so he noticed that the beast sniffed the bag that Aruf was carrying the shit pots in. The beast seemed very fascinated by those.
“Wait, a minute…is THAT what is protecting me?” Aruf said to himself.
Then he started laughing.
Eventually he got out his small cage trap that he had for catching small game and put the beast inside who soon went to sleep. It seemed okay for now and Aruf assumed as long as he smelled at least faintly like shit, he’d be safe. Though given a lot of the smelly citizens of Samarkand, he wasn’t sure why exactly the shit he smelled like differed enough to keep the beast at bay.
He could only guess his shit smelled better than the rest.
Gain 2 Story
If you eventually visit Rome, you can exchange the BEAST for treasure