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Fallen Land Game Thread

2 months ago
Commended by Mizal on 8/9/2024 6:13:15 PM

Year 1: January

Actually want to follow instructions? Go here!

Want to read background lore for fun? Go here!

After a few months of trying to form a “council of towns” talks broke down and as usual everyone wanted to do their own thing. Of course what their own thing usually involved was being a dick to everyone else.

In any case it looks like another faction war brewing. Perhaps it’s for the best, it’s been awhile since the last one and these sorts of things generally thin out the bad blood between factions and resets everything once everyone’s had enough of fighting.

Cleaner full sized version

The problem though is sometimes some of these lot REALLY like fighting, so this might take awhile.

It will be up to YOU to guide YOUR faction through these violent times. Will you be able to guide your town to prominence and make your rivals see that you should be the one to usher in a new age or will you ultimately just wind up with your bloody head on a stake overlooking the ruins of your burned out town?

As you’re just taking inventory of your supplies and giving orders to your expedition party. The radio has picked up some strong signals about various things that might be of interest.

1. Something about a valuable horse. Signal is coming somewhere in upper Florida

2. Reports of an ariel drone buzzing above several towns. Signal is coming from Mexico

3. Something going on in a cemetery? Signal is in the Delaware/Maryland area

4. Lost caravan. Signal is in Texas

5. Weird sightings at an old lighthouse. Signal is in the state that looks like mitten.

6. Rumors of a missing intelligence operative. Signal is coming from the Californian coast.

7. Large ship spotted drifting in the ocean. Signal is coming from the Baja California

Of course you’re always free to ignore heading to any of these and just wander about doing your own thing. It is the popular thing to do.

Anyway that's turn 1s events. Send your actions (And probably questions) to me via PM on here or discord.

Fallen Land Game Thread

2 months ago
And just pointing out that you can open the map in a new tab for a bigger version.

Fallen Land Game Thread

2 months ago

Year 1: February

@MiltonManThing @enterpride @Mizal @hetero_malk @Suranna @DBNB @TypewriterCat

Significant News

1. The Coalition came to a peaceful agreement with a settlement and are assisting with medical care there in exchange for access to the town's resources.

2. An infamous raider gang called the Steel Brigade attacked a settlement causing massive casualties and destruction.

“Ah, this is the life!”

New Federalists later announced over the air waves that they have rushed to the aid of said settlement and driven off the raiders. They are planning on staying to help the survivors and are glad that the power plant was fortunately undamaged in the attack as it will help in the rebuilding process.

3. The Regulator expedition party started with a simple search for a lost caravan, but ended up finding a large group of refugees, most of them wounded (Including women and children) from an attack by raiders.

Doing what they do best, the Regulators helped these folks by patching them up and escorting them to safety. Along the way they also made friends with Cindy, the leader of the group who was a wellspring of information. (Sometimes it really is about the friends you make along the way)

4. Finally reports are are a little unclear, but there apparently was a massive fight between Sigma Corporation and The Preservationists. It’s unknown who started it and how it even happened, but apparently the Canucks were victorious. Truly an example of how far the US has fallen.

Current Events

1. Tempest
A severe radiation storm is hitting the entire country. There’s green clouds, burning rain, and two headed cows helplessly flying everywhere.

Barring any abilities or something to avoid this, everyone loses 2 weeks of action.
Also unless you’ve got something to stop severe radiation damage, I suggest everyone find a town immediately.

“Well, at least there’s no sharks this time.”

2. Emperor For a Day

Josef Alperstein III, one of the few remaining scientific geniuses has announced the sale of his new invention: The mysterious T50-XHT. 

All factions may send some representatives (through the current rad storm lol) to go bid on this device this turn. Whoever wins the bid will then have to make some skill checks (4 Tech and 5 Diplomacy) to see the outcome.

You don’t have to bother going at all of course.

Radio Signals

Merchant babbling about a ship - Signal coming from Location 61 (Easier to just be specific and look at the map)

Fallen Land Game Thread

2 months ago

Year 1: March

@MiltonManThing @enterpride @Mizal @hetero_malk @Suranna @DBNB @TypewriterCat

Significant news

1. Steel Brigade Raiders were last seen walking through the rad storm to location 51 where they seem to have taken shelter.

2. Despite the pleas of advisors to build a REAL Comm Tower rather than just having multiple citizens shouting very loudly causing many to complain of soar throats, the COTBA faction leader focused on other matters last month which lead to the detriment of reacting in time to warn of common thieves stealing in the middle of the night.

3. After getting the refugees settled, The Regulators braved the radiation storm to attend the auction that Josef Alperstein III was having for his T50-XHT. They were the only major power there and easily outbid the few minor players that had bothered to send their own agents. Unfortunately for the Regulators, several of the groups there had no intention on buying what Josef was selling and had planned on taking it by force all along.

Chaos on the auction room floor broke out and a massive fight ensued causing Josef to get in his own high tech suit of battle armor and make his escape, blasting several people in the process along with taking the bid money.

4. An intelligence operative from the Brotherhood came into a bar all shot up and cursing heavily that she have just left the faction and never looked back. She ranted about how she foolishly thought bringing back important hard drives of important pre-war information would allow her to actually move up in the church, but instead when she needed her fellows the most, she caught a glimpse of them taking the drives where she stashed them and leaving her to her fate of the mercenaries and scavenger gangs.

Before finally expiring of her wounds she told everyone listening in the bar to spread the word that the Brotherhood sucks.

Radio Signals

Something about mutants on Elis Island - signal at location 41

Fallen Land Game Thread

2 months ago

Year 1: April

@MiltonManThing @enterpride @Mizal @hetero_malk @Suranna @DBNB @TypewriterCat

Significant news

1. New Federalists made another announcement that the Steel Brigade raiders are still in the area terrorizing settlements. In an act of good will, the New Federalists are helping yet another settlement and even upgraded the water pumps there, improving the quality of life. They have mentioned that they will do this (and more) for any settlement that chooses to live under their protection.

2. The Regulators continued to spread their version of frontier justice to the scum of the land. In this case it was the Red Reapers, a particularly nasty gang that was terrorizing a settlement and using it as their base to waylay travelers and such that passed through the area. While it’s rare for the Regulators to be outgunned, the Red Reapers soon learned that guns didn’t do much against grenades which certainly leveled the playing field and led to a full retreat by the Reapers.

The Regulators liberated the people who rewarded them by providing much needed resources to rebuild the wasteland.

3. A huge explosion was seen in the Pacific Ocean off the Californian coast. Beach scavengers said they saw members of the Brotherhood cast off in a small boat in an attempt to loot the rusty aircraft carrier CVN 78.

It is unknown exactly what happened on the carrier, but given that only one of their members managed to survive and swim back to land it can be guessed that things didn’t go as planned. The surviving Brotherhood member muttered something about “Fucking zombies” as he passed by the onlookers before leaving the area.

4. Sigma Corporation, in an effort to prove that THEY are the true successors to the US reached out to a local settlement in the New England area and in the process stopped thieves from harassing local merchants. After much celebrating, the town gladly accepted their future protection and provided the resources to help in the process.

Current Events

1. Bad Betty’s Carnival of Wonders

Tales of a carnival opening up right near the town of Great Falls, Montana. (Location 6) The carnival is run by a nice woman dressed like a clown calling herself Bad Betty. While the Fallen Land is no stranger to weird things roaming the wastes, this carnival seems to have managed to gather up some of the most bizarre and unique. Already the citizens of Great Falls have been attending and partaking of rare entertainment found in this forsaken world.

“I welcome everyone to come see the wonders within and to enjoy the festivities!” - Bad Betty

Radio Signals

1) …  ..  _ _ . _ _  . _ …._ …_ _  signal coming from location 36

Fallen Land Game Thread

2 months ago

Year 1: May

@MiltonManThing @enterpride @Mizal @hetero_malk @Suranna @DBNB @TypewriterCat

Significant News

1. The New Federalists and The Coalition reached an agreement over territory borders.

2. New Federalists managed to locate a hidden Sigma Bunker just outside a ruined zoo. After managing to crack it open the party went inside. It is unknown what exactly happened inside, but reports say that the New Federalist party emerged somewhat intact soaking wet and carrying out some of the loot  within. 

Other scavenger gangs later heard word of this and started to head to the bunker, only to find it collapsed and inaccessible. Apparently sightings of several black uniformed figures and people in lab coats were seen heading towards the known location of Sigma Corporation’s HQ to reunite with their comrades no doubt.

3. While the New Federalists and the Coalition may have had a deal, the Regulators either didn’t hear about it or more likely didn’t care as they took the very settlement and claimed the resources where the territory border meeting took place! The New Federalist have already declared war on The Regulators. It is unknown if hostilities will spread to involve other factions, particularly the Coalition.

4. While others may be fighting over the idea of old America and who should lead it, the Highwaymen took it upon themselves to actually defend its borders by stopping a tugboat full of mutant refugees from Africa. The Highwaymen set up kill zones and picked off the mutants as they attempted to disembark until they were pretty sure every last impure mutant was dead and would not further contaminate the fallen land.

5. The Preservationists attempted to stop the assassination of a friendly trade envoy, however they failed to secure the area and the assassination attempt was successful.

6. The Coalition, always wanting to believe the best in people approached the Steel Brigade raiders who were sick with radiation poisoning and came to an understanding that if they tried to curb their more bloodthirsty nature, they would provide assistance with curing their current condition. The raiders were willing to deal given how many of them were already at death’s door. In exchange they flew the banner of the Coalition while visiting another settlement. 

Combined with the relatively good reputation of the Coalition and the fearsome reputation of the Steel Brigade, the settlement agreed to join with the Coalition and provide their resources.

7. The Brotherhood launched a devastating raid on The Syndicate in Battle Mountain Nevada. While the Syndicate is known to be made up of the remnants of various organized crime elements of the old days, nothing could prepare them for this sudden lightning assault. The Brotherhood nearly wiped the entire settlement off the map and left with several spoils from their raid.

Current Events

1. Bad Betty’s Carnival of Weirdness

Tales of Bad Betty’s carnival continue to be told by travelers and merchants passing through Great Falls. A few are saying there’s more going on at that carnival that Betty is letting on. Many of the citizens of Great Falls have begun to experience insomnia and/or bad dreams. The mayor of the town is attempting to address the issue, but the carnival remains with Betty insisting that she has nothing to do with this incident.

“If the people of Great Falls wanted my carnival to leave the area so badly, why would so many still attend it?” - Bad Betty

Radio Signals

1. Reports of sunken cargo. Signal at location 35

2. Bulldog Trucking Company requesting assistance. Signal at location 34

3. Reports of missing messengers. Signal at location 75

Fallen Land Game Thread

2 months ago

Year 1: June

@MiltonManThing @enterpride @Mizal @hetero_malk @Suranna @DBNB @TypewriterCat

Significant news

1. New Federalists, enraged by the latest turn of events turned their attention towards their old hirelings the Steel Brigade who were currently being employed by the Coalition. Already sick from radiation poisoning, the Steel Brigade were no match for the New Federalist party and were put out of business permanently. 

2. Escalating the war, the Regulators hired Task Force 373 to acquire more resources. A strategic move that the Regulators have been known for, though what also happened could be considered the first real blunder by the cowboys. The Regulators made a failed assault on the New Federalist town itself where they met heavy resistance before they retreated. 

“Glad we didn’t get hired for that task.”

It is unknown if this was an attempt at gathering intel, a miscommunication issue or just a mad attempt at ending the war early, but it turned out to be another victory for the New Federalists this month who proudly announced killing at least one of their number.

3. Sigma Corporation was investigating a rusted oil rig in the great lakes area of all places. It seemed abandoned, but after getting closer the inhabitants aboard opened fire with fearsome firepower nearly wiping out the entire party of operatives.

4. The Preservationists saved a settlement from depraved cannibals hunting around the area though sometimes when combating such a depraved menace the psychological damage of seeing their gory lairs can be as bad as the physical violence that made occur. Nevertheless, they not only saved the sole survivor of the last party that was attempting to locate them, but received the town’s gratitude and resources.

5. The Brotherhood decided to investigate this “Bad Betty’s Carnival” that everyone had heard so much about. Surely the stories coming out of Great Falls were exaggerated. This probably was just another group of raiders that found a trunk of circus clothing to look outlandish. The Brotherhood got only to the outskirts of town where the carnival was set up and while they had seen much during their time in the fallen land, even they started to wince a bit at the sights.

And this was just the opening act…

“Ooooh I love your masks! I think I would like one.”

What happened next was nearly a massacre as the Brotherhood were outnumbered by a mob of crazed freaks. The party managed to get away, but not completely intact.

“Wheeeeee! How fun!” - Bad Betty

Current Events

1. Bad Betty’s Carnival of HORROR

“Send in the rape clowns!” - Bad Betty

The tales of Bad Betty’s carnival have gotten worse. The carnival makes no more pretenses about not being a complete horror show and has now taken control of Great Falls. Merchants avoid Great Falls completely and travelers now mention barely escaping with their lives as the entire town of Great Falls has been either been killed or driven insane. One broken soul claimed that the very land around the town seems to be changing. The mayor himself was ripped apart and his entrails used to decorate what remains of city hall. 

All sorts of depravity goes on in the streets. Rape, torture, rape, murder, rape, nothing is off limits. Especially the rape.

Oh there’s lots of rape. Like A LOT. More than you’d think. 

Meanwhile Bad Betty herself has been seen laughing and dancing throughout the chaos with her freakish clown followers as the town burns around her.

One thing is certain, if this isn’t stopped soon, the final fate of Great Falls might just be the beginning…

“Why so surprised?” - Bad Betty after she raped somebody

Radio Signals

“Am I in the right game?” - The Taskmaster


“How the hell did he even hide that thing?” - Random Wanderer



“Hey how come I can’t get any of those things?!” - CYS Player probably

Signal is at location 85, but a single party cannot hope to assault this massive fortress themselves and will need the assistance of another party or mercenary group for this epic battle.

The Taskmaster’s troops will start attempting to claim resource hexes and even potentially attack towns each turn. They can be fought, though they roll a fearsome 6D6 for damage and he’ll just make more until he’s finally brought down.

Fallen Land Game Thread

2 months ago
Well sheesh. Game over? How does a joint assault even work?

Fallen Land Game Thread

2 months ago
Figuring how to work both murdering rape clowns and murdering cyborgs into the existing lore is a challenge lol. I guess this stuff has always been in the setting though, maybe we'd run into it more if we explored more encounters and missions.

Fallen Land Game Thread

2 months ago

Year 1: July

@MiltonManThing @enterpride @Mizal @hetero_malk @Suranna @DBNB @TypewriterCat

Significant news

1. New Federalists scored another victory against their enemies. This time the Coalition which suffered a devastating defeat resulting in the complete wipe out of a team of some of their best people.

2 The Highwaymen once again proving that they aren’t all bad, saved a group of children from being indoctrinated by child bride enthusiasts from the Brotherhood cult. The parents rewarded the bikers and they were soon on their way. However, upon hearing of the rise of an impure mongrel cyborg army and the face painted degenerate sodomites causing havoc, the Highwaymen decided that a strong leader would have to be the one to stop these menaces and they would be those strong WHITE men.

As a result they proceeded in the task of relieving the Coalition of its resources as obviously these men were not strong enough to lead.

3. The Brotherhood have always been considered the most reprehensible of the factions, however this time they proved it without a shadow of a doubt by making a DEAL with the Taskmaster, completely selling out the human race.

“One step closer to victory!” - The Taskmaster

The Brotherhood agreed to claim resources in exchange for their miserable existence. To help in this task, the Brotherhood also hired the Hounds of Hell raider group who have already accomplished in seizing a settlement for its resources.

“I hope I can get some cool cyber upgrades after this is all over.”

Current Events

1. Bad Betty’s Carnival of Horror Part 4: The Great Fall

Great Falls has fallen…

The town of Great Falls, once home to the neutral Enclave of Terra faction is no more. Bad Betty and her carnival have utterly destroyed this point of light making the land a much darker place. (This town is destroyed and now acts as a ruined city hex)

“Time to pick up stakes and pack up the rainbow lube boys, because we’re taking this clownshow on the road! Yahoo!” - Bad Betty

Bad Betty’s Carnival will now pop up in random locations on the map each turn. (She’s currently not on it)

If she lands next to a neutral resource hex and isn’t dealt with that turn. Her carnival will destroy it.
If she lands next to an NPC town, it’ll take her at least 3 turns (Assuming its at full strength)
If she lands near an owned resource hex, it’ll take her 1 turn and an additional turn per defense.
If she lands near a player town, she'll take down the defense first if there is any, then the following turns she’ll do 10 town health of damage each turn until its destroyed or she’s dealt with.
If she lands near Taskmaster territory, nothing happens (She’s insane not stupid)

2. The Terror of The Taskmaster

“What the fuck, we didn’t sign up for this!” - last words of the TF373

Taskmaster troops have seized control of resource hex near location 45 and eliminated the Task Force 373 bounty hunters to take control of The Regulator’s resource hex near location 88.

3. Dirty Slots Casino

“Cyborgs and Clowns got you down? Come on in to Dirty Slots Casino where you can get away from the troubles of the fallen land for awhile! We’re at location 28, hope to see you and especially your money soon! Seriously, don’t come unless you got money.”

In times of great strife there’s always a need for R&R. You may visit to gamble and even heal (But you must gamble first)

Wager 5 coins or a spoils card.

1: You win! Gain 15 coins and roll again.
2: You win! Gain 10 coins.
3: Push. Keep your wager.
4-6: House wins. You lose your wager.

Jackpot: Roll 3 ones in a row and you gain 2 prestige, 8 spoils cards and banned from the casino forever!

Fallen Land Game Thread

2 months ago
Suranna sucks.

Fallen Land Game Thread

2 months ago

Year 1: August

@enterpride @Mizal @hetero_malk @Suranna @DBNB @TypewriterCat

Significant news

1. Even with the chaos of cyborgs and clowns, the New Federalists have stayed focused on their war and dealt a final decisive blow victory against the Coalition, completely destroying Iowa City. Though it was hardly much of a battle as the Coalition had already been weakened severely from the last New Federalist victory against them. Any attempts at a peaceful surrender fell on deaf ears as the New Federalists were in no mood for such things. This was going to be an example for the rest of the factions that would oppose their claim to rule this land.

Iowa City burns…

And so another light goes out in this land. Perhaps one of the brightest lights as the Coalition had the noble of goals and intentions. A genuine desire for peaceful cooperation. This was not to be however as it is apparent there is no place for such things in the Fallen Land.

Now the few that escaped the carnage of the savage attack can only look on at the burning city from a safe distance before braving the dark and wonder “Was this inevitable or was there another way?”

Current Events

1. Bad Betty’s Traveling Carnival of Horror

Bad Betty has been sighted at location 37.

2. The Terror of The Taskmaster

Taskmaster troops have seized control of resource hex near location 2 thanks to the continued treachery of the Brotherhood and their hired goons. Taskmaster troops also attacked the town of Jimenez in Coahuila, home of neutral faction, Los Intermediarios. However, the cartels proved that they would be no pushover for the cyborg army and managed to defend their town though at a high cost.

“You tell that cyborg maricón if he shows his half face around here again, we’re gonna be taking that smart gringo to Funky Town.” - Engendros oscuro AKA “El Jefe”

Fallen Land Game Thread

2 months ago

Year 1: September

@enterpride @Mizal @hetero_malk @Suranna @DBNB @TypewriterCat

Significant news

1. Calm before the storm?

Ever since the destruction of Iowa City there has been a strange downturn in the violence involving The Regulators and New Federalists. It can be assumed though that this won’t last. While the Regulator’s have lost their long time ally, they are certainly taking steps in trying to convince others to join their cause against the New Federalists, urging that they are even more dangerous than The Taskmaster himself.

Many new posters have been seen across the wasteland in this recruitment attempt.

The New Federalists also have not been idle and have been busily broadcasting across the airwaves of how their cause is the right one for America. How if people just accept their protection there will be no need to fear the likes of cyborg armies and rape clowns.

They have also put out their own posters, though a bit more direct in their message.

2. The Brotherhood had their hired goons take yet another settlement for its resources, though this time they claimed it for themselves telling the citizens that they have been spared the terror of cyborg armies and are now under their protection. Though given what the Brotherhood does to people, this isn’t much better.

3. The Preservationists have always been quiet, but word is that they have united most of the remnants of old Canadian settlements together and then some. A fairly impressive task, though one wonders what their future plans are.

Current Events

1. Bad Betty’s Traveling Carnival of Horror

Bad Betty has been sighted at location 18.

2. The Terror of The Taskmaster

Taskmaster troops attacked the town of Shreveport in Louisana, home of neutral faction, Swamp Runners. However, the combination of the swampy terrain and the backwoods boys proved that it would not be a rollover for the cyborg army and managed to defend their town though at a high cost.

“If dat dere Tasmasta sho' up gen in dis here swamp, we gonna take his fleshy bits an’ make us a big pot of gumborg. I GA-RUN-TEE.” - Justin Leatherhead Wilson the Ninth

Fallen Land Game Thread

2 months ago
These robots ain't so tough if even NPC factions are sending them packing.

Fallen Land Game Thread

2 months ago

Oh just in case anyone was wondering about the Taskmaster warfront.

Fallen Land Game Thread

2 months ago
As we speak an epic battle is taking place, a noble attempt to free America from the overwhelming shadow of the Citadel of Clogs.

Fallen Land Game Thread

one month ago
Commended by Mizal on 8/24/2024 11:05:06 AM

Year 1: October

@enterpride @Mizal @hetero_malk @Suranna @DBNB @TypewriterCat

Significant news

1. Battle of Albany

Everyone knew it was inevitable before a massive clash of the major powers would occur. Seeking to avenge their fallen Coalition ally, the Regulators managed to form a triumvirate consisting of Sigma Corporation and even the Highwaymen to attack the very heart of the New Federalists.

The New Federalists however suspected an attack and prepared accordingly for the army approaching. First they noticed is a sports car ahead of the main force going at incredible speed to the point where it was already on fire. It was heading straight for the gates.

"How the hell are we supposed to get back home now? I loved that car!"

Bracing for impact New Federalist militia moved in to try to stop it, only for it to explode on impact, causing several deaths in this initial attack.

"Duty. Honor. Semper Fi!"

Then from out of nowhere the infamous hitman known only as “The Pope” came out from the shadows and attempted to take down Luther Mack before the battle had properly begun, but only managed to wound him. It would be the only partial successful attempt as two others failed.

"Look at me, I'm da Pope!" - The Pope

The real battle then began as the attackers came pouring into the settlement. The sounds of “Ride of the Valkyries” could be heard when Sigma Corp came flying in.

"Operation destroy the degenerates is in progress. Over."

The Regulators weren’t far behind.

"Time to bring some good ol' fashion western justice to this shithole."

Followed lastly by the Highwaymen.

"Remember, no raping. At least not in front of the Regulators"

The New Federalists mobilized and the battle was joined.

President Pride in all his fabulousness (Lol)

For several days and nights the fighting raged.

Destruction was everywhere, even the learning center was destroyed. Neither group seemed to be making much progress, but the New Federalists apparently had a few more reinforcements they called in.

Including the known assassin Jen 7, who struck down one of the leaders in Sigma Corp.

"That Pope guy's a fucking amateur." - Jen 7

This was then followed by a concentrated attack on their forces, severely wounding most of them leading to their retreat.

"Someone fucked up on the recon! Abort mission! Abort!"

The remainder of the triumvirate tried to press forward without the extra help.

But it was obvious the New Federalists were just too entrenched and the Regulators had no choice but to retreat.

"Shit! Guess the bear got us today, let's skin out!"

Followed by the Highwaymen.

"I told you blowing up the fucking car was a bad idea!"

"Shut the fuck up and drop the bag of caltrops!"

Despite this devastating attack, the New Federalists seized this opportunity to strike back immediately. However, they didn’t chase down any of the parties, but instead struck back at The Regulator’s home catching everyone there off guard.

After killing some of the citizens, wounding others and causing general havoc, they looted the treasury and even kidnapped a well liked doctor before heading back towards home.


Sigma Corp however had a second group hiding and waiting not far from Albany. While the city was still trying to recover, the Sigma strike team went in and did some kidnapping of their own. In this case the infamous Luther Mack who had not gone with the raiding party due to severe wounds. It is no wonder that they managed to capture him so easily in his weakened state.

"Secondary Objective successful. Captured the target, returning to base."

While the New Federalists won this battle, the war is obviously far from over.

2. The Brotherhood was seen having a good time in the newly opened Dirty Slots Casino, apparently winning quite a bit. However, the more interesting thing that was noticed was the cyborg woman traveling with them. It is obvious that being on good terms with the Taskmaster has its perks.

"Designation: A2NABE2LE but you may call me Annabelle" - Annabelle

Current Events

1. Bad Betty’s Traveling Carnival of Horror

Bad Betty has been sighted at location 52. (Attracted to the recent chaos no doubt)

2. The Terror of The Taskmaster

Taskmaster troops once again attacked the Swamp Runners, but unfortunately for the backwoods boys they would not repeat their victory from last time. Having learned their tactics, the Taskmaster was able to change strategy accordingly and burned their settlement to the ground.

Their days of eating gumbo flavored with “mystery meat” while having relations with their…relations are over.

Fallen Land Game Thread

one month ago
Great update. I haven't had a chance to do a gay RP write up yet, but this was much cooler and more dramatic than anything I had in mind anyway.

Fallen Land Game Thread

one month ago

Year 1: November

@enterpride @Mizal @hetero_malk @Suranna @DBNB @TypewriterCat

Significant news

1. Still believing the Regulators were in their vicinity, the New Federalists sent out their death squad once again to destroy their hated foes. Upon finding them, they wasted no time in mercilessly gunning them all down even as they surrendered.

However it would soon be learned that these were not the people they were looking for and had just massacred a group of refugees fleeing from the Taskmaster’s troops.


Word of this atrocity and others both real and imaginary (But mostly real) spread throughout the Fallen Land.

2. In an uncharacteristic act of civility and diplomacy, the Brotherhood and Regulators reached an agreement that would prove mutually beneficial. Even more surprising is that this exchange involved the Brotherhood giving up territory which is something they don’t normally do.

Current Events

1. Bad Betty’s Traveling Carnival of Horror

“Miss me?” - Bad Betty

Bad Betty is back and this time the circus has come to Sturgis, home of the Highwaymen. (Location 30)

“Heard a lot about you faggots and I really like your style! All that leather just makes me wetter than a baby in a blender! I say it’s time to take you biker boys on and see how you RIDE!” - Bad Betty

There’s no word yet on if Betty’s Carnival is having the same effect as it did on Great Falls, but given the Highwaymen’s reputation it might be hard to tell for awhile.

2. The Terror of The Taskmaster

While the Brotherhood might be on civil terms with the Regulators, it is apparent that their comrade The Taskmaster is not. In fact one wonders if this was some distraction plan as Taskmaster troops attacked the Regulator’s mobile home base. However, the Regulators managed to fight them off proving that even if things hadn’t gone their way at the Battle of Albany, they were far from out of this game.

“It’ll take more than some oversized toasters to tame our spirits!”

Fallen Land Game Thread

one month ago
BREAKING NEWS! The New Federalists have both the cyborgs and the clowns, noted enemies of humanity on their payrolls! YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST FOLKS!

Fallen Land Game Thread

one month ago
Commended by Mizal on 8/26/2024 5:13:08 PM

Year 1: December

@enterpride @Mizal @hetero_malk @Suranna @DBNB @TypewriterCat

Significant news

1. Battle of Emporium

Attempting to capitalize on their success the New Federalists launched a direct attack on the Sigma Corporation base in Emporium, Pennsylvania. They believed they would have an advantage due to having secret talks with the Highwaymen who claimed they would betray the Sigmas when the battle began.

After some bad intel that didn’t go the way they thought, New Federalists troops made their assault anyway suffering severe wounds due to Sigma’s heavy outer defenses.

“Open fire!”

Even worse it turned out the bikers had double crossed them.

“Surprise bitches!”

However, it turned out all to be not enough as the tide turned against Sigma Corp and the Highwaymen. It wasn’t long before Sigma Corp was whittled down and their Highwaymen allies dead.

“Shit! Bring out that fucking Luther guy!”

But even the infamous newly brainwashed seemingly unstoppable force that was Mack Luther was not enough to stop this force. This was to be his final battle.

With all major opposition out of the way, the New Federalists did what damage they could and looted Sigma of anything valuable before leaving the place. Another victory under their belt, but perhaps a short lived one.

2. Regulator’s Revenge

While the Battle of Emporium was going on, the Regulators were not being idle. They had received word of their agent still in Albany and heard everything was set. They headed to the city immediately.

When they got within range already they had heard a large explosion. Perhaps a bit larger than expected, but this was the signal that New Federalist home defense had just been completely eliminated.

“What’s that…FUCK!” - Last words of Bryan Nash

The Regulators approached the burning city with “Ghost Riders in the Sky” blaring through the speaker. They landed and quickly took advantage of the panicking and chaos.

“And I looked, and behold a pale horse”

“And his name that sat on him was Death”

“And Hell followed with him.”

After it was all over, the Regulators spoke no more of this grim business they had just done. It would be a severe blow to the New Federalists, perhaps even a mortal one, but these deeds would not be forgotten.

Not thinking any more on the morality of the situation, the Regulators rescued their therapist and headed home believing that at least one good innocent had been saved this day.

3. Down with the Clown?

And in final news, the Highwaymen reached a new low by enabling Bad Betty’s antics and turning over its citizens to her for whatever reason. Though perhaps this shouldn’t be too surprising.

“What’s this? For me? Awwww, you leather boys are sweet enough to kill a diabetic!” - Bad Betty

“You were a vet huh? Hmmm, oh hey you ever seen that old movie freaks? It’s a classic and I always wanted to try something! Brace yourself, this is really going to hurt I promise!" - Bad Betty

Hours of screaming later…

“And now I have my very own duck woman! Isn’t she adorable!?” - Bad Betty

One can only hope that this was at least all for some greater reason, because if not then there truly is no hope for the Fallen Land.

Current Events

1. Bad Betty’s Traveling Carnival of Horror

“Hey, you leather boys got any more toys for me? I already broke my duck woman. Oh how she quacked. You would have loved it! Oh c'mon where's your Christmas spirit?” - Bad Betty

2. The Terror of The Taskmaster

Taskmaster troops made advances past the Rocky mountains, seizing a settlement from the Regulators.

“Look at you pathetic monkeys. Killing and raping one another and convorting with degenerate clowns. None of you have any discipline, it is more obvious than ever that I must take control of this land to save you from yourselves." - The Taskmaster

Radio Signals

1. Radio signal coming from the Library of Congress. Location 40.

Fallen Land Game Thread

one month ago
Great write up, this had to be the most eventful round yet.

And Riddick is just the perfect fit for the beast that was Mack Luther, goddamn deadliest guy in the west.

Fallen Land Game Thread

one month ago
Radio chatter picked up from the Regulator base over the next few days make it clear that these cowboys are no hypocrites; Captain Star makes a statement confirming that the allegations of excessive force are being taken "very seriously", and that Lee will be consequently suspended from the Amarillo County Sheriff's office for up to 6 weeks.

Fallen Land Game Thread

one month ago

Year 2: January

@enterpride @Mizal @hetero_malk @Suranna @DBNB @TypewriterCat

Significant news

1. Truce

After all the devastation going between the factions a truce was declared. It’s unknown how long this will be honored but for now it would seem that everyone has agreed to end hostilities while tending to their respective communities, along with dealing with immediate inhuman threats.

2. Showdown with the Psycho Clown

The time had finally come to put an end to Bad Betty once and for all. With the truce in effect, the alliance between the Regulators, the Highwaymen and Sigma Corp gathered together to put down the clown.

They approached the nightmare carnival which according to the Highwaymen did say it was starting to affect its citizens. Lot of them had been having the same symptoms as those from Great Falls before it was destroyed.

Indeed the alliance was starting to feel weird the closer they got to the circus.

“You looking for Betty? She’s in the can, hold on a moment.”

As the alliance drew their weapons everything around them started to change. The circus suddenly was deserted.

“Wasn’t it daytime just a moment ago and why is it getting all misty and foggy?”

Something else was going on here…

“Hey hey! Looks like we gotta full house tonight! Hold on lemme play you something to get you in the mood!”

The party fought off threats while Betty sang along horribly to a Steelers Wheels song over the distorted loud speakers.

“Clown to the left you!”

“Jokers to the right!”

“And here I am stuck in middle with you!”

As the song ended and the sounds feedback invaded the ears of the party, One of the highwaymen saw something sky.

“Holy shit! I gotta be trippin’ balls, ain’t no way I’m seein’ a giant fucking clown head! Y’all seein’ this shit?”

That was it. That’s what had been going on all along.

Bad Betty had been pumping whatever noxious gas into the air to make people go mad and attack things that weren’t there. While she probably still had help, she apparently didn’t have an army of clowns like everyone thought!

Quickly the alliance started to look for the source of the gas before it started to affect them more severely. Eventually one of them noticed a cleverly hidden wagon with several pipes coming out of it.

“Yeah after they fuckin kill each other we can move in and…SHIT! Attack!”

Bad Betty’s small dirty posse of twisted freaks however was no match for the heavily packed alliance. They quickly made short work of them and destroyed the source of the insanity.

But that left one loose end.

A patter of feet could be heard running and the alliance wasted no time in chasing the source of the sound. One Regulator saw a red headed devil in the distance and took the shot. A scream was heard as the figure fell.

It wasn’t fatal, but he wasn’t aiming to kill anyway.

The alliance made its way to the figure who was now nursing a hole in her leg and quietly sniffling. She look up sadly at the group.

“Why you gotta be so mean? I was just playin’. This isn’t fun anymore, I wanna go home.” - Sad Betty’s last words before the alliance turned her into a bloody bullet ridden corpse.

The clown was finally down.

Current Events

1. Bad Betty’s Burning Carnival

Bye bye Betty

2. The Terror of The Taskmaster

Taskmaster troops attacked Battle Mountain in Nevada, home of the Syndicate probably wishing to eliminate any potential attacks from the west, however the crime lords are fully entrenched in that mountain from the last time the Brotherhood attacked them. The cost was high, but they survived yet again.

“Merry Christmas ya filthy animal. And a happy new year. Happy new year.” - Johnny “Two Times” Contralto


Well after a long hard fought battle against enemies both familiar and strange, the Regulators had managed to tame the Fallen Land and bring civilization back to it. While the fight wasn't over, this surely was a great step forward and would be the beginning of a new glorious era.

The End.

"Hey what are you doing?"

"What? That's it. The Regulators won. They managed to get over 80 Town Health."

"What?! You can't just end it like that! What about the Taskmaster? You can't have a guy like him running around in the wasteland!"

"Oh. Well that can be the sequel."

"Come on! We need a big climatic battle! Something with a big explosion in the end!"

"We're over budget as it is! And what happens if they lose?"

"Oh they won't lose, the villain can't win."

"Have you seen this place? That's all the villains ever do around here! Fine, but we're going to have to make some changes."

"Sure, sure. This is gonna be so cool!"

4. Villain Speech

"It has come to my attention that your so called grand alliance is coming to my black fortress. Such a puny plan, but I am grateful as it will save me the trouble of hunting you all down and eradicating you from the Fallen Land. Surrender now and you may still have a place as a useful drone in my new order. Just walk away and there be an end to the terror. However if you wish to insist on this foolish mission then be prepared for considerable losses and damage you won't walk away from." - The Taskmaster

Fallen Land Game Thread

one month ago
Commended by Mizal on 8/29/2024 6:39:52 AM

@MiltonManThing @enterpride @Mizal @hetero_malk @Suranna @DBNB @TypewriterCat

The Battle of the Black Fortress

The plan was relatively simple. Sigma Corp had recently acquired a portable nuclear device that could be used to destroy the Taskmaster’s base. They also knew of an underground tunnel system that could lead them inside it without having to throw themselves against the robotic hordes. Using one of the last remaining top of the line stealth devices of its day could also help make them invisible to detection for a good period of time.

However, this really wouldn’t work unless the Taskmaster was somewhat distracted otherwise once he realized an intruder inside, he’d direct all his forces to them. There would have to be a direct assault while the Sigmas carried out their plan.

They also knew facing an army of cyborgs and robots with just their meager forces would be suicide, so the Highwaymen hired the best mercs they knew of (And were still on good terms with) The Death’s Head mercenaries.

Nuff Said.

With everyone ready, the alliance set off, some of them wondering if they’d ever see home again.

The Alliance arrived…

“Really? The horse isn’t even to scale!”
“Oh fuck off, I told you we were over budget, use your goddamn imagination!”


The Alliance arrived…

“So you have chosen death. Very well, then you shall have it, in abundance! Kill these fools and bring back whatever’s left for spare parts!”

That sure was a lot of toasters, however what was worse is there was even MORE back up that had arrived. Two truckloads of Brotherhood fanatics rolled up and a cyborg woman.

“Protect the Master! Don’t let them breach the base!” - Annabelle

It was at this point the metallic army opened fire on the Alliance and during the barrage, the Sigma team left to enter the hidden tunnel way to inside the Taskmaster’s fortress.

The Brotherhood also had apparently sunk to a low not even the New Federalists or Highwaymen ever did by deploying child soldiers into their ranks (With a mini-flamethrower no less!)

And that’s terrible.

So terrible in fact that even the hardened hitman The Pope temporarily lost his taste for killing. The new Ninja on the team did not however and led the way by taking down one of the Brotherhood’s people.

Still this was a short lived victory for him as an assassin’s bullet struck him down immediately.

The Taskmaster’s army continued to do battle with the mercenaries, slowly whittling them down despite their sensors being scrambled by smoke bombs.

The Brotherhood wasn’t doing as well on their end as several more of them were taken out by the combined might of the Regulators and Highwaymen.

Soon though even the Death’s Head mercs couldn’t stand up to the might of this army and were completely eliminated. A stray rocket also hit Sigma’s helicopter taking another gun away from the Alliance.

While the Brotherhood team was almost gone, the robots were definitely still coming. The Alliance wasn’t out of it, but things were starting to look a bit more grim and then something over a loud speaker was heard.


“Where the hell did all these meatsacks come from?”

“Kill the degenerate soulless infidels AND their robot allies!” - 1st Canadian Janissary as they blew up a Brotherhood vehicle.

While it was unknown of just what exactly had been going on in the land of maple syrup all this time but apparently it was a lot more based now.

The last of the Brotherhood fell to the Alliance and their new Canadian help. Now all they had to do is continue to fight off the robots until they heard the signal from Sigma. Easier said than done of course.


Sigma Corp knew it was only a matter of time before the Taskmaster figured out he had intruders inside, they had to move faster, but the complex was so maze like that it was hard getting around while also trying to avoid detection. One in the group was wearing a high tech suit of power armor. Probably not the most ideal thing to wear while trying to be stealthy, but someone had to be the heavy in case something went wrong and they weren’t totally underpowered. His name was Warren.

Sudden character depth incoming...

Warren briefly thought back to when all this strife started and how he’d left COTBA just before they were massacred by the New Federalists. This impacted him a lot more than he though it would at the time. Sure he didn’t get along with most of them, but there was something pure and good about their intentions. They just went about it the wrong way. He always wondered if maybe he hadn’t left, he could have done something even to the most minor degree to prevent that tragedy.

When he had the option to join Sigma he jumped at the chance. Maybe he could somehow right that wrong. This Alliance, while not really the same as COTBA’s vision was a step in the right direction. His thoughts were then interrupted.

A sudden stifled yelp was made and a quick turn around to see one of their fellows with a blade going through their back and out their chest. The blade retracted and the body slumped down.

“Nice try, but all you’ve done is traveled far for a bloody death.” - Annabelle

A few quick moves and two more of the team were dead. The last two remaining gave Anna a good fight before she downed another one, leaving only Warren left and that was only thanks to the power armor he was wearing.

Anna herself was wounded enough that she was leaking whatever kept her circuits going. It still wasn’t enough to slow her down though. Warren felt blow after blow even within the safety of power armor. He could only imagine what fatal damage would have been done to his face if he was’t wearing it. The armor wasn’t going to hold up forever though to this sort of abuse. It seemed so hopeless, he almost wanted to give up or try to run away.

And then he saw that flag of Old Glory on the floor lying next to one of his dead teammates had. Something stirred in him.

He gave up the first time for not believing in something enough and he couldn’t afford to do it here. This was a menace that needed to be stopped at all cost!

Grabbing the large sword that his now dead fellow had from the floor, he slashed at Annabelle catching one of her bladed arms, shattering it. The cyborg then experienced a powerful punch to the side of her head with Warren’s other free hand, enough to cave in part of it.

Annabelle’s circuitry was now damaged enough she became erratic causing her targeting system to fail. Punches that would have landed now missed allowing Warren to get up off the floor and seize the advantage.

With another swing, he severed Annabelle’s head from her body which flailed about wildly until it finally ran down. Then taking old glory, he planted the flag into Annabelle’s still twitching head. The red light in the cyborg’s eyes finally went out.

Warren quickly picked up the portable nuke that was carried by another dead member and finished his journey to the heart of the complex.

When he got to a room with a lot of screens and blinking lights, he figured he might be in the right location. It was a nuke anyway, shouldn’t matter where the hell he set it off. He opened up the device and fortunately this thing seemed simple enough to set. That’s the good thing about being a jack of all trades.

As he finished setting the timer, hoping it would be enough for him to get out. The largest screen suddenly flickered on.

“You think you have won? I’m not a fucking degenerate clown, a retarded Mormon zealot or some Dutch faggot and you cannot defeat me so easily. You haven’t done anything here, the work will continue. Evolution is inevitable and I am that evolution. I’ll be back and when I am, you insignificant meatsacks will learn all too late that you should have submitted when you had the chance. I shall turn your cities into ash. I shall make your families into bio-fuel. You all will drown in lakes of blood, you will learn why you fear the night and it’s going to be really, really, REALLY bad for you!” - The Taskmaster going for the Oscar

Warren threw the sword at the screen shattering it before the villain of the story could go into another speech and set the timer. He then radioed to one of the Regulators that everyone needed to get the hell out here now.

Back to the outside, the battle was still raging, but that didn’t matter anymore. The Regulators told their Highwaymen allies they needed to leave as they just got word that the bomb had been set, they would have told the Canadians, but they apparently had already left the field having done what they had to do.

Wasting no time, the cowboys and bikers both rode off hoping they would avoid a nice nuclear tan.

Meanwhile Warren ran or at least as fast as he could run in power armor trying to escape the complex. He really didn’t think he was surviving this, but it didn’t matter. He knew he’d heard the call and did the right thing this time.

The timer ran down and soon…

Yep, it’s a good one.

And with the Alliance having defeated their last enemy, it was hoped that a kind of stability would settle across the Fallen Land. While there would be future challenges, for now the heroes (Or at least the anti-heroes) would enjoy their victory.

And so they rode back home into the sunset.

The Regulators

The Highwaymen

And Sigma

“Whew, the rads are off the charts! Thank god for this power armor, but this is really going be a long walk.” - Warren Ripley

Fallen Land Game Thread

one month ago

An islamic Canada was such an unexpected but funny twist lol

Fallen Land Game Thread

one month ago
That useless Pope, man, I was shelling out 15 a month to keep him available for this fight, and he was given one job smh.

Anyway, fantastic write up, and this whole game was insanely fun, thanks for running it. Thank you in particular for enabling our bloodthirst, I know each round of pvp needed like 20x more effort and number crunching than a regular mission.

I still love that Milton's old character who narrowly dodged the massacre ended up with DB"s guys and went on to save America.

And of course that after defeating the Nazis, the clowns, and the robots, we got to massacre that traitor whore Suranna in the bargain. And even TCat managed a cameo for this very special episode!

Fallen Land Game Thread

one month ago
Commended by Mizal on 8/29/2024 7:25:31 PM


The Preservationists continued to build Canada under a wiser and more enlightened rule than the old one.

While America still maintained its lead over them, it didn’t matter for they at least had safety and order with no clown or cyborg incursions to worry about. They maintained a peaceful border with their more violent neighbors as they always had, but always remained wary.

Canada became the new Mecca for those of the faith.This had been lead by a man named Ignatius Eckersley all this time, however it was odd that none of the faith posters in many areas never showed his face. Instead they were always an image of a young girl reminding the populace to never stray from the faith.

“Trust in Allah or suffer his wrath for your ignorance foul infidel.” - Allah’s Chosen poster

A memorial was built on the old ruins of Iowa City, once home to the Coalition of the Black Angel. Warren Ripley paid for most of this out of his own pocket.

Each year it sees many of its former citizen that managed to escape the massacre make a pilgrimage there hoping that one day its noble intentions of cooperation leading to true peace across the Fallen Land.

Sigma Corporation realized from its many costly losses that it was no longer the super power that it was attempting to rebuild from the ashes. It would have to redouble its efforts and rely more on others to do the heavy lifting when it came to direct combat.

But then manipulation and “proxy wars” were no stranger to the organization.

However, there was always still need for a frontline defense. A focus on a small elite force might serve better than a large army. And of course a man like Sir Sigma would be the one to lead it into important conflicts.

“Because remember, THE MAN is never in the mood for your bullshit.” - Sir Sigma

The New Federalists picked up the pieces of their leader’s hubris and continued to rebuild what had been destroyed. It was obvious that war against all of its neighbors at the same time and genociding them was not a sustainable path to victory.

In fact, the populace in general was a little sick of fighting all the time. Something that even President Pride had to acknowledge. Not wishing to be eaten like his predecessor, he pulled back on the idea of conquest and turned attention inward focusing on defense instead claiming that they must be prepared for an attack at any time. It was enough to keep him in power.

“Pride or Die bitches!” - President Pride’s re-election slogan

With the increase in radiation in the area and long term influence of the Taskmaster, the Brotherhood became even more twisted mentally than they already were. Gone was even any semblance of religious code or any sort of ideology of any kind. The Brotherhood ended up becoming little more than a mindless mutant horde roaming the wastes.

However, a small group that still managed to maintain their sanity was lead by Prophetess Suranna to rebuild and hoping that maybe one day they might not be remembered as traitors to humanity.

“Um, maybe if we just go do some encounters for awhile everyone will forget.” Prophetess Suranna trying to convince herself

The Highwaymen to everyone’s surprise did actually clean up their act a bit. They even toned down the rape and racism. Though to be fair, the racism was always just for shock value. Still though, they had to have their fun.

One such fun was the new final initiation for prospects. Fuhrer Malk would lead them to a dirty shed where they kept Bad Betty’s disgusting rotting corpse hanging up on a meat hook. The prospect is then told to get his purple wings he needs to go to town on Betty. Sometimes they stop the prospect before he does anything, other times they don’t. Either way everyone has a good laugh.

Funny enough, if Betty were still alive, she’d laugh too.

“Yeah, yeah, okay I admit it. Under different circumstances, I probably would have totally fucked that crazy clown cunt. I like pussy, I make no excuses.” - Fuhrer Malk

As for the Regulators, well like I said before they manage to tame at least their portion of the Fallen Land. Whether their ideals would influence other parts of it was yet to be seen, but this was just the first steps to a new glorious era.

Captain Amerizala Dallas Star continue oversee the more mundane day to day patrols and such for some time, but eventually she decided that she’d done her duty and more. She decided to retire to her piece of land with her animals




Mizal as Captain Amerizala Dallas Star

Malk as Fuhrer Malk

DB as Sir Sigma

Enter as President Pride

Suranna as Prophetess Suranna

TCat as Allah’s Chosen

Milton as First Victim

Vin Disel as Mack Luther

Jack of All Trades as Warren Ripley

Some Crazy Bitch as Bad Betty

A Hot Toaster as Annabelle

And The Taskmaster as Himself

Fallen Land Game Thread

one month ago
Commended by Mizal on 8/29/2024 7:27:55 PM
Thank you again for hosting this game, End. Really enjoyed it and would definitely be up for any future repeat, though I completely understand if you don't want to spend entire evenings rolling dozens of dice for six people anytime soon.

There were great plays, lore and interactions all around. I liked how everyone got into their own faction's playstyle and character. Thank you Mizal, Malk and Db for offering a literal gamebreaking war experience, and the others for being the juicy targets that you all were. If I wasn't busy fighting on home turf I would have loved to visit the Brotherhood's or Preservationist's hometown as well sometime. I hope y'all enjoyed the added stakes of having an antagonist around too; every game needs one after all.

Oh and speaking of, sorry again Milton, for knocking you out early. Pacifists doctors just aren't meant to be neighbors to Dixie wannabe Nazi's lead by a turbo-autist who was lab-grown and designed to squeeze out as much combat score as possible out his party.

We already talked in passing about the combat changes for a future game on discord. Getting rid of the STACKING cheese for example, which is a great thing. I'd also overhaul/buff Town Defenses as they just weren't worth it in their current form: I walked into a 15 garrison and 6 or 7 TD Sigma base and felt I could safely ignore the defenses which would've cost Db like 80 coins to construct just for that one purpose. Would rather have the tier 2 garrison in every case.

It's pretty much that their damage only gets applied once at the start and spreads out over the party. But a party who is on death's door is just as capable in combat as a party on full hp with the combat being a winner takes it all system. So if you're certain you'll win the combat over the garrison, you can just soak the damage and move on with your day. And, adding insult to injury, after you're done swiping away the garrison, you also destroy all defenses present in one fell swoop.

Really, if I'm allowed to bring some of that lab-grown autism out: with the average party having 30hp, and the damage being a 1d6 per TD, you'd need around 8-10 TD for it to be somewhat of a deterrence capable of actually stopping a hostile raid before the combat squad overtakes your relatively much weaker town roster (you have your best guys out there). That's at 8 TD an investment of 180 coins, or 3 tier 2 technologies, for not even a sure thing (you can always roll low and I saw there's many characters around with 7-9hp instead of average of 6, which would in turn bring the minimum TD level required to destroy the party up to 12). And you'd risk losing it all with just one defeat.

If they offered an additional combat success during town sieges in addition to their damage, together with not losing a level with every won combat (which would be fucking expensive at these higher TD levels or cap the cost at 30), they'd be an option you would actually go for. They'd allow a relatively weaker garrison to fend off a combat squad and even be able to 'soak up' damage to the actual town health.

I'm pretty sure that beefing those defenses would make for a more peaceful game too, or at least make the wars less decisive and so a worse option for everyone involved. Getting a stack of DOOM out before anyone else would not be a sure victory anymore in any case.

But what I really mean to say is: I had a blast.

Fallen Land Game Thread

one month ago
Commended by hetero_malk on 8/30/2024 1:18:25 AM


“I retrieved the body and it has been upgraded as ordered.”

“Excellent Jen 8.”

“Apparently though there had already been some minor tampering with it. An earlier form of nanotechnology to boost regeneration, some mental alteration too, but these were removed and also upgraded.”

“Probably Sigma’s clumsy meddling no doubt. Most amusing. Accessing subject’s combat status record.”

Subject: Luther, Mack

Combat History

The Maddening Crisis

The Emergence Wars

The Destruction of Iowa City

The Battle of Albany

The Battle of Emporium

“Yes, this one shall do nicely.”

“Will you be using this vessel?”

“No, I have transcended beyond the need for any flesh cage. However, I have heard of this one. Most capable for a human and worthy addition to the ranks which is why I asked for it to be brought back to me. I need an agent to spread the chaos and multiple the terror while taking the next steps towards my inevitable victory. Wake up the subject.”

“Mr. Luther, at last we meet. I am sure you have many questions about your current situation and I have many answers. But first…”

“I have some tasks for you.”