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Story Continuation?

6 months ago
Alright, I have completed and submitted 2 parts of my "Camp Massacre" series, and I was wondering if those who read the stories would like me to submit a continuation, aka "Camp Massacre: 1992". Also more details will be provided later. Just let me know if I should work on a part three and I will do it!

Story Continuation?

6 months ago
Do you feel like writing another, or have some cool idea you want to explore?

Story Continuation?

5 months ago
Its a pretty cool idea, it focuses on Sam from the first part but two years after the incident. How do you feel about that?

Story Continuation?

5 months ago
If you have an idea and you think it’s cool, write it. Our opinion shouldn’t matter as much as you think it does.

Story Continuation?

5 months ago

Realistically nobody should be asking me what I want to read, I have such a hilarious backlog of stories that need reviewing and catching up to the more current ones will be a task.

But just echoing Peng here, if up want to write it then write it. You're collecting a pretty good little portfolio of solid work here and it's not what's become typical for the site, I think they're all good additions and will find readers that enjoy them. But if YOU enjoy writing them and want to do more, that's the key thing.