
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was accepted 5/25/2021: run content through the linebreak function consistently for sanity, med priority

Couple suggestions for features

3 years ago
1. Auto Refresh for the Editor
I've been working with the editor for a while now and something that has been bothering me is the way the editor doesn't update after you finish editing a page, creating a new page and/or creating a new item. Now I can always easily solve this tiny problem by manually refreshing the page or just switching to a different chapter and then switching back but instead maybe the editor could just auto refresh after doing one of the said actions above.
Overall this really isn't a problem just a minor annoyance to me.

2. Simple way to create spaces on profiles and story game descriptions
This has been one of the most annoying things for me is the way the profile and description editor just mashs text together when you press the save button like it looks fine in the editor but when you look at it without the editor, its suddenly all mashed together.
Here's what basically happens to me (Example below)

Sentence here

Sentence here

This is what I type into the description or profile box and instead of getting what is shown above when I press save and exit I get this --)

Sentence hereSentence here

I've seen other people's profiles and storygame descriptions that don't have this problem so I'm guessing that you have to do some sort of special character to separate the two lines of text or maybe its just a me problem if its not then maybe instead of the special character or whatever you have to do just make the text appear as you typed.

3.Rearrange link order and page order
I've already seen that avery and a couple of other people have already suggested this but honestly I just want to say it one more time how awesome this feature would be to just easily rearrange the order of pages and links without having to delete and transfer stuff to get the look you want.

Couple suggestions for features

3 years ago
1. I think we'd have to poll for updates to make it happen since the editor where all your pages are listed is on a different tab. I'm going to say it's probably not happening, or at least no time soon.

2. Spaces should be preserved the way they are in forum posts, so this is a bug.

Couple suggestions for features

3 years ago
1) a new save for every single keystroke for every person seems like it would put some pressure on the server

2) line breaks tags are needed. A bug but one that's simple enough to get around. Might as well be fixed while we have people to do the fixing though.

Couple suggestions for features

3 years ago
Thank you for responding I understand :)