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Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Mythic Nippon
Welcome to Mythic Nippon. It is a place of mystery and wonder; inspired by the legends of Feudal Japan, Imperial China, and other places in the Far East. It is a world of stoic samurai and treacherous ninja; sorcery wielding wu-jen and brutal warlords; where dragons soar the skies and immortals walk the earth; Where demons and oni scheme among men and danger lurks in every shadow; Where legendary heroes and masters of ki search for honor, glory, and adventure!

It is the Kamakura era; year 1297.

Sixteen years ago, the great Mongol warrior Kublai Khan, led a massive invasion of Nippon for the Chinese. His forces carried with them a new weapon; one that would rival the powers of sorcery itself – the secret of gunpowder. His campaign was a brutal success and Nippon was quickly subjugated under Chinese rule.

Kublai Khan left Nippon shortly after the Chinese Shogunate took power – though legend has it that he never made it home. His fleet of mercenary warriors was caught in a terrible typhoon and sunk to the bottom of the sea; a ‘Divine Wind’ sent to avenge Nippon’s lost honor.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

10th Day of Spring 1297
The City of Morioka

It had rained for the last three days and was finally clearing up as the eight Samurai and their Doshin crossed the long stone bridge that took them from the west side of the river and into the city of Morioka. The city was much smaller than Sendai, but solidly built and well manned. People going into and out of the city seemed at ease, though a general sense of readiness prevailed and the watch at the gate was well armed and attentive.

The company would need to rest the horses a day, and didn’t hate the thought of refreshing themselves as well.

Perhaps a hot bath, some fine food, and a night’s entertainment?

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Ah, finnaly, we arrive at a city. Not as exciting as Sendai, but any city is better then traveling on horses." Roka states, smiling. "Now, to find a public bath, and then a Geisha house." He mutters. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Oh, me too!"

Yuki says, following Roka.

"I could use a nice warm bath after that trip."

She then attempts to grab Miya's hand.

"Comon Miya, let's go!"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Kirito tries to resummon the fire elemental.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Seeing Kirito try to summon, "Are you summoning the fire elemental again? Why?" Udo says, confused, and almost annoyed.

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10 years ago

"Because i dont like demon surprises. Want to look if we can find an animal market?" He replied with a smile.

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10 years ago

"I don't think Yasuo's demon is planning on killing us, and a demon isn't going to attack us in the village. You might want to save your energy for healing." Udo shrugs.

"And Animal markets have spayed animals, I cannot bare to see those poor creatures..." Udo says, looking downtrodden, "I may end up going to the bathhouse, that's what the others seem to be doing..."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"No, i'm aiming to buy some animals actually. I thought you wanted to come with me." He replied.

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10 years ago

"Soon enough, I might also stop by the market place..." Udo drifts off. "Might go to the bath for a little bit, since others are doing it..."

Udo looks over to see what the rest are doing.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"What the... My luck charm is gone!" Kirito said

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

The Fire Elemental springs into being once more - and for now, doesn't see the hiding imp - The sight of the elemental however causes no small stir at the city gate.

Apparently bringing the Elemental to the City is frowned upon - but as your party carries the flag of the Daimyo, that oversight will be ignored.

However, the Elemental must un-manifest and remain outside the gates during your stay...

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: why? You said yourself at one point that a summoning elementals would leave people in awe, and seeing that they are higher than humans in that godlist how can they refuse him?

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"It appears i made a grave error in judgement my friend. I need you to un-manifest and wait outside the ciry for my return. Is that okay?" He asked the fire elemental.

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10 years ago

"I shall be here," The elemental replies telepathically and vanishes.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yasuo gives his imp the following instructions:

"Stay completely hidden near me, do not reveal yourself to the humans unless specifically ordered to, and make no sound unless called upon. Also, no killing people" He added, almost as an after thought.

He enters the city atop of his horse, along with his pack horse, and begins looking for a place to rest his 9 horses, preferably a stable of some sort.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Hmm, where should I go? Don't think I want to bathe yet... But what else is in the village?

Udo doesn't really know where to go, so he waits to see what the others are doing, before he makes a decision.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yasuo drops the horses off in the stables. 

He goes to report his group's actions and purpose to the magistrate, ordering the imp to wait outside of the magistrate's building for him (And to not alert anyone or hurt anyone while he was gone).

He then begins looking for a more or less isolated part of the city.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

If Yasuo is still in eyesight, Udo comes over to him.

"Err, hello Yasuo, what are you doing?" Udo says, he's trying to act social, as he doesn't know exactly what he wants to do in the village...

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Putting away our horses, and then I will have to report to the local magistrate. "

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10 years ago

"Can I come along?" Udo asks, Yasuo isn't nearly as uptight as Kirito, it might be easier to just follow him...

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10 years ago

"Sure, but I would prefer if I could report to the magistrate alone."

I don't need you "digging for gold" while I talk to the leader of this city...

"Do you know where you will be staying?"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Cool, I could stay outside" Udo replies, glad that he won't be chasstised for his gold digging around Yasuo.

"I could sleep wherever, but I'll be willing to pitch in if you want the noble's lodge..."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Actually, I'll be needing to conduct some private business later on today, it would be best if you spent the time with Roka or the others. But I will make sure to let you know should I have the time later"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

:( <Udo's face, "Alright, I'll take a bath with the others.." Udo says, somewhat saddened.

"But you'd better tell me"

Udo runs over to Roka and the two girls  following him, using outdoors track if it' hard to find them.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Kirito runs in to catch up to Roka and the rest, really mas that someone stole his lucky charm. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Yes, Kirito? What do you need?" Roka says, looking at the priest. 

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10 years ago

"Someone in the party has stolen my lucky charm, was it you?" He asked while reading his mind.

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10 years ago

"So now you compare me to a common thief!?" Roka says, enraged. "Priest, I care not what you came here for. Leave my presence. Insulting me is not a good way to make conversation." Roka states, raising his fist, as if to say, "Leave, or my fist will cause you to leave"

(OOc: Seriously D? You go over to a guy, and claim he's a thief? Man, manners must of not been taught in the monastery. :(

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"No, i do not. And i apologize if you took offense, but it must have been someone in our group, since i noticed it was missing before i entered the city. I am truly sorry my friend. It was a grave misstake from my part. I'll gladly pay for your room tonight as apology." He replied, truly sorry that he accused him. After all. Rokas mind dident lie.

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10 years ago

"It is not a mistake to be made so casually, Kirito. But I accept your apology. Why don't you track down the imp. Far more likely to have stolen your Charm then any of us. We are respectable samurai (and samurai-ko)." 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Ehhh, why must it be someone in the group?"

Yuki asks.

"You could have just lost it, or someone could have taken it from you in the city, or maybe someone we met on the road."

She says, listing out the possible situations.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: We haven't met anyone on the road.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: Sneaky Yakuza Assassin?

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10 years ago

OOC: I wish. I love looting dead enemies.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: We haven't met anyone important enough to note. Doesn't mean the road has been completely empty the whole time.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Kirito casts another mindread. And asks "no, it was gone before i entered the city, and i would love to get my hands on that flying ape, but i dont know Yusao went. Do you know who might have taken if not the imp?" He asked. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: On who?

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: my bad, on Yuki.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"No one. Our party is of honest men and women. It is not worthy of worrying yourself over if one of us stole it." Roka states. 

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10 years ago

Udo continues, hoping to disturb the man into leaving.

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10 years ago

"I want to hear her answer nonetheless" he simply replied.

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10 years ago

"So you question the fact that us samurai are honorable? This is an insult to us all, Kirito." Roka states. "The daimyo magistrate chose us for the job, he chose respected members of Sendai. Search for the imp, we are not thieves." 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"I never accused her! I asked if she had any idea who it might have been!" He replied.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Damn it Kirito, be disturbed and leave!" Udo says, annoyed, though amused at his fellow's now muddy garb.

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10 years ago

"I am more annoyed that my lucky charm is gone than you could ever annoy me by touching me."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Udo repeatedly pokes Kirito, annoyed at his change of character stubbornness.

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10 years ago

"You can stop now Udo. I apologize that i offended you all. But for now, lets a bath shall we?"

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10 years ago

Kirito leaves, quite sad.

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10 years ago

"I apologize for how this meeting turned out. Let us hope we do not jump to conclusions later." Roka says, bowing to the priest as he leaves. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yuki looks away.


Those who looked at her face could tell she was quite obviously lying.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Kirito, now quite sad that it actually was one of the group members that had stolen it answered her. "I see. Yuki, can i talk to alone later?" He said quite sadly. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"You can go away" Udo says, trying to be with the 'in' crowd for the first time in his life.

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10 years ago

"Udo... As you wish." He said, visually upset. Before slowly turning around to leave.

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10 years ago

Udo feels some thing on his conscience, but blows it away for the time being. Perhaps it'll patch up later, perhaps not, but he succeeded, and will be taking his first bath in a while.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Yuki, may I speak with you for a moment?" Roka states quietly. 

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10 years ago

Yuki watch Kirito leave then turns to Roka.


She says smiling.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Thank you. " Roka says, motioning for the two to go away from the group a bit. "Now, who did take the charm from our priest. While, he's attitude certantly requires some fixing, I saw that you knew who did steal. Mind telling me?" Roka says in a whisper. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yuki sheepishly raises her hand.

"Hehe, I did."

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10 years ago

"Ha ha, I guess I'm better at brining the truth out of others." Roka says with a laugh. "But we must return his charm, if only to appease him. Perhaps make it look like he never lost the charm?" Roka says. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Hmm, well, you could just sneak it into his room tonight."

Yuki says, handing Roka the charm.

"Or you could give it to the imp...."

She says.

"Ohh, that could be fun!"

Yuki continues with a smile.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Stealth isn't my best bet, Yuki. I'm a rather obvious person. However, I shall do my best to make sure you aren't accused." Roka states, taking the charm. 

"Thank you for being reasonable about this." Roka says with a smile, as he returns to the group planning on going to the bath house. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Well, luck can't always be on my side, hehe."

Yuki says, following Roka to the rest of the group.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Finishing at the stables, Yasuo heads over to the magistrate, giving his imp the orders previously listed.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Once he finishes there, he goes to the noble's inn, and negotiates for two rooms (One for himself and one for Udo, he gets them adjacent. And luckily, since the rooms both cost a total of 1 goods, we're good)

He enters his own room and then tells his imp that he can stop hiding, though he is still not allowed to make too much noise or too alert the humans of his presence.

The priest ensures that the room is closed and that no one is eavesdropping on him.

Yasuo then summons a succubus.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Hey Roka! I" Udo breathes, "I will be following you until Yasuo is done with whatever he does, that's fine... Isn't it?" Udo looks hopefully.

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10 years ago

"If you can get this disrespectful man away from me, sure." Roka says, gesturing to the priest who just called him a thief. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

 Udo, realizing Kirito's annoyance at his uncouth ways, merely raises his hand, which could've been anywhere for all the poor Kirito might know, and attempts to touch him (Kirito)

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Kirito, realising the importance of the situation, just lets himself be touched by the man.

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10 years ago

Udo uncomfortably lets his filthy hand roll on Kirito's garb.

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10 years ago

Kirito just asked "Udo, what are you doing?"

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10 years ago

"Disturbing you"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Continued above

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Once the summoning is completed, Yasuo immediatly spouts off the following orders

"Lilitu, you will not kill, harm, or inconvenience me. You will not kill, harm, or inconvenience any other humans or animals unless I specifically give you the freedom to do so. You will refrain from using any of your magical powers on me or other humans unless I give you permission to do so. You will always try to save me if I am captured. You will not steal from me or others unless I give you permission to do so. You will not attempt to distract me, and you will not have sex with any humans unless given permission by me to do so. You will-"

"Nice to see you too Yasi" the demoness says, before pulling him towards her and physically restraining him while giving him a long kiss.

Yasuo breaks out of the kiss and continues "You will also not physically restrain me in any way unless given permission by me to do so."

"Hmm, you're no fun" She drops him to the ground and lays back in the chair. Yasuo then realizes that she happens to be completely naked, except for her weapons...

The imp flies over to the succubus, not exactly shy about his attraction to her, and begins playing around with her breasts, like a nasty little baby.

"Imp, stop that. Succubus, you will not have sex with the imp or any other demons you encounter. And, umm, you can't have sex with any animals either. Also, no public displays of nudity. And no having sex with any objects you find on the street either."

"Why can't you just ever summon me to fuck anymore? What happened to the good old days when you and all the other priests in the temple-"

"That's enough Lilitu. You may also not let any human know that you are a succubus, or a demon, or a supernatural creature, or that you are not human, and you must not let anyone know that you are associated with the name or man Yasuo Shiga. Now, be quiet. Imp, do not reveal yourself, and get off the succubus. Both of you may not leave this room till I give you permission"

Yasuo goes outside for a second and calls over a servant, making sure to keep the door closed behind him.

"I will require clothing for a woman of (Insert succubus measurements here). My aquaintance's clothing have been unfortunately damaged and sullied, and she will need replacements." (Artisan wear level clothing).

Once Yasuo receives the clothing, he will take out his disguise kit and make use of it, removing his shinto priest robes and his scholarly stuff and hat (his only real distinctive features) and replacing them with a monk's habits. He will also apply makeup to change up his facial features, and will now be moving with a different gait. He will also change the pitch of his voice to a lower one, in order to fully disguise his former self. The whole disguise shabang. He will even move his luck charm to a pocket instead of wearing it around his neck.

"Succubus, put on the clothes. And don't damage or rip them. And stop acting slutty"

"Ok daddy, whatever you say"

As the succubus complies, he will straighten out his disguise, and then look to her.

"How is my disguise?"

The succubus gets up from the seat and steps over to him, laying her arms around his neck.

"I preferred it when you were changing"

Yasuo shrugs off her arms

"None of that now, perhaps later, if you succeed at the task I will be giving you. I have recently heard tell of a remarkably potent and powerful explosive poison called Shadow Dragon's breath. Today you and I will be going to the shadier parts of this city, and we will try to find someone with connections to the underworld. No, not your underworld, the criminal one.

If any guards question us, then let me do the talking. If they seem to be disagreeing with me, or if we are having our cover blown, I will make this hand sign (Random hand sign) and you will individually control their minds and tell them to leave and forget about us. 

Once we find him, you will seduce him, or mentally dominate him and we will take him to a secluded corner. You will get him to tell us of his superiors, and then we will find those people in turn. Then, you will convince the powerful men, or women, to give us all of their stock of the product in question, and perhaps several other things as well.

Afterwards, we will kill them all, stealthily, try to frame the murders, or perhaps erase their memories, or put them into comas, we'll think of that later, and then we will leave. You will wait for my instructions in each case, and you will not kill unless given permission. Do you understand?"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"You know that all your carefully worded 'precautions' don't really work on me right?" the succubus asks slyly. "I do this for you because I enjoy it, not because I find the magic or 'rules' that summon me all that compelling."

For a moment there is glint in the succubus's eye - as if she was weighing whether a show of her 'independence' was worth it or not.

Of course, she really did enjoy her trips to the human world; and didn't want to spoil the potential fun to be had by irritating one who could easily dismiss her with his magic, so she decided to play along with the game just to see where it would go...

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Sure they don't. Imp, stay in this room, don't let anyone enter, if they try simply say that the room is occupied. Do not reveal any details on me or the succubus, and do not kill, attack, or harm anyone ."

"Lilitu, come with me"

Yasuo leaves the room and locks the door. He does not address anyone as he leaves, relying on his disguise.

He begins looking for the shadier parts of town, where his plan might begin to take place.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Uh, I'd rather not Yuki. I tend to avoid public bath-houses for a reason..." Miya tries tugging her hand from Yuki's hold but is unable to do so without drawing attention. 

(Charm Priest Incident)

Miya sighs. "If you can convince me to go I will come. Otherwise no."

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10 years ago

Yuki pauses and thinks for a minute.

"It'll be fun?"

She says with the slight tilt of the head.

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10 years ago

Miya stares at her with an annoyed look that soon turns into a smile.

"Curse that face of yours! Fine, I will go but you will owe me later."

Miya then lets Yuki lead her while she tries to think of a way out of her predicament. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Now thats settled, we should head to the bath houses. I'd pay for your baths, but funds were never something I have plenty of. I must apologize. Come on Udo." Roka states, heading to the bath house. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Udo follows them, wondering if it'll be 'fun'. Is this what friends do?

He is unsure of the pleasantries of a bath, but if the others are excited, it has to have some merit, right?

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Miya leans towards Yuki as they walk.

"Why do you have to take me along, you know how I feel about things like this."

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10 years ago

"Don't worry, don't worry! It'll be fine!"

Yuki says happily.

"You can't let that decide how you live your life."

She then pauses for a moment.

"Oh, that reminds me!"

She says, opening her pack and rummaging through the contents. She then pulls out a pair of fake fox ears.

"Hehe, these are for you!"

Yuki says proudly, giving Miya the ears.

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10 years ago

"Now, Yuki and Miya, you can't keep us waiting for so long. Shall we proceed to the bathouse?" Roka says, smiling. 

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10 years ago

"Your right but it's not something I like to show everybody. Still thank you for that and for the uh... fox ears."   

Miya takes the strangely furry ears and seems unsure of what to do with them before tucking them into one of her pockets. She then turns to Roka.

"You can always run ahead Roka, no need to wait for us."

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10 years ago

"It's not respectful to head before the women, Miay." Roka states. 

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10 years ago

"It's Miya and I don't care if you go ahead of us." Miya says back, a bit annoyed Roka had said her name wrong.

OOC: lol No edit for you! :D

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago


"I apologize for the slip of the tongue, my dear. Must be the hours awake, affecting my mind. But, it matters not if it is not offensive to you, it is part of my own code of honor." Roka says, still smiling. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"No matter, let us continue to the baths." Miya says before turning and continuing to walk to the bath.

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10 years ago

"Gladly." Roka simply states.

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10 years ago

"But, you're supposed to wear them...."

Yuki says in a somewhat pleading voice.

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10 years ago

"I promise I will wear them after the bath. Please Yuki?" Miya says back.

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10 years ago

"Well, after is fine then."

Yuki replies with a smile.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"So, uh, Roka! Err, those baths are gonna be fun... Right?" Udo says, hopeful.

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10 years ago

"Of course Udo. It's a place for socialization among other things." Roka says with a smirk. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Damn it! That's the thing Sen said I suck at! Well, if I have to do this to get friends...

"Uh... Cool Roka, I guess." It's obvious that Udo is queasy, but he tries not to show it, "Uh, what are 'other things' ?" Udo asks, unsure what Roka means.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Those become apparent as you enter the bathouse. Now, I may need to rush our friend in entering. I haven't bathed for far longer then I would like, and you haven't bathed in who knows how long. Ha ha!" Roka says, laughing. He obviously doesn't mean it as an insult. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"True" Udo says, laughing along, he doesn't seem to take offense, as this kind of joke, meant to be hurtful or not, is one he's heard many times before. How much closer? Udo thinks, as he walks alongside Roka, Miya, and Yuki.

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10 years ago

Udo whispers to Roka to come closer,  he needs to tell him something.

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10 years ago

"Yes Udo?" Roka says, though his noes flares due to Udo's terrible scent. 

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10 years ago

"Uh... How is it, when one wants to, ah, romance another..." Udo struggles with the words, "another... Of the opposite gender... I err, might want to err, you know... Speak with the, uh, cute one..." He pauses, " is it, flirting?"

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10 years ago

Roka looks at Udo with an odd look, and remembers his friend Ishida, who was also a loser with women. Perhaps he could help Udo, and if not, he was up for a good laugh. 

"Sure, why not?" Roka says, shrugging. 

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10 years ago

"But, ah, how?"

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10 years ago

"Ha, it flows Udo. Just flows. Don't worry, don't even think about it. Just react to the flow of things." Roka says, not being a guru of love himself, rather just being natural at it all. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Thanks man, I'm going in... Soon enough" Udo says, getting stage fright.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Keitaro hitched his horse at the stables and instructed his Doshin to relax and enjoy the pleasantries of the city. Himself he went and inquired of the nobles as to where he may stay for the night.

Along the way he notices that somehow someone had lifted up the plates of his armor untied the pouch reach in and taken his luck charm. how this could ever possibly happen is far beyond his realm of understanding.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

He might notice Kirito walking around looking sad. 

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10 years ago

"Kirito, why do you look sad?" He seems concerned and confused.

"Do you have any idea where my charm is? I seem to have misplaced it."

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10 years ago

"I made some accusations who proved to be correct in a small way, but i couldent act upon it, so the others are pretty mad at me. Someone stole my charm aswell. Thats what the accusations was about," he replied with a somewhat less sad look.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago
Leaving Kirito, Keitaro heads to the bath to cleanse and relax. He looks around for any of his teaveling companions.

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10 years ago

Not seeing anyone he knows, he undresses and rests himself inside one of the large baths. The feeling of cleansing overwhelmed he and he drifted off for a moment.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago
Miko and Keiji enter the bath house and notice Keitaro sleeping in the bath, Miko looks for a spot thats inhabited by only females but sees none so she decides that better to be with her Lord than with a stranger. Keiji joins Miko but turns while she slips in out of respect for her. He then pulls a few towels out and undresses and slips in with both of em.

"Nice isnt it Miko, makes you forget about the weariness of our travels." Keiji notices miko looking uncomfortable and is trying to make small talk to ease her.

Keitaro wakes and notices his company. "Nice of you to join me. Feels good doesn't? How are you both holding up?"

"I am fine my Lord" Miko adds nervously.
"Excellent Sir. This trip has been wonderful thus far" Keiji adds.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Roka, and probably the rest of his group, enter the bath house, after paying the appropriate price, and Roka notices Keitaro sitting with his Doshin. 

"Keitaro! It's good to see you decided to come to the bath." Roka states. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Miya enters behind Roka and eyes the group; stopping when she meets Miko's. Miya nods to her.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yuki enters behind Miya, her towel wrapped around her entire body. She then takes a sit beside her in the bath.

"Ahh, this is relaxing."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Udo whispers to Roka, so no one can hear, "can you distract Miya"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Um... I'll try?" Roka says, shrugging, and he then turns to Miya.

"You know, I don't know much about you. Mind if we talk?" Roka asks.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"If this your attempt to flirt with me then stop now." Miya states rather bluntly.

OOC: (^.^)

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: Damn it Fireplay, let Udo find love or disaster!

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago
Miko sinks a little into the bath, not wanting to be the center of attention. Shes an attractive girl but isshy and timid, especially since, you know, she's naked.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: Actually, nakedness was considered to be completely unimportant in feudal japan.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago
Mob majority doeant always override personal dispoaition.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: It's because Roka went into the room. ;P

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: Insecurity over nakedness is a cultural thing.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Not at all, do I look like a womanizer to you? Not every woman I talk to is to be wooed. Some, I'd rather learn about, instead of convincing them to enter my bed." Roka says with a laugh. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Fine then, what shall we talk about as we bathe?" Miya says to Roka with a slightly more friendly voice.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"I simply wish to learn more about my allies. I have no doubt that you know this, but I was in a monastery for the past four years. I do not know anything about one so young as you. MInd we take a seat a little farther off?" Roka states, motioning over to a less populated area, and walking to it. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Miya arches an eyebrow but relents. "I do not see the reason to seat farther away but I guess it is as good a time to learn about my fellow samurai as any." 

She allows herself to be lead away by Roka but watches him carefully. She glances back at Yuki as she moves a little away from the group.

"So what did you learn inside the monastery? Anything besides how to woo woman and fight with your hands?" She says sarcastically."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Ha, you don't learn the art of wooing in a monastery, Miya. Why, it was hard to even find a woman I could talk to." Roka says, laughing. 

"But, aside from learning to fight, I was never an artistic man, so I mainly learnt the art of punching very hard. Not much to tell. Ad you? When did you learn the art of the bow?" 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Miya's face flashes a bit of sadness before returning to normal. "I learned from my father since he was an amazing archer. He taught me the basics and a few tricks when I was very young. As I grew older I learnt more from old books on the art, eventually matching my father in skill before I was even 14... Then it happened"

She goes silent for a moment.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"It?" Roka asks, interested in learning his allies history. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

(Continued below)...

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Thanks man, owe you one" Udo whispers, as he glances at Yuki.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Udo Kuwabara seems to just loiter for now, as if waiting. He undresses, and seems rather fidgety.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Udo comes closer to whatever bath that Yuki is in. Just by entering the water he seems somewhat cleaner.

He clears his throat, making several odd sounds, "Err, hello Yuki" He smile trying to think of ahold line, hmm, Roka used this one...

"You're uh, very cute Yuki" He declares, though in a voice that MIya wouldn't hear.

After saying that, he adds,

"Uhh excuse me Yuki, but can we talk else where?"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yuki looks at Udo seat next to her, then to Miya, then back to Udo.


She says with a smile. She then looks around them.


She replies with a slight tilt of her head.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

It worked! Using the smoothe moves now!

"I uh, it's private" Udo says, sweating even more in the bath house.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Hmm, can we talk later then?"

Yuki asks.

"I'm enjoying the bath right now."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Oh Uhh" Dang it Udo, you need to tell it in now!

"Uhh sure, but if you go with me now you can take the Uhh, shiny amulet thing" Wow Udo, Wow.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: Bribing the girls now are we Tanst?

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: Hey, He's Udo Kuwabara, he's got nothing else to give :P

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Shiny amulet thingy?"

Yuki asks with some mild curiosity.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Struck gold!

"Uh yeah! The Luck amulet the ancestors gave us, thing... I still have it" Udo is smiling now, happy inside.

OOC: God this is gonna end so badly for Udo XD

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yuki thinks and remembers the incident with the priest earlier in the day.

"Hmm, I think I'm done with those."

She says.

"Getting more will end up giving me worse luck.....probably."

She continues, swaying slightly in the water.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Dang it, she's crafty!

 "Well, you're the expert on them" Udo smiles, "perhaps you could, uh teach me about them? I must say," Udo thinks of a nice sounding word, "I find you... Glamourous, graceful and... Fun?" 

"So. Uh, can you teach me a.bit more on the amulets, they intrigue me, as do you" Udo says, still struggling with the flirting, as it is also foreign to him.

He also splashes the water with his feet a bit.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yuki just looks at Udo.

"They just allow you to temporarily become luckier."

She replies.

"Not much to teach."

She then yawns and wipes her face with some water.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago
Ooc: use the amulet to get "luckier" bro hint hint wink wink.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Why are women so hard?

"That's... Interesting."

"Uh I also have a gifts I want to give you they are ah, very precious to me" Udo  says, hoping to catch her interest, "It's a uh, surprise, so I can't tell you now, but uh, they are very nice" Udo thinks a bit. He splashes himself with the water, similar to what Yuki is doing.

"And if not, I uh, can pay for you a noble's lodge that you can rest in, of course, I'd get a separate one for me, but uh, we can talk later right?" Udo says, hopeful, though a tad frustrated at his shyness and overall losernesss. 

Stalling, he thinks on ways to get them alone later, that Miya is always following Yuki...

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Meanwhile, he also attempts at holding Yuki's hand that isn't currently cleaning her face, should he miss (or Yuki moving her hand away) he'd try to make it look casual, looking like he was stretching.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yuki notices Udo attempt to grab her hand and moves it away with a very obvious movement. She then stares at Udo for a moment, before smiling.

"Hahaha, you're pretty weird aren't you."

She says.

"You should be careful though, it's considered back luck to romance your comrades. Unfortunate things happen to those that try."

Yuki continues.


She finishes with a smile.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Probably, but those that succeed are considered heroic and honorable" Udo says flashing a smile and a lame wink.

"But yeah, I guess I am pretty wired haha!" Udo says glad that she hasn't slapped him yet.

"But yes, I could say that's part of what this is about, hehe"  Kuwabara whispers, surprised that he has gotten this far. He faces her as much as he can, he can't let shyness ruin this. Yhis will end Now!

"Yuki! I seek romantic partner ship with yoooooouuuu!!!" Udo proclaimes, trying his best to not let others hear, but still saying it strongly.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"No thanks."

Yuki replies bluntly with a smile.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: Muahahahaha! I knew this was coming.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: Yup haha.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Udo sits there, dumb founded for a while, static. Mouth agape, he falls head first into the bath, causing a slight splash. 

Why? WHY? How does Roka leek up with this? Love hurts...

Udo stays there for a small while, until he floats back up. He stands in The bath, confused, until he finally reacts

"WHY!" He shouts, with wild hand motions.

He runs out.  

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yuki just tilts her head in mild confusion as the man child Udo runs out of the bath.

OOC: You realize you were a 22 year old hitting on a 16 year old right?

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: Not I, Udo, but yeah haha, he has some serious problems to work out... Also, did age matter in ancient Japan?

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: I say it more because a 16 year old girl making a 22 year old run away [crying] because she rejected him is a hilarious thought haha.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: He wasn't crying (though he sorta was but Nevermind that XD)  he was meant to be immature (What I decided when building him) a part of him never growing up with humans, though I suppose I should've written that down :P Glad you found it amusing though.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Kirito walks around, looking for the animal market. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

The market District is not hard to find.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

He walks around looking for it, it turns out it wasent that hard to find.

"finally, i'm here. Lets look for a tiger to buy." He thought to himself while looking around for a tiger.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Kirito takes some time checking things out, but doesn't find any tigers for sale - the only exotic animals he sees are some Macaw Monkeys and Hunting Falcons.

Kirito does however get a lot of interest with his mini-tiger familiar - especially from the children who crowd around him to ask if they can pet/play with it...

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Kirito laughs with the children, then he looked at all the children and said with a smile "ofcourse you can play with him, but dont pull in his fur, and dont try to ride him."  Then he walked towards the monkey salesman, wondering if they has any baby monkey for sale.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Kirito sees that the man has a relatively young monkey for sale - but the price is daunting. While Kirito has enough to buy the animal, it would seriously impact his resources and may cause financial problems later...

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Hmm.. Why is this monkey so expensive?" Kirito asked the salesman.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"What do you mean?" the vendor asks politely, "that's the going rate and nothing more fine sir!"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: what skills can i use to my advantage here?

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

After unsuccessfully trying to haggle the price a little lower (Diplomacy), Kirito is left having to make a tough decision...

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Hmm... Alright alright, i'll buy the monkey." He said, defeated and slightly upset that he was so bad at haggling.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

The monkey pet seems to like Kirito and the mini-tiger familiar though. Perhaps it won't be that difficult to train...

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Hello my little monkey friend, i hope you dident like that cage you were in, because you wont be seing it again. But, for now i guess you need a name... Hmm.. Kenichi, that sound rather good doesent it? (Excited sounds from monkey) i guess thats settled then. Come on now, we have a annoying flying ap.. A imp to find." He said with a smile, before leaving to find Yusao. The little ape sitting on his shoulder.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

After  seeing Roka and the others to walk off, Miko kind of rises back up out of the bath and sighs in relief. "I hate being eyed like a piece of meat. Especially by lecherous fools like him."

Keitaro laughs and slinks down to relax in the water. "Don't mind Roka, that's what years of being pent up in a monastery will do you to Miko, he can't help himself. As long as you keep your distance he'll keep his. If it gets to be too much at any point just say something to me I will handle him. 

Keiji looks in admiration at his Samurai Lord. He didn't expect his master to care so much about lowly Doshin. He rests his head on the back of the tub. and relaxes as well.

"Thank you Keitaro-san, that means a lot." She smiles briefly at Keitaro and relaxes herself.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Posted from above:  "It?" Roka asks, interested in learning his allies history. 

"Well, I'd rather not talk about it but that is when I recieved my scar." Miya gestures to her giant scar along her arm up to her neck. She seems to slightly tense when she mentions it.

"In short; I got my scar and my father died from that event."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"If you don't want to talk about it, I can understand. Remember you have someone to talk to though." Roka says with a smile. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yasuo leaves his room, having taken off his disguise, and he takes to the streets with his succubus.

"Well, this is unfortunate,but i'm much too injured at the moment to continue with our plans. We have to begin looking for Kirito, he'll be able to heal me.

And while we're at it, we might as well get the rest of the group in on the plan, i'm not sure I can continue this much further on my own, at least, not without serious cost to myself. Besides, killing Yakuza and clearing up the crime rate here will probably get us quite a bit of face, nothing the others would complain about. probably won't even take more than a day or so.."

Yasuo searches the city for his fellows.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Keitaro bids his Doshin Farewell, dresses, and leaves the bath house to wander the streets trying to find some dinner.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Seeing Udo run out the bathouse screaming, Roka stifles a laugh. 

"That was amusing." Roka says, standing up from the bath. "But it is best I head out for now. See you wonderful ladies later." Roka says with a smile, and waving his hand. 

Leaving the bath house, he gets dressed, smiles to any attractive woman in his path, and walks to the stables. Once there, he places Kiritio's charm in the saddlebag of one of the horses, and leaves. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yuki waves goodbye then moves over to Miya.

"So, what'd you two talk about?"

She asks.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Alright, thanks Roka. Goodbye for now." Miya says to him as he leaves.

Turning to Yuki she has an amused face as she answers.

"Mostly getting to know each other as friends, I noticed you scared Udo away just like all the other guys back home. Let me guess, he wanted to be more than friends?"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yuki nods.

"He's a strange one, that Udo."

She says with a small laugh.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Miya shakes her head with a small chuckle.

"I would think that you would eventually just choose one of them and stop dealing with the drama. Still, you seem to thrive in it so I guess maybe it's a good thing."

"So shall we stay in here a little longer or exit with the guys?" She says as she fully relaxes in the bath now that the majority of people are gone.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yuki laughs in response.

"What are talking about Miya, you know it's not like that."

She replies.

"Hmm...I think we can relax for a bit more...."

She says, sinking into the bath a bit further.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"I was just joking Yuki, it seems all that time spent in my books does not help my humour. So what do you think of our companions?"

Miya dips her head in and cleans her hair after she asks.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Hmmm, some are interesting, some are weird."

Yuki replies.

"Either way this trip should be fun, hehe. So, what do you think of them?"

She asks.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"It would depend on who we are talking about. Overall they seem like a friendly, if crude bunch. I'll be glad to get back to my books and training when I get home."

Miya says back.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"You should have brought your books with you. I don't think we'll be having much time at our homes with this new job."

Yuki replies.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Udo, now slightly cleaner, dressed, with eyes just with some salt water outlining them (Not tears, or so he tells him self) finds himself alone in the city. 

Women... How does Roka get them with him all the time? it's so hard... I mean I like Yuki but... I'm so confused!

Well that wasn't as fun as Roka said it would be, wonder where Yasuo is?


Udo wanders the city, looking for passing animals to talk to once more.He also picks up Rei the dog to follow him.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago



Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

What was that?

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Nothing now that you locked it in.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Wow, Drak, Wow.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

After cleaning up a bit and getting settled, the Samurai strike out to explore the city.

Wandering through a couple of districts, they find themselves drawn together once again (including Sakura the Wu-Jen and Yasuo, with a remarkably gorgeous female companion), standing outside a massive Shinto Temple. Movement within catches the attention – as a group of apprentice monks are practicing unarmed fighting techniques.

As the Samurai watch, a group of young boys gathered around and started tugging on Roka’s leg.

“Master – Master – Show us your moves – Show us your moves!“

The boys look up with baited anticipation.


Meanwhile, some messengers come to the Samurai and bow, handing them each a rolled invitation to a dinner party at the Noble’s Inn for their honor.

Apparently, someone wants to treat them to wine and spirits…

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Who's your gorgeous companion Yasou?" Roka asks, while smiling at the kids tugging at his legs. 

"Why, I do believe I should show you something, but I'd need a volunteer." Roka says to them with a smile. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"I'll volunteer," the woman with Yasuo replies all to alluringly... "What do you want me to do to you?"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Do to me? That, is a question I would like to answer over a glass of sake in my own room, after we visit whomever sent us these invitations, my dear. But, such things should not be discussed with children around." Roka says, smiling. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Of course," Lilitu replies with a wink.

Then she sighs - "I don't seem to have a dinner invitation though, would one of you mind an escort?"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Pretty sure you know my answer, Lilitu." Roka says with a laugh. "Now, I just need to help these kids with a strike I learnt in the monastery, I'll be back in a moment." Roka says, smiling. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

As Roka walks away, Yasuo approaches Lilitu for a second

"Try not to kill him dear, he is a friend, truly"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"I'm pleasure incarnate honey, I don't need to kill anyone tonight." Lilitu whispers back and then sticks her tongue out at the Priest.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Lilitu. A friend of mine. Have fun with her, friend"

Oh he's so fucked

Yasuo goes over to Kirito

"Kirito, i've been injured, could you heal me? I believe 1 or 2 "restore vitality" spells should be enough."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Lilitu, nods to Yasuo.

"It has been fun, we'll have to do it again sometime," she says to the Priest and then turns to Roka (though she seems to be undressing Kirito the Priest with her eyes on the side)...

The children meanwhile - oblivious to any innuendo all clamor to volunteer for whatever Roka will show them...

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Now, you all wanted to see a move or two, right?" Roka says with a smile. "Well, first, I should see your skills. One of you, throw a punch at me." Roka says, readying himself to dodge a punch, though he plans to do it as entertaining as possible, with a probable backflip. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

The children happily comply to see what Roka is willing to show them.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: So, did one of the kids punch? And di Roka manage to backflip out of the way? :p

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Allowing one of the bigger kids to try and punch him, Roka does a front over the kid, smiling.

"Ha ha, don't worry, not many can keep up with my skills, even among those who studied for many years." Roka says. "Now, this is an extra special but dangerous technique that I'm going to show you. Give me your arm." Roka says, to one of the children, and taking the arm pulling it so that it is fully stretched out. 

"As some of you might know, the body has multiple points where energy is distributed. These locations are known to us as acupuncture points. By, tapping on them in succession, and in an organized manner, you could actually stun someone, making it impossible to move. Watch." Roka says, touching the kid's arm in numerous locations. 

"Now, I just made sure he couldn't move his arm, since being unable to move completely is very scary. Don't worry, it'll regain movement in a second," Roka says, patting the boy on the head. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Oooh - Awww - Wow!!!" The boys all say, watching in amazement at Roka's show.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

(Continue below, where Lilitu joins you - once you are done showing off)...

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"As long as you agree to dinner invitation" he said with a smile, starting to cast restore vitality.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Well, we seem to be going to one right now, regardless no?"

(Waiting for healing effects)

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Yes, i suppose we are." Kirito said as he succesfully casts restore vitality 2 times on Yusao.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Oh my," Lilitu remarks to Kirito, biting her lip, "you have such soft and graceful hands - so full of life and energy! A girl could wonder what it would be like to be caressed by those hands - all over her naked supple body..."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Kirito just looks nervously at Yusao, begging him with his eyes to save him from the woman. 

"Well, i..i wouldent know." He replied.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yasuo stops in his tracks.

"Good gods man, have you never been with a woman before? How old are you? 20? 21?"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Kirito, don't go down that path... It'll only bring you pain and suffering" Udo says, breaking his silence.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Kirito looks at Udo, wondering if he had forgotten his earlier treatment of him. Then he answers 

"i dont think i will, not yet for a while atleast."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Udo indeed remembers how much he dislikes Kirito, but noone deserves THAT...

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"No... I was raised in a temple." He said, a little emberassed.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yasuo's normally perfect face almost turns into an expression of sad shame at this revelation. He gives a look to Lilitu, as if to say "fix this poor, broken man", and then reaches forward and hugs him.

"Don't worry Kirito. It's all going to be ok, everything will turn out for the better"

He then leaves, with Udo, giving the succubus time alone with him.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago


BIC:"what?" He answered, not quite sure what to say, accepting the hug.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Oh, it's nothing to be worried about," Lilitu purrs - "I could show you all sorts of things to help put your women at ease..."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"What do you say?" Lilitu askes Kirito, "After this dinner party, why not let me show you a thing or two that you can use to properly woo the women. I can teach you to be a god among them hehe..."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Eh.. Okay.." He answered, a little unsure of what to do.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Good, good, I promise you wont regret it," Lilitu smiles, touching Kirito's arm softly, "I'll expect you after the dinner."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Alright!" Kirito said with a little more confidence, he could do this!

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

(Continued below)...

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Thank you Kirito. Now, I have to get back to my Inn, have a quick bath, change into my normal clothes...

I'll meet you all at the party"

Before he leaves however, he tells Udo about the room he got the man adjacent to his own, and how to get to it.

Yasuo goes off, leaving Lilitu with the party, and does exactly that. He cleans himself of his blood and his travels at the hotel baths, and dresses in his scholar's robes.

He also tells his imp to un-manifest and stay close to him, spouting off the usual precautions.

Once he's done, he goes into the Inn lounge to meet the rest of the party, since, after all, the event is to be had here.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Udo shuffles, I don't like parties... But it's be disrespectful not to go...

If Yasuo doesn't magically teleport from plot scene to the next, Udo would ask him, "Uh Yasuo, I don't like parties... And uh, I realize it's disrespectful not to go and all, but do you think I can do anything else?"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

After he finishes things up with Kirito's virginity

"why don't you like parties?"

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10 years ago

"Too much... Humans..."

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10 years ago

"You don't like humans, Udo?"

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10 years ago

"Love... Hurts... Yasuo... I'm not motivated to go to a party, doubt it'd be worth to go, but can't think of a way to not insult the magistrate here..."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Why does it hurt you, Udo? And why does the party make you think that you'll be hurt by love?

I mean, really, once you get some sake in a bitch they tend to mellow down.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Not... In the mood" Udo grunts, "Was... Turned down, so bluntly..." Udo drifts off.

"The party, has so many people, I get queasy with people."

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10 years ago

"Why do people scare you Udo? You've been so at home around us"

Picking your nose, breathing into mine, farting on everything...

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10 years ago

"They, well, by majority. A lot of them are like Kirito, if that makes sense. I just can't understand them" Udo says.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago


The priest thinks about it for a second, and then takes his time answering Udo.
"You don't really like or want to like our formalities, do you Udo? That's okay, you don't have to answer, the way you act around everyone is enough..."
He goes silent for a few seconds
"We all act like this- we have our rules, our way of life, we have our customs, our false smiles, our softened words and our meaningless traditions, we have them all because they make us feel safe Udo. They give our life a certain set of fundamental rules that we can play by, it gives is some way to predict our  future, because I can promise you that if there's anything our people hate, it's unpredictability.
Udo, you were raised outside of our society, you were born free, you have actions that none of us can foresee. You don't take our traditions or our customs, you spit into their faces, you break that secret contract we've all made among each other that holds our society in place. The reason those people act like that around you is because you don't care about that contract. You're unpredictable, and it scares them, because they won't know what you want to do...
But you're scared of them for the same reason aren't you? The reason you haven't kept to our culture, the reason you remain so obtuse at times, the reason you refuse Kirito- you're afraid of becoming like us, of becoming predictable aren't you? You're just as scared of the contract as it fears you... Is that why you're so uncomfortable around us Udo? You don't want to be like us, you don't want what you think is something so fundamental to you taken away?"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Although Udo isn't dumb, he didn't enjoy being sympathized with or 'figured out'. He was more looking for  a way out, but thankfully he remembered.

"Actually, the letter doesn't have anything on it... So it isn't necessarily the magistrate" Udo says smiling for the first time since the bath incident, "I don't have to go!"

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10 years ago

"Udo, a life alone within your own fears is not a life at all. If you would, I request that, as a friend, you come to this gathering with me. I promise you, it won't be nearly as horrible as you think, and our days would all be a little worse should your presence be lacking"

Also, I totally want to see what you'll do when you're drunk. Hmm, maybe I should leave that part out...

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Wow, my choices of friends are really limited aren't they?  Uptight Kirito, lecherous Roka, the idiot Keitaro, mysterious Yasuo, and 3... girls...

"I dunno man, maybe for a little bit. But are you not suspicious? I mean, they didn't leave a name..."

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10 years ago

"What for? If we were to be attacked, wouldn't it be as we slept? No, we are high ranking samurai in a vassal city under our dayimo's rule, it is only natural that we should be invited over to a party or two. It's probably just a noble, or maybe someone looking to petition for our aid. Either way, it is an invitation we would be fools to refuse."

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10 years ago

Udo is skeptical, but decides socializing is worth another shot. After all, once they are on the road again,  there won't be another village for who knows as long.

"Uh, alright Yasuo, only for a bit though" Udo says, slowly.

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10 years ago

"Perfect. Well, we're here. Your room is right down the hall, I'll meet you after I wag the travels and blood from my skin.  Wear something nice, you can ask the hotel staff if you need to"

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10 years ago

"Uh... Sure?"

Udo stands there,  thinking of what to do... Continued below sooner or later.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Miya eyes the strange woman with curiosity. She whispers to Yuki. "I wonder who she is. She's gorgeous!" 

*Receives Invitation* "Hmm... I wonder who would invite us. It's a bit strange not to put their name on it."

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10 years ago

Yuki nods then reads the invitation as well.

"Ohh, seems fun. Let's go!"

She says cheerfully.

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10 years ago

"Agreed, but don't wander off when we are there alright Yuki?"

Miya says not trusting the writer of the letter, she remembers a book with a similar storyline which resulted in everybody but a secret murderer dead.

'Dare Okonawa Sore?' was the name.

OOC: She's letting those book stories get to her. Oh no!

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yuki stares blankly at Miya before smiling.

"You know I can't promise that, hehe."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: is that a dark brotherhood reference?(fireplays post)

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Lilitu gave Kirito a short bow and then moved to watch Roka showing off for the children.

Roka had agreed to let her be his escort to the dinner party, so it only made sense to go with him and then meet Kirito afterward for some fun and frolic.

The good priest had been so much easier to convince than she had anticipated, and she knew there was nothing going to stop the other one from getting her wares.

Yes, this promised to be a fun evening - she just had to make up her mind where she was going to take it - and how far...

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Roka nods to Lilitu, though still focuses on the kids at the moment (he'll be all over her later, after all.) 

"Tell you what kids, tommorow, if I'm feeling up to it, I'll bring a sparing partner and we'll show you guys an interesting fight. Alright?" Roka says, and after hearing the probable cheers, .raises his hands. 

"It's a samurai's promise." Roka says, tapping one of the kids on the head. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago
Keitaro watched the children and Roka vicariously, he turned to Miko. "So, enjoy the bath?" Though he wore a mask and it was dark she could tell his tone was different, softer, warmer.

"Uhm, y-yes my Lord. It was nice towash of the travels. Now I am ready for dinner. Dare I say I am starving." She laughed and chanced a brief smile before dashing her eyes away to focus on something else. She was uncomfortable again. Only this time not sure how to take it..

Keiji on the othrr hand followed the children to enjoy Roka's impromptu show.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Udo travels to the the clothing shop, looking for something comfortable to be in. He looks at the Haori, thinking they look comfortable enough. 

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10 years ago

Udo has just enough time to catch a shop keeper before the doors close for the night - and is able to pick out something nice.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

At length, everyone arrives at the Noble's Inn for the dinner party. A private room has been set up and stocked with fine sake and light fair - and notably, the Hokusai House label (the sake that Keitaro's family makes and sells).

Oddly, no one is there yet to meet any of the Samurai...

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10 years ago

"Looks like that we came early." Roka says, shruging. "Would one of the servants in the inn know who requested the private room?" Roka asks.

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10 years ago

"Hey, check that out." Keitaro holds up the bottle of Sake to Roka and shows him his families crest. "Odd they would have this so far from the farm. We distribute very limited quantities of these and usually the magistrate or Daimyo are the buyers. Or friends and family of either."

Keitaro pours himself and Roka a glass and offers a toast to good times.

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10 years ago

"Should we not wait for the owner before drinking from his wine?" Roka asks. 

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10 years ago

"It is my wine Roka."

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10 years ago

"Someone who purchased your wines makes it no longer yours Keitaro." Roka says, perhaps misunderstanding the situation. To him, it looks like the wines were owned by whomever paid for the room. 

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10 years ago

"I made the wine, I enjoy the wine. Also they were placed here for a reason."

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10 years ago

"Yes, that's why I'd rather wait for the original owner. I did not make the wine, unfortunatley." Roka says, bowing to Keitaro. "Hope you do not take offense." 

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10 years ago

" I offered you a toast, of my own product even. of course I would be offended" He shoves the glass back to Roka.

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10 years ago

"Then I will have to accept once the master of the house joins us. It is impolite to drink before the owner drinks." Roka says, smiling. 

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10 years ago
Keitaro grumbles to himself and downs his glass of the family vintage. He makes no effort to hide the large portion missing from the bottle.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Miya walks in looking around the room. She seems relaxed and cautious as she looks about the room.

"Nobody here, that seems somewhat rude." She says outloud. She also looks for anything that stands out of the ordinary in the room.

(I'd like to use Perception: Mostly Search on the room please.)

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Looking around, Miya doesn't't see anything amiss - other than missing hosts....

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10 years ago
"Ha!" Keitaro looks at Roka. "You thought I was being rude."

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10 years ago

"Not at all. I thought me drinking would be rude. Simply my own choice." Roka says. "But, it may be wise to look outside thr room." Roka adds, stepping outside the room, and looking around. Perhaps for one of the Inn's servants. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Keitaro, it is a bit rude to drink before we actually meet our inviter." She says towards the two men.

She then decides to look outside the room into the hallways to see if anybody is nearby.

(Perception again once I'm outside.)

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago
Grrr, Keitaro Grunts as he rises from the floor bag. He uses his spot, evaluate and sense motive abilities to find anyone and and sense their angle once he is in the hall. He also looks for any secret rooms along the corridor. Staying as stealthy as he can.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yasuo chooses not to drink until the host gets there, preferring to let the others die of potential poison.

He wanted to be sure whether or not the host was an enemy or an ally, before he got balls-out drunk, after all...

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Kirito walks into the room, happily of how they set everything up. Truly this was one of his better ideas. After taking his seat at the edge of the table,(yes the one reserved for the host) he said: Welcome, honoured guests, and friends, to my dinner receiption. I'm aware of that some of you, maybe all of you think i am and im quoting here 'uptight asshole'. So i hope you will accept my sincere apology and accept this little party, it's my gift to you." He said, while lifting up his little drinking bowl in a toast.


Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Keitaro standing right outside the door spins and says: "You... you did this?" (Use sense motive on him)

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10 years ago

"Yes, i did. I hope you dont mind that i bought your family brand sake."

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10 years ago
"I am honored you chose my families sake. I have toadmit we dont produce a lot and we are not known much outside of the capitol so I was a little thrown off.

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10 years ago

"I got it from Magistrate Mikio Amori. I went there to apologize for the.. Ehm fire elemental affair, and thought i might as well apologize to everyone of you aswell. Im going to stop being so uptight from now on." He said with a smile.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Keitaro still is skeptical, but slowly walks back to his seat and sits.

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10 years ago

"Apology accepted!"

Yuki says, holding up her own drink.

"Cheers! Hehe"

She then motions for the others at the table to join her toast.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Cheers." Miya says in a much less unethusiastic tone while raising an empty cup. "I was hoping for something a little more exciting though." She then takes an open sake bottle and pours it into her cup before taking a small sip.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"What's more exciting than a night out with friends?"
You know, other than a night with a succubus, a night spent burning down a village, a night spent killing unwanted puppies, a night spent killing unwanted orphans, a night spent getting high on imp weed, using magic, getting animals to do really stupid things to each other while high on the previously mentioned imp weed.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"What a nice gesture Kirito"

I mean, you're still quite the ass-clown, but the sake's a nice touch

Now only 1/4 afraid that the sake had been poisoned, he pops open a bottle and pours himself a cup.

"I propose a toast, to Kirito, for a fine apology."

I wonder where he put that stick he had up his ass?

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Keitaro meets his toast.

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10 years ago

Kirito toasts with the group.

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10 years ago

"Ah ha, what a kind gesture, Kirito." Roka says with a smile. 

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10 years ago

"Well, i did for you guys." He answerd while glancing awkvardly at the woman he had with him.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Oh thank god, it isn't as crowded as I thought it'd be" Udo says, seemingly recovered from his depression.

"Thanks Kirito, how clever"

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10 years ago

"Im glad everyone seems to be haing fun. I'm sorry it isent what you hoped for Miya."

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10 years ago

"So, uh... What now?" Udo says, unsure what he's supposed to be doing aside from getting drunk.

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10 years ago

"Now we get drunk and eat." Kirito replied smiling.

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10 years ago

Udo's expression- ???

"Uh, that's what makes a party?

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10 years ago

"Yes, that pretty much explains it." He said with a laugh. "Cheers" and raising his bowl."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yasuo must have a crappy taste of a good time then...

"Cool?" Udo glances around, "How much did this cost?"

It is a nice gesture, but we'll see how he acts on the road.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Ehm.. Dont worry about that." He said, dodging the question. 

i'm screwed haha, after buying the monkey and his im pretty much broke.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Anyways, thanks man... or whatever" Udo says thankful, even if he doesn't enjoy parties himself, the others seem to be enjoying it.

I'll probably leave soon enough anyways.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

When most people were starting to get pretty drunk, Kirito walked up to Yuki and whispered: "I dont know if you had anything to do with the charms, but i do know that you know who stole them.  Dont worry, this is a part were supposed to have fun, im just suggesting you tell the person to give them back." With a little wink, and a friendly smile.

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10 years ago

Yuki just smiles and laughs in return. It's clear she's starting to feel the effects of the sake.

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10 years ago

After sitting down at his seat again he lift his bowl in a toast to her with a drunken laugh and smile.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Seeing that he probably won't remember tonight anyways, Udo confronts Yuki, 2/5 sober. He confronts Yuki, even though hpseh's with Miya right now, semi drunk Udo doesn't seem to mind.

"Yuki Yuki You-key... Why did you decline my advances?" Udo says groggily.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Ooh. On second though, I could always just watch this...

Maybe i'll give him over to Lilitu after he gets rejected, you know, to cheer him up...

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

This should be interesting...

Miya puts down her third cup of sake that night and watchs the two samurai more intently.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Sakura finds all this attention going to Udo fascinating and even though she doesn't know what it's all about, she sits with Miya and Yasuo to join in the staredown.

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10 years ago


Yuki replies a bit confused.

"Cause I don't wanna."

She replies with a smile.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Why not?" Udo says, a bit tipsy, "I assure you it's genuine..."

OOC: Sorry Killa, but Udo's stubbornly drunk XD

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"I don't wanna cause I don't wanna, hehe."

Yuki replies, swaying slightly in her chair. Though it'd be hard to tell if this was her normal random swaying, or because of the sake.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Well... Is there anything I can do to change your mind?" Udo sways standing as well, whether to humor Yuki or not, he doesn't seem to realize the others are watching intently.

"I mean... I... Wants to pursue relationship" Udo says, in slurred speech.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago


Yuki replies. She then turns to Miya.

"Hey Miya, why aren't you wearing the ears!"

She asks, pawing at her.

"You said you'd put them on after the bath!"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Damn it, I was hoping she would have forgotten...

"Sorry, I guess I forgot about it." She meekly pulls them from her pocket and puts them on while trying to hide any embarrassment from her face.

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10 years ago


Yuki says when she sees Miya wear the ears.

"They look good on you! Hehe."

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10 years ago

"Thanks Yuki." Miya responds with a smile.

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10 years ago

"Aw, how cute," Sakura grins at the ears. She then gets up and wishes everyone a good night. "I'll see you guys at the Magistrates home," she says to Yuki and Miya and then heads out.

"I bet I could make some fox ears with magic," she said to herself as she left.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Not really thinking, Udo replies,

"Truly... Absolutely nothing? Or is something like wearing the the fox ears you mentioned for a while would help convince you?" Udo asks, his face frowning.


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10 years ago

"Those are Miya's ears, don't touch them!"

Yuki replies firmly, with a bit of drunken anger.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Arghy Arghy argh!" Udo grunts, before falling back into his chair and sleeping. And snoring.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

After almost 2 bottles of wine between him and his Doshin, Keitaro and the 2 are starting to feel it.

"Miko, you are a very beautiful girl. I *hic* didn't't want to say anything buuuut you've caught my eye a few times. *hic*

Miko laughs, obviously the drunkest of the bunch. "You, you, you *laughs* are nice Keitaro, *giggle* Kay tarrrrrr ooooo *more giggles*"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"I need to relive myself, I will return." Keitaro gets up and wanders the hallway to find a bathroom.

(Help BZ? as i will be away from the party on my own etc.)

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Udo drinks the sake, he isn't used to it, but his constitution makes him handle it, for now. Suddenly, he starts feeling 'looser' and doesn't seem to be walking out like a he planned to.

I feel confident, but I should leave some time before confronting Yuki Again...

Would he get encouragement though, he'd probably try it again.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yasuo stops drinking after he has his third glass of sake, deciding instead to find some girl to take to his room, now that the party ended up being just a bust, and show off what the succubus has taught him.

(Just keep on rolling the bluffs till it succeeds, and may I be saved from the fate that will befall all these other poor bastards...)

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Yasuo, are you not enjoying yourself? I bought all these bottles so they hafto run out. Cheers my friend" he said raising a glass, obviously waiting to toast with him

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10 years ago

"I'm enjoying myself plenty friend, but I don't want to drink more than I have to tonight, at least, not before I find someone to spend the night with myself" He says, raising his glass to Kiri, and pretending to drink lightly from it.

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10 years ago

"Is it really that big of a deal, being with a.. A woman?" He asked taking a large zip from a bottle instead of his glass.

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10 years ago

"Yes, well, to me at least. Have fun with Lilitu Kirito. I mean, i'm fairly sure that you'll enjoy it. I think you will anyways... Maybe... Sort of... Yeah, have fun"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Lilitu toasts the Samurai and makes pleasant talk, until the evening begins to wind down.

She then privately arranges to meet Kirito the Priest in a private room – but then tells Roka where to find her fifteen minutes later, not telling either one of them that they are going to be arriving at the same place one after the other.

Roka was not difficult to convince, so Lilitu focused on the Priest, keeping him at ease and plying her unearthly presence on him with expert charm.

When Kirito finally arrived, he found the gorgeous woman draped in seductive lingerie, lounging informally across some large futons.

“Welcome,” she purred; and rose to press herself against the man – slinking her soft body over his in a most calculating manner…

And then she stepped away and said, “Kirito, summon and Unclean Spirit for me and tell it to obey all my commands, as if I had summoned it myself.”

As much as that request went against the Priest’s nature, he was forced to comply – now under the demon’s mind control spell.

The spell went off and the unholy apparition appeared.

“Thank you love,” Lilitu said to the Priest.


Roka meanwhile, showed up at the room on time and announced himself. Lilitu invited him in, where he immediately saw her busily ‘beating’ Kirito the Priest with erotic whips and chains – and apparently the Priest was enjoying himself, in spite of the violence of some of the lashes. Though his Tiger Familiar was hiding under the bed and whimpering – which certainly couldn’t be a good sign.

Roka paused momentarily – his desire for this incredibly hot woman was undeniable – and the whole whips thing… well, to be honest, it looked like it could be fun… but still, sharing her with the Priest… sort of a buzz-kill.


“What are you waiting for you naughty boy?” Lilitu beckoned – and the Unclean Spirit rose up from the floor into Roka’s body.

Internally, Roka struggled to eject the demon from his mind – but he was thoroughly possessed and no longer in control – only able to watch in horror, as the demon walked his body into the room and shut the door behind him…


The next morning, in the safety of their own chambers, Roka and Kirito tried not to think about how a sex demon had abused them (and an innocent little monkey) nearly all night. The horror of it all was how she had been able to satisfy herself with the two of them over and over again; yet for all their ‘escapades’ they never got to the ‘end’ of their own pleasure.

Demon possession aside, Roka had never had such an unsatisfying end to his nightly revelries – and actually wished that he could have a second go round with the succubus; just to prove what he could do by himself – without some dumb spirit calling the shots.

And poor Kirito, felt the burning psychosis caused by (even unintentionally) channeling such evil power through his body – while the actual sex part was the last thing weighing on his mind. Though he wondered if it still counted for ‘losing his virginity’ even though he had never… well, you know.


As Yasuo opened his door the next morning, he found a small jar at the step with a note. Taking it into his room, he saw that it was a jar of assassin’s oil and the note read – “Had a gay old time last night with your friends. They were so eager haha! Thought you might like this little gift as a thank you for a night of playful freedom. I look forward to my 24 hour shore leave. Love – Lilitu.”

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10 years ago

"Hey Roka... Lets never talk about this. Ever." Kirito told Roka, staring with empty eyes into the wall.

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10 years ago

"My thoughts exactly Kirito..." Roka says, shaking his head. "Though how she managed to convince you to join her, I don't know." 

 Roka simply walks off, shaking his head. But, he learnt something interesting, Yasou most likely summoned this Succubus. He'll have to convince him to summon Lillitu again, certain to prove himself. Alluring woman or Succubus, no woman gets to take advantage of Roka without him enjoying her. Next time though, he'll have to be prepared.... 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Kirito, goes back into his room. Then he sits down on his bed. Then he notices the monkey, and he starts sobbing like a little baby.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Keitaro woke up on a toilet in the men's room with no idea how he got there.

"Ughhhh" he groaned and dressed himself and gave a few "curtsey flushes" he then cleaned himself up and walked to the middle of town.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Now where did the bitch get this... Oh well. Hope Roka and Kiri didn't suffer TOO badly for this"

He pockets away the assassin's oil.

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10 years ago

As he pockets it he notices Kirito walking, like he had gotten something in his.. Well that place. Looking reaaaally upset.

"Yasuo, where did you meet this woman? Or maybe you summoned her?"

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10 years ago

"Of course, she was a succubus. Why? Oh, and how was your night? What did you think of your first time?" He asks, looking fairly cheery, considering he just got some assassin's oil.

Hmm, why does he look like that stick he previously had up there was shoved back in, with a few rusty nails put into the side of it beforehand?

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Why would you not tell me something lime that?" He asked surprised, almost looking like he wanted to slap the man.

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10 years ago

Yasuo shrugs "Why didn't you ask? I thought it was obvious. What's wrong friend?"

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10 years ago

"You know how i feel about those things. She.. She... I cant talk about it.. Sorry." He said, with a even saker look on his face, iD that was even possible.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"How you feel about what? Didn't you enjoy the night? I mean, it's not like... Oh, wait, no, she made you her gimp didn't she? Oof... sorry, i'm used to her treating me like, well, like her master. Forgot about her own tendencies... Ah, this is, well, this is awkward...

Do you, ah, need some ice or something?"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Roka came in after a while, she dominated my mind into summoning an unclean spirit and giving her control of it. The spirit took control of Roka, and... " He couldent talk any more as he started to cry again.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"It's ok bud, it's ok..."

*Pats him on the shoulder

"Do you... do you want to forget? If you need to, I can summon a different succubus to destroy your memories of the event, or we can get Sakura to do it for you. Also, didn't you have a pet monkey somewhere? Where is he?"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Kirito stiffens as he heard him talking about the monkey. "I.. I.. Dont talk about the monkey."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

The monkey too? Crafty woman. Note to self: Keep a bit of energy for a dispel magic the day you give her her holiday.

"C'mon bud, let's go find Sakura"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"No, i need to remember this. I need to remember why i hate demons." He said, while drying off some tears with the sleeve ofris arm.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Well, she can at least make the pain worse for you. You healing spells won't heal your mind, but perhaps she can make it less, well, traumatizing."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"I guess" he replied.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Looking down right annoyed, Roka simply finds one of his doshin, that he was enjoying on the road, brings her into his room, and spends time with her. 

Afterwards, he heads back to the bath, and cleans himself off. 

Finally, he heads back to the crowd of children he met yesterday, bringing the other one of his doshin, ready to show them a true spar. 

OOC: I'll post the spar soon. ^_^

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Keitaro finds the group and an angry Keitaro, and a hungover Miko, and the rest loitering about. It appears Roka is going to fight again...

"Roka-san, what'd he do? You look pissed"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Huh? Not at all, Keitaro, my friend." Roka says, chaninging his facial signs with his practically natural skill in hiding his annoyance at the night's passing. "Simply need to demonstrate a fun spar for the kids to watch." 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Keitaro finds the group and an angry Keitaro?

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: oops *Roka* also ooc in the ooc


"Always looking forward to you gettting your ass whooped friend. Carry on." He turns his attention to Miko. "How are you feeling? You look ....great?"

"Uhm, yeah i feel like I would rather be dead... did... did... did we ... you know?" She looks slightly embarrassed... 

"erm, well... I don't think so I woke up in a bathroom stall this morning... so there's that. What happened after I left? do you remember?" Keitaro asks

"No, I woke up in the Magistrate's castle..." She trails off looking relieved but at the same time... disappointed.

"Oh good good..." Keitaro takes his regular disposition of looking like a sentinel from hell guarding the group.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Remind me who's ass was whooped last time, Keitaro?" Roka says with a grin. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Kirito, who was following Keitaro quickly says "dont speak of such horrible horrible things"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"What are you referring to priest?" He says to Kirito before turning back to Roka.

"I believe we fared equally well my friend" he says with a cheap laugh.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Roka laughs at the priest's statement.  

"Do no worry, my fight with Keitaro wasn't so bad." He says, smiling. If the priest had any sense, he'd realize that he should stop hinting to what happened. 

"A lucky strike, Keitaro. That is all." Roka says. "Good thing you mentioned it though, I think I've practiced my technique enough that you won't manage to move after being hit by it."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"hmph, maybe when I feeling up to the moment. I woke up in a rather... odd place today."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Certainly, it is always a pleasure to spar with you." Roka says, smiling. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Kiritos monkey jumped off his shoulder and started humping Rokas leg. Kirito just stared, and looked like he was about to start sobbing again.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Roka kicks the monkey off, hard. 

(OOC: And, BZ, if we are rolling dice for this, assume lethal damage. XD)


Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Uhm....what just happened?"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Apparently, my shocking good looks makes monkeys fall for me. Odd, but not surprising, I suppose." Roka simply states.  

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

OOC: hell no, im going to have the monkeys memory wiped! That monkey made me broke :(

BIC: Kirito picks up the monkey, stares at him with empty eyes. "I hope he learned his lesson" 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Yes, that would be good. Should train your monkey better, even if I am a magnificent man." Roka says. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"I suppose i should. And i am going to ask Udo to.. Wingclip him so to speak." He answered.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Not my business Priest." Roka says, laughing. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Udo Kuwabara wakes up with a huge migraine. He wobbles to wherever fresh water is, and hydrates himself. He equips himself with whatever armor he had before the bath, looks for Roka's group (Roka, Keitaro, and Kirito) as they should be leaving soon.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Roka Takemura, after nearly killing the monkey with his kick, strokes his goatee, and singles for his doshin to move forward, carrying a simple blade.


“Last time, you saw me demonstrate my techniques as teachings. Here, I shall show them as reality.” Roka says with a smile, as he motions for his doshin to swing her blade at him. Dodging by only a few centimetres, Roka attempts to counter with another strike, but the doshin seems adamant about hurting him, and strikes before he manages to strike, causing him to be forced back.


“Um, Doshin?” Roka says, seeming confused that his doshin seems to be taking this a bit too seriously.


“My name... is AIKO!” Aiko the doshin shouts, incredibly angry at Roka. She continues swinging at Roka with the blade, while Roka continues to dodge. Finnaly, Roka manages to get a moment to strike at her, and knocks her out with a single punch, her body slamming on the floor.


“Well, good to know that my Doshin have personalities, I suppose....” Roka says, shrugging, as he throws Aiko over his shoulders.


“She'll be fine.” Roka says.  

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

The children watching stare in confusion a moment and then decide (based on Roka demeanor) that everything must be ok and start clapping.

One little boy goes over to Kirito the priest and says, "I hope your monkey is all right, but he shouldn't do that to people. It's bad."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Kirito just stares at the little boy before answering. ""It's very very bad. In a while he wont do that anymore though." He said after a little while, while trying to smile.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Not much later that morning, the Samurai of Sendai and their Doshin gathered at the gate leaving the city of Morioka in preparation to continue on their mission. As the City of Morioka was just about the halfway point to the Village Aomori, the Samurai were still looking at another nine days of travel through the rugged mountainous landscape. It would mean some long hard days as the road wound up through high passes, but at least there would be a way station to rest at every third day.

Kirito the Priest meanwhile, took the opportunity to draw Sakura the Wu-Jen aside and petition her with a very unusual request. Apparently he wanted a portion of his memory wiped and insisted that Sakura also do the same for his monkey.

Sakura was baffled by the odd request – not surprised that one such as Kirito would make it of her though. He sure was a strange man after all.

Summoning her magical energies, Sakura cast mind control, first on Kirito, and then on the monkey.

Using very subtle manipulation of the spell, she commanded Kirito and the monkey to forget and never remember the events of last evening from the time they left the dinner party until this very moment.

When she was done, both Kirito and the monkey stared blankly for a moment and Sakura laughed at how similar their expressions were.

“Where am I?” Kirito asked in confusion, “How did I get here? – I don’t remember anything from last night.”

“Well, you did get pretty hammered on that Sake,” Sakura answered – “so I’m not surprised that you had a black out over it. But we’re leaving the city now, so time to go.”

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Hey Roka, do you know if i and Lilillith ever did it? I have no memories after the leaving the party til a few moments ago" Kirito whispered to Roka, aftermhe went and picked up his elemental.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago


Yasuo goes behind Kirito and makes big "DO NOT SAY YES" motions.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Seeing Yasou's big motions, and having his own motives, Roka looks at Kirito, and pats him on the shoulder. 

"Must of been a shock, I suppose. You see, as Lilitu was about to leave, you asked her about such things, with a drunken slur, and she quickly shot you down, and laughed at your disappointment." Roka says, feigning sympathy. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yasuo makes a thumbs up motion

Kinda harsh but, eh. Keep on bluffin' Roka, keep on bluffin'

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Just as good i suppose, i wouldent want to lose my eh.. Well innocence in a drunken state anyway." He answered, with a disappointed look on his face.

i bet Roka had fun with her all night though.

"Yasuo, what are you doing behind my back?" He said, turning around to face Yasuo.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Why, waiting to talk to you friend! You never told me how your night with Lilitu went" Yasuo says, smiling.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"It appears nothing happend my friend" he replied, while playing gingerly with the monkey on his shoulder.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"you Should avoid engaging with succubuses until you've gotten some experience, Kirito. Dangerous stuff." Roka says, shaking his head. 

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"What, you didn't know about that?"

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

After packing up his stuff, concealing the assassin's oil with the rest of his various poisons, and praying for to the ancestors for his spells, Yasuo takes another bath in the city, and then readies his horse/horses.

He also converses with his imp

"Imp. Do not, in any way whatsoever, let your existence be made known by the fire elemental. You will hide from it, physically (Since he can see you through the spirit world), only come out of hiding when it leaves.

If the elemental spots you, I want you to un-manifest, quickly transport yourself to Kirito, and re-manifest yourself there, very close to him

Chances are, the elemental won't fireball his own master in order to get you you, and that will give me time to dispel it.

And I know what you're thinking: Why go to all this extra effort to keep you alive when I can just summon you back after you're destroyed, for far less effort than it would take to dispel the elemental too. Well, it's a matter of principal. Kirito needs to learn that he cannot simply summon elementals that prevent me from summoning demons without getting into a large fight with all of you."

Well, it was either that or kill him. Hmm, should have put poison into his wine... Nah, he'd just heal himself. Besides, he suffered enough with the succubus. Better to just teach him a lesson about summoning elementals.


After finishing up with the packing, Yasuo takes a casual stroll by the lieutenant's house in order to see the condition of the guards, the men there, etc. He was curious to see whether the succubus left behind some sort of mess, or whether the man he had impersonated was perhaps being brought in for questioning.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Yasuo doesn't see anything amiss at the Yakuza house, but in passing, overhears one guard speaking to another - "Gee, I wonder who the buyer was for that 'pot' was at midnight. Must have been pretty important for the LT to personally send a man out with it like that."

"Yeah, that's weird," the other guard replies, "I don't think that guy has come back yet either..."

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Ahh, probably used that unclean spirit to possess the lieutenant, then killed the man, or sexually abused him, either way. Well, my own plan but on a lesser scale. Not too bad I suppose.


Yasuo gets back to his horse and prepares to leave, along with the rest of the group.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Keitaro stands beside Miko and Keiji, petting his horse, heavily.

"Who the hell are we waiting on? Let's get going I've had enough of this tiny town." He states simply.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"I'm ready" Udo says, he seems cheerful enough, the sake obviously helped him sleep.

Udo conceals his sap under his left thigh (strapped on) and buckles his two bucklers on his forearms.  He mounts on his horse, holding his lance with him. Rei the dog follows close by, barking happily. The two doshin found there own place to stay, as Udo forgot about them, but seem happy enough. Udo's face is determined, on what he isn't sure, but he is ready to move.

"Roka or Keitaro, I haven't fought in a while, would either of you wish to spar (hands only) the next time we stop?"

It really has been a while, have to make sure I'm not rusty should the barbarians fight back.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Hmpf, Yeah sure next rest stop you're on bud" Keitaro says proudly. Then hops on his horse.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"Cool, Keitaro" Udo says, happy enough. 

When are we continuing?

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"It looks like we are all ready to leave. Have you all resupplied yourselves for the rest of the journey?" She asks the group of samurai. Her companions might notice a fake pair of fox ears tied together and worn around her neck.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

"As much as I'd need to. I see you've opted against wearing the ears as ears." Roka says, amused by Miya's choice of necklace.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

Wow Drak, Wow.

Mythic Nippon 1.2

10 years ago

<End of Scene>

Continue Posting in Mythic Nippon 1.3