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Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

Okay, so I've been thinking about the first game I made on this site, "Ghost: A Wandering Soul". It was a game where you played as a ghost who had to figure out how he died while trying to keep from fading into oblivion. I have seen that several people have played and liked the game; I have also had someone tell me that I should try to rewrite it. What do you guys think? I would make some major tweaks of course, and this probably won't be any time soon, but I still want to know what you guys think I should do.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago
I would tell you, if I knew what game you were talking about...

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

It was my first game on this site...and it wasn't very well written. Still, some people have shown interest in the concept, and I believe that at least one person asked me to redo it.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

Did you delete it or something? Can't see it in your points. It says 'create game' but theres no link to it.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

Yes, I deleted it quite a while ago for reasons I'd rather not get into. I thought I was going to be leaving the site permanently, but I kept coming back for some, odd reason.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

Okay. Anyway, it sounds cool.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

Yeah, @Reverencia even mentions it on his profile page as a personal favorite. So, I'm trying to get everyone's feedback to see if a rewrite would be well received...or just another waste of time.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

If you put effort into it,it won't be a waste of time. Even if it were to be bad (which I doubt it will be), you will learn more from mistakes then you would from success.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

*Her :P

I didn't even realize it was unpublished. Seriously, when did that happen? D: .... But yeah, the game did stand out to me and I liked the concept. If you think you can improve what you already had, then by all means go for it.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

Oh, sorry. I assumed you were male. I don't know why I always do that.

Anyway, I'm not sure how to improve, aside from lengthening a few paths and snubbing one or two others. My main problems in writing the game are that I really don't what people want to see and I suck at writing modern fiction.

That's why I'm trying to guage what people liked and disliked to see what I should do.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

Well, as you've already said above, you can improve grammar and spelling mistakes that you might've made. And you could always add small, subtle interactions between the main and side characters / add more to the lonely atmosphere that a "wandering soul" would have. Ambiguity would work well too. Personally, that's what I would enjoy. :P You can always ask people for advice once you've written a decent amount. Hopefully you've got a back-up of what you wrote before?

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

Sadly, I don't have a backup. I completely deleted all of my games, because I was under the assumption that I would never come back here. I can remember most of what I wrote, though.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

How many story games did have before you deleted them?

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

Only 2 or 3. One of them was going to be my magnum opus. Nmelssx and I put a crapton of effort into that game, and I still feel like s**t for deleting it.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

Oh, okay. Advice for the future (though I think you've already figure this out), don't delete games.  smiley

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

Hey, I don't like them cluttering up my pretty "my storygames" box. :)

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

True. It get's annoying when I click on the wrong storygame.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

I actually have one or two test storygames I've been meaning to delete, but every time I try to delete them, I remember all the effort I put into creating them.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

Same here. I turned one of my mess ups into a testing thing for scripting and variables though.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

D: That sucks. If you do decide to write the story, save what you write on a word document. You know, just in case. Either way its good for jotting down ideas if you aren't sure what to do next.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

Okay, thanks.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

If you do decide to write the story, save what you write on a word Google document. You know, just in case your computer implodes.

Fixed that for you. ;P

Or do the Word doc thing, but Dropbox it. That works too.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

Yeah, lost a lot of work saved on word when my computer died. (like 21 pages from a story I was working on, and 62 on another)

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

Aw man. My sympathies. I lost some stuff when mine died a while back, but nothing that I was actively working on.

Dropbox is pretty awesome, FYI. Especially if you're switching back and forth between multiple computers.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago


Should I or should I not?

10 years ago


Basically, once you've set it up (which is easy), you have a Dropbox folder on your computer. Anything in your Dropbox folder lives on your computer like a normal file, but also on Dropbox's servers. If you set up Dropbox on two computers, your files are on both of them, and Dropbox keeps track of when they change. Update a file on Computer A, and Computer B will have the updated file a couple minutes later. Also, you can go onto the Dropbox website any time, and find all the previous versions of all your files.

At this point, if my hard drive died again, I'd pop in a new one, set up Dropbox, and have lost nothing. Like I said, it's awesome. ^_^

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

That sounds awesome, except I don't have my own computer anymore.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

Aw man, that sucks. Well, if you're hopping around on different computers that you can't install stuff on, Google docs is probably the way to go for writing.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

Yep, and I even have my own account. Also, do you know how to make an account? I was going to make a different one for me since the one I'm using was created by my school. Once I'm no longer in the school system, they will delete my account and I will lose my stuff, though that won't happen for a couple years. I was hoping to make my own and switch everything important to the new one.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

Okay, thanks!

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

XD Yeah, that too. Whichever you prefer.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

To answer your question... if you like the idea and want to rework it, go for it! I think it definitely has potential. But if you're just considering it because somebody else said you should, I'd say you should work on something that you actually find compelling instead.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

I also agree that you should go for it. The concept sounds really interesting, and I'm confident you've improved in skill since you made it, so a rewrite would be an improvement on what sounds like an already good game. If you already have a framework laid out for you and a good idea of what to write, then the first step is already done.

It might even be a good thing to be rewriting it from scratch, because who knows, you might suddenly come across a great idea as you're rewriting it.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

He's already going to have to re-write from scratch. (see above posts)

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

Yep, and I'm saying that it might not be a bad thing.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

Oh, sorry, misread that. >.< And, yeah, I agree.

Should I or should I not?

10 years ago

I thinks you should go for it.

It's good to improve your creations.