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Meet my friends

10 years ago

My two friends from school just joined. They are @Blink1010 and @lucario87

Happy feets day everybody.

Meet my friends

10 years ago

@PandaLazor get your ass out here and introduce yourself. 

Welcome to  your friends, I guess. 

Meet my friends

10 years ago

It's sure been a while since I last offered any newbies a free chicken!

Well, here you go guys, and enjoy your sexy chicken :)

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Meet my friends

10 years ago

I think I just lost my lunch appetite.

Meet my friends

10 years ago

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Meet my friends

10 years ago
technically speaking, and I may have had a few drinks this fine night - but technically we're all just a bunch of whale cum. God is known to be very ominous and large, just like a whale - and although we do not see god as human per-se but he did mate with the virgin Mary, and therefore we can assume he is mammalian. Thus god is a whale, and each time he cums it's a new universe created - therefore we are endowed with the divine right to search for the egg to fertilize in this universe and once we do we will be the singularity (which is science talk for divine orgasm) and cause another universe to be created from gods whale cum. So really, we're all whale cum.

Meet my friends

10 years ago

And that my friends, is the meaning of life.

Meet my friends

10 years ago

Aren't you sixteen? Isn't that a little young for drinking?

Meet my friends

10 years ago
it might be

Meet my friends

10 years ago

Ford the drunkard.

Meet my friends

10 years ago

Aren't you thirteen? Isn't that a little old  to ask stupid questions like that? 

Meet my friends

10 years ago


Meet my friends

10 years ago

XD I saw that.

Meet my friends

10 years ago
>Came back this morning
>Haha mary fucked a whale

Meet my friends

10 years ago

You were shot out of a whale's testicles. How do you feel?

Meet my friends

10 years ago

Definitely one of the lower points of my life.

Meet my friends

10 years ago
gender discriminate much? could've been a girl whale to! - oh my god...what if god came too early and the girl whale only faked it?! that means that there's no meaning to us being alive because THERE IS NO EGG TO FERTILIZE...that bitch >:(

Meet my friends

10 years ago

What on Earth are you prattling about?

Meet my friends

10 years ago

I'm goin' to Disney Land!

Meet my friends

10 years ago

... Oh, dear. 

Meet my friends

10 years ago
Uh, I can only laugh at how you guys can get so friggan off topic.

Meet my friends

10 years ago

CYS Forums were made for derailing.

Meet my friends

10 years ago