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This bug was closed 3/12/2015: Not replicable.

A message glitch to a guy with numbers in his name

10 years ago

Okay, yesterday I tried having a conversation with a guy named something like 11302, but when I tried to send the message, it wouldn't let me. I tried numerous times and the same thing occurred. Please try and fix this bug.

A message glitch to a guy with numbers in his name

10 years ago

Don't think its a bug- I can message ppl with number names just fine.

A message glitch to a guy with numbers in his name

10 years ago

Oh. I don't know then.

A message glitch to a guy with numbers in his name

10 years ago

You were trying to message my old account? I mean, Seth just tested it, and I got the PM.

A message glitch to a guy with numbers in his name

10 years ago

No. It was a guy with just pure numbers in his name, and had an unpublished storygame called Wizard101

A message glitch to a guy with numbers in his name

10 years ago

Then it wasn't me.

A message glitch to a guy with numbers in his name

10 years ago

I thought not.

A message glitch to a guy with numbers in his name

10 years ago

Where did you,even find his name to,try & message him?

Could be a banned user.

A message glitch to a guy with numbers in his name

10 years ago

You might find him if you can track unpublished storygames, but I don't know if you can.

A message glitch to a guy with numbers in his name

10 years ago

I tried PMing my old account (11302) and it works just fine.

A message glitch to a guy with numbers in his name

10 years ago

I thought your old account was TheDickReviewer.