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not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago

i was just wondering if i deleted pictures from My Stuff would the pictures still stay in the game inwhich they are also? i would imagine they would but i figured id get a confirmation first.


not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago
Good Question Fleshandbodilyfluids_78

not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago
i asked that same question a few years ago. No, they would not stay in the game.

not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago

thats a total bummer. oh well, thanks for letting me know. i guess ill have to quench my "deleting" fetish somewhere else lol


not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago

not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago
What you will get is a big fat [x] in your game. I wish I could remove those artifiacts, but that's not technically feasible.

One feature suggestion the well is Picture Folders, wich will allow you to organize your pictures and not have em be on one giant page.

not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago
Good idea, Alex!

not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago
It's not new. It was made by Solo.

not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago
Not a new (bie, just a question)... Oh forget it

not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago

maybe you could have it where every picture used in games would be put in a "universal" folder for everyone to use in future games. have a by law as it were where every picture used on the site becomes property of everyone and can be used as such by everyone.


not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago
What I'd like to do (it's a suggestion in the FWW right now) is to have a PICTURE LIBRARY -- a library of drawings that you can use throughout the story.

But we don't want everyone's picture to automatically go in the library. If you made some original art for your story/game, you may not want to share it. And I respect that.

People could submit pictures for inclusion in the library certainly.

not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago
Also, we can share games with one another. Why not pics?

not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago
Thats what he said, Havacoblah.

not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago
I mean like give one picture to another person but not everyone.

not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago
Thats part of what Alex said, Havaco-blah.

not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago

ha!  Haha!

I am joined in my crusade against the evil hava!


not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago
lol, I was with you from the start, my friend.

not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago
To bad my name can't be changed to just havaco. I already asked alex. Dang databases.

not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago

not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago

how about that?

not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago

No, I'l stick with March's opinion.


not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago
Acutally to just get rid of the word man at the end.

not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago

not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago

not a new... oh forget it lol

18 years ago
Are you in love with me sooo much you have to copy everythinmg I say?  Plus, Is that pic inverted?