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How do you do this in the editor?

9 years ago

In some featured games I saw that it was possible to have someone type in an answer. Like for example there was a riddle being asked and instead of options there were all the letters in the alphabet listed and you got to click on one to spell something. This is crucial to a story im making.

How do you do this in the editor?

9 years ago

1) This goes in the advanced editor forum.

2) I'll tag a couple of the best people to help you,




(I vaguely know how to do it, kinda sorta maybe, but probably not enough to help you at all.)

How do you do this in the editor?

9 years ago

^This will give you an idea at least. There is an even more efficient way to do it than shown there, but I don't have the time to write up a new guide.

How do you do this in the editor?

9 years ago