
Forums » Newbie Central » Read Thread

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I'm new

9 years ago

?hello to anyone who reads, I've just joined and I'm looking forward to reading your stories and in time I hope you enjoy mine.


I'm new

9 years ago

Wouldn't this be in Newbie Central?

Welcome to CYS, Davidindge! I'm DerpBacon: Derpino, if you wish. Please wipe your feet before entering, hang your hat and coat by the entrance, and the restrooms are over there.

Enjoy your stay.

I'm new

9 years ago

Welcome, welcome! I'm Warriorstar, formerly most wanted Warriors fan among all others. Make sure to check out some helpful articles and earn good reputation. Glad you found the site and enjoy writing!

EDIT: probably still most wanted.....

I'm new

9 years ago

"Most wanted Warriors fan"

...What do you mean by that, really?

I'm new

9 years ago


Seriously *Justin voice* what do you mean?

I'm new

9 years ago

Hello and Welcome to CYS. My name is James. If you need any help, please feel free to PM.

I look forward to reading your stories.

I'm new

9 years ago
The name's Raven. Welcome to this site. If you need anything, feel free to ask anyone here.

I'm new

9 years ago

I'm relatively new as well, but have already read a few things.  Dungeon Stompage! was a great Advanced Editor medieval fantasy game.  I think I might read Necromancer next - whenever I start again.

There's also a decent Writing Exercises thread in the Writing Workshop section of the forums.  I'd suggest starting there with a few simple things to get your feet wet.  ;)

I'm new

9 years ago

*Curtsies* Welcome to CYS.

I'm new

9 years ago

I'm new

9 years ago
Welcome to the site, I'm glad you found this place and I hope you enjoy it.

I'm new

9 years ago


I'm new

9 years ago
Welcome.  It's always nice to see a new face...  :)