Woo! I now currently have 30 Characters selected for this brawl. Here they are in the order they may appear in the story.
1. Scorpion (MKX) Mortal Kombat series
2. Master Chief (Halo 2) Halo series
3. Lucario (SSBB) Pokemon series
4. Harry Potter (HP:DH) Harry Potter series
5. Luke Skywalker (SW:ROTJ) Star Wars series
6. Captain Kirk (ST:Beyond) Star Trek reboot series
7. Link (LOZ:OoT) Legend of Zelda series
8. Samus Aran (MP3) Metroid series
9. Lee Everett (TT:TWDS1) Telltale game sereies
10. Spider-Man (Tom Holland) Marvel Cinematic Universe
11. Batman (Ben Affleck) DC Cinematic Universe
12. Snake (MGS3) Metal Gear series
13. Joel (TLoU) The Last of Us game
14. Ezio Auditore (AC3) Assassin's Creed series
15. Doomslayer (Doom Reboot) Doom series
16. Scout (TF2) Team Fortress 2 game
17. Dragonborn (ES) Skyrim Elder Scrolls series
18. Prince of Persia (WW) Prince of Persia series
19. Sam Fisher (SC3) Splinter Cell series
20. The Mountain that Rides (GoT) Game of Thrones series
21. Tracer (Overwatch) Overwatch game
22. Guts (B:TA) Berserk series
23. The Predator (AVP) Aliens vs Predator series
25. Conan the Barbarian (Arnold Schwarzenegger) Conan the Barbarian movie
25. Agent 47 (Hitman 3) Hitman series
26. Geralt of Riveria (TW3) The Witcher series
27. Knight Artorias (DS) Dark Souls series
28. Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) Deadpool movie
29. Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) The Walking Dead series
30. James Bond (Daniel Craig) Spectre movie
And even more to come. Keep giving me suggestions!