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Hello Everyone!

8 years ago

This is just a quick post to say "hello" to everyone reading this!

I've been busy with school recently, so, it will be hard to get my story done... however, I am excited to get to know everyone here in 

Anyways, Have a good day!

Hello Everyone!

8 years ago

Hello, and welcome!

Hello Everyone!

8 years ago

Hello and welcome to the valorous kingdom of CYS!

I recommend reading Will's How Not To Write and The Land of Bad Writing since they may help you with any future storygames you may write. In addition, here’s a story that is a good example of what not to do. Moral of the story: listen to constructive criticism.

I also recommend taking a surf through all the articles in the Help & Info section, two in particular being a helpful list made by StrykerL and an excellent article on proper forum posting, if you haven’t seen it yet that is. One resource in particular worth mentioning is a very good resource for designing a storygame.

Among the things you're more than welcome to participate in:

writing prompts

a contest

a collaborative story setting

poetry prompts.

I wish you luck in any creative writing endeavors you embark on! There's also a ton of good content on this website, so I hope you find the time to read any of the featured storygames.

And remember: above all else, live your life off the wall!

...Oh, there’s also this.

Hello Everyone!

8 years ago
Greetings, all the best for your work

Hello Everyone!

8 years ago

Hello Everyone!

8 years ago


Hello Everyone!

8 years ago

Welcome to CYStia! Don't fall to the temptation of idiocy that can be found here and you'll be just fine. :)


Hello Everyone!

8 years ago
Welcome to the site, I do hope you enjoy your time here.

Hello Everyone!

8 years ago

Hai! I've seen you lurking around. ^_^ I'm sure you know a bit about this site already, so I guess there's no need to shove stuff down your throat Banner.