You could do choices for the purposes of role play, if you're making something more geared towards the game side of things.
The Shadowrun CRPGs by Harebrained schemes do this where they offer you dialogue that simply allows you to chose the personality of your character, even if it isn't referenced later on (and some actual choices, ofcourse: it can't all be smoke and mirrors).
I quite enjoyed being able to chose wether my character was stoic or jokey or something else, made role-playing tons of fun. Don't know how it would translate to story games thought, particularily if there aren't any 'gameplay' segments; constantly having to pick between 3 choices that don't change anything for the purposes of fluff probably would get annoying, but hey, you could add something minor like relationships or stats (think Choice of Games) to make even those minor choices have consenquences.
Best of luck,