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Hello! (Good news)

7 years ago


Some of the people maybe remember me.

In 11/11/17 I created a new account on this site and post my first post here, at the Newbie Central...

I received some help from the people that respond on my post and on this "Help & Info" button.

From this date I am worked almost 2 months for my story, I took some breaks and think what to add or change in my story,

What to improve or what to delete in my story.

And then, 

Today the 1/1/18 in Monday.

I published my new story that called: "The lost coin!"

Please check that out and read my story, don't forget to give me a feedback to help me improve my next stories that I will write in the future.

I hope you will enjoy my story :)

Thank you! ;)


Hello! (Good news)

7 years ago
You seem so nice, I feel legit bad for all the ways you're going to get brutalized.

Hello! (Good news)

7 years ago

I remember you! Well, I'll check out your story. I hope that it isn't a disappointment. 

Hello! (Good news)

7 years ago

And it gone.

Hello! (Good news)

7 years ago

You're right...

I published yesterday, maybe it didn't saved?

I will publish again.

Edit: Published!

I hope that the problem will not return again.

Hello! (Good news)

7 years ago
It got unpublished because of the rating. You may want to take it back down before an admin has to do it for you again.

Hello! (Good news)

7 years ago

Maybe you're right...

I see in the comments, and they are ture.

I am studying English, and... Yea.

A lot of grammar mistakes some people say I have...

Thanks for commenting this.

Hello! (Good news)

7 years ago

Good luck with that. It appears that you genuinely want to make an effort and listen to the feedback you received so that's good. I would also suggest asking around for help from some of the site members on this site, as more often than not there are people here who will lend a hand in assisting you.

Hello! (Good news)

7 years ago


I will take your tip as soon as I will need it!

Hello! (Good news)

7 years ago

Thanks for the quick feedback everyone!

Unfortunately (and that was true) I am unpublished my story.

You were right.

I am studying English now and some people, even you, spot my grammar mistakes in my story.

Before I unpublished my story, I saw your feedbacks.

All of the feedbacks I got were bad and I knew that some people will write in their feedback only bad things about my stories.

I was a bit disappointed after reading this feedbacks that not include even one thing that I worked "hard" on. (To even start to take a serious thing to do...)

I even thought, if that was worthwhile to create an account and to start writing my stories and some of my expressions.

But a few of you, especially DiniTheWizard and mizal, helped me to know this site better and gave me tips and hope to continue and don't give up!

I would like to say thanks for who was writed more tips, good things and more on the feedback or on the forum.

I will take a break from this site and I will talk to some of my friends and maybe even to you... (Some people on this site)

I am hoping that I will not regret creating this account and even to start writing or feedbacking other stories.

I am having now so many thoughts of what to do next and maybe I wrote some mistakes on this post because I wrote faster to share my thought and to start to take my break.

Thanks again, I will check less often this site and more stories in this site,

Because my break always helped me to think what to do next...


And for the newbies that read this post and joined this site or were edited their first story, please remember one rule...


Even if it will be hard at the first time, you can do better next time as you learn your mistakes.


Hello! (Good news)

7 years ago
One way you might get more direct feedback and start understanding more: you could post a paragraph or so in the Writing Workshop here and ask for help/feedback. There are a few people here on the site that will review what you have written and will be glad to help you fix it.

Hello! (Good news)

7 years ago


I will check that out.

Hello! (Good news)

7 years ago
You wrote a story, which is already more than a lot of people (like me!) will ever do. A lot of people would have been angry or sad after getting the feedback that you got, but you decided to not give up. That's an awesome attitude, keep it up! Nobody is born perfect, you should've seen my English just two years earlier. Find some good books, songs or films, you'll learn easier doing something you enjoy. Try some writing prompts to practice. Some people take years to finish a story, there is no need to rush. Good luck! :)

Hello! (Good news)

7 years ago

Thank you!

I'm now starting to see more grammar lessons on sites, videos, friends and more.

Because I saw that grammar is my main difficultly on this language.

Hello! (Good news)

7 years ago

Hi. It's good that you are eager to improve your English. Below, I have corrected some of the mistakes in your post (or at least improved the English.) They may still sound 'clumsy' in English, but at least (I hope) are more grammatically correct.

If you want any more help with English, as someone else suggested, you could post a paragraph in the writing workshop forum, and I'm sure someone will help you.


I am unpublished my story --> I have unpublished my story

--- Usually the "to have" verb comes before a second verb in the past tense, not the "to be" verb. It is also OK to drop the verb altogether, e.g. "I unpublished my story."


Before I unpublished my story, I saw your feedbacks --> Before I unpublished my story, I saw your feedback.

--- "Feedback" is a noun that stays the same in plural form.

For example: All of the feedbacks I got were bad --> All of the feedback I got was bad


I knew that some people will write in their feedback only bad things about my stories --> I knew that some people would write in their feedback only bad things about my stories.

--- When using "will", "shall", or "can" in the way you are above (modal verb), use "would", "should", or "could" instead. 


I was a bit disappointed after reading this feedbacks that not include even one thing that I worked "hard" on --> I was a bit disappointed after reading the feedback, because it did not include even one thing that I worked "hard" on

--- I understand what you are trying to say but it doesn't really make sense. I think you should try splitting it into two smaller sentences or separate clauses, as the grammar will be easier to handle that way.


But a few of you, especially DiniTheWizard and mizal, helped me to know this site better and gave me tips and hope to continue and don't give up! --> But a few of you, especially DiniTheWizard and mizal, helped me to know this site better and gave me tips. They also gave me hope to continue and not give up!

--- Try not to use "and" more than once in a sentence. Break the sentence up if you need to.


I would like to say thanks for who was writed more tips, good things and more on the feedback or on the forum --> I would like to say thanks to those who wrote tips, good things and more in the feedback or in the forum.

--- This is important - "to write" is an irregular verb. Use "wrote" in the past tense, not "was writed". ("Have written" is also OK.)


I am having now so many thoughts of what to do next and maybe I wrote some mistakes on this post because I wrote faster to share my thought and to start to take my break --> I am having so many thoughts of what to do next and maybe I made some mistakes in this post because I wrote faster to share my thoughts and to start my break

--- "Mistakes" are always "made", never "wrote". Also "to start to take" would usually be shortened to "to start".


Thanks again, I will check less often this site --> Thanks again, I will check this site less often

--- Inverted word order in English.


Because my break always helped me to think what to do next --> Because my break always helps me to think what to do next

--- When talking about habits, it is common to use the present tense ("always helps me") rather than the past ("always helped me")


were edited their first story --> have edited their first story

--- again, use "to have" rather than "to be". I think in this case what you actually mean is "are editing their first story" - present tense ongoing action.


Even if it will be hard at the first time, you can do better next time as you learn your mistakes --> Even if it will be hard the first time, you can do better next time as you learn from your mistakes


Hope this helped, feel free to PM me or post in the writing workshop forum if you need more help.

Hello! (Good news)

7 years ago


Just wow!

Thank you for correcting me on my last post.

I'm so happy that there's people that can help others on their hard time.

And thanks again, I will check the creative forum.




Hello! (Good news)

7 years ago

Thanks, it's nice you appreciate it!

Yes, post on the writing forum if you want any more help.

Hello! (Good news)

7 years ago

OK, thank you!

Hello! (Good news)

7 years ago
Don't give up~

Hello! (Good news)

7 years ago
