"How can you ram star destroyers by going into Hyperspace?"
My question was, if Hyperspace kamikazeing into other ships is so effective...why don't the rebels do it more? I mean, that was Snoke's cruiser, so assumingly it is the most well protected cruiser the First Order has to offer, and it had no chance against a Hyperspace kamikaze.
I mean, it's not like the rebels aren't desperate enough to do something like that. Time and time again they show they are willing to sacrifice themselves to deal a significant blow to the First Order...well then, here's a ship with Hyperspace capabilities, have fun.
Or better yet, has no one with all these droids ever figured out how to make an automated Hyperspace missile? Basically a ship that Hyperspaces into a critical ship belonging to the enemy completely run by machines? In the prequels, there were droids that were also spaceships and needed no pilot so that shouldn't be too hard to do. Screw the force, apparently Hyperspace is the ultimate power in the universe.