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Last Jedi Questions

7 years ago

If Luke didn't want to be bothered by other people and just wanted to be left alone to die, then why did he leave a map to find him in the previous movie? When did Finn learn to fly a spaceship? How can you ram star destroyers by going into Hyperspace?

Last Jedi Questions

7 years ago

No doubt luke was waiting for years for someone to finally figure out his map.

Last Jedi Questions

7 years ago

Well, that clarifies things for me. ;)

Last Jedi Questions

7 years ago

"How can you ram star destroyers by going into Hyperspace?"

My question was, if Hyperspace kamikazeing into other ships is so effective...why don't the rebels do it more? I mean, that was Snoke's cruiser, so assumingly it is the most well protected cruiser the First Order has to offer, and it had no chance against a Hyperspace kamikaze.

I mean, it's not like the rebels aren't desperate enough to do something like that. Time and time again they show they are willing to sacrifice themselves to deal a significant blow to the First Order...well then, here's a ship with Hyperspace capabilities, have fun.

Or better yet, has no one with all these droids ever figured out how to make an automated Hyperspace missile? Basically a ship that Hyperspaces into a critical ship belonging to the enemy completely run by machines? In the prequels, there were droids that were also spaceships and needed no pilot so that shouldn't be too hard to do. Screw the force, apparently Hyperspace is the ultimate power in the universe.

Last Jedi Questions

7 years ago

My brother and I actually had a huge argument about this. I think given this bit of news, the ideal weapon is now just asteroids with hyperspace engines on them, like Ork Roks from 40k. With those, you can cheaply destroy any enemy vessels, and do some cataclysmic damage to planets without even needing a death star. There's definitely droid-operated ships all over star wars, be it ships run by droids, or just ships that are droids, like the CIS Vulture droids and their variants. Hell, those needed loads of option, like shooting, firing missiles, knowing when to do maneuvers, stuff like that. All a missile would need is to be aimed and shot, and now when to jump to hyperspace.

Last Jedi Questions

7 years ago

Most of the arguments I’ve heard why the kamikaze technique isn’t used more often is due to the rebels generally not having nearly enough resources to mass produce suicide droids and hyperspace capable ships or the manpower to waste doing it on a regular basis.

But even if that's the case, they can't be that destitute considering you've got real life people that don't have a pot to piss in nor a window to throw out of and they can still put together a simple bomb to blow up themselves up with, so it still seems like you’d at least see it used more often on major targets. (Like Snoke's ship)

I’ve also heard the whole “ideological” argument, that the rebels cherish the life of their people more than the imperials, so no suicide runs on a regular basis. But that one is just complete nonsense even if you take out the kamikaze droid option that would ensure none of the rebels are suicide bombing themselves.