
Forums » Writing Workshop » Read Thread

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5 years ago

Okay so I'm writing one of these story games for an assignment (and posting it) and I have to stick to the word count but I'm writing more than I expected I would. Should I post the assignment version and then update it later on to what I really want after the assignment has been marked?


5 years ago

If you plan on using the site afterwards I recommend leaving the story in sneak peak and not publishing it. You can share the link so they can read it, but at the same time add more afterwards. Plus if it has a word limit the school version is unlikely to be as well received if published, because around the bare minimum is 5k. 2k if you just want a story that does not get removed.


5 years ago

Thanks and I think I will do a sneak peek and not publish it, well the school version anyway.


5 years ago
I saw 'school project' and inwardly cringed, but the writing looks pretty good so far, how refreshing! I'd definitely encourage you to put a full version on the site once you get your grade. (But seconding what was said about leaving it in Sneak Peek, publishing stories on the site before they're finished is discouraged for several reasons.)

What's the minimum limit you're working with and what is the actual goal of the assignment?


5 years ago

The max word count is 2750, so I do have some room to work with but I just feel that my longer and more detailed version is better.