
Forums » Writing Workshop » Read Thread

Find proofreaders here, useful resources, and share opinions and advice on story crafting.


4 years ago

Hello! I'm writing my first story and I need help with it. Anyone wanna be a Co-Auth? Or read it and give suggestions? Any help would be highly appreciated. -Fermosa


4 years ago
Newbies are always asking for co authors, and usually incredibly vague about what they're writing in the first place. You might get more interest or at least some feedback if you told us something about the story, or put up a link, or posted at least the first page.

But fact is most people here are pretty caught up in their own projects, and while giving advice is no trouble, actually co authoring with someone who at this point is a total unknown is a big time sink that pretty much never produces useable results.

E: since I notice your story appears to be a 'part 1', just letting you know that it's much, much preferred to post complete stories here. Unless each part is self contained and just absolutely massive.


4 years ago

Alright, thank you!


4 years ago
Indeed. Instead of asking for a co-auth, why not post here what you've got and ask for what's next?