Hi Ford, thanks for the reply.
So Aspie refers to the use of postback ID's. Not completely sure what postback ID's are, but I found this article about scripting: https://chooseyourstory.com/help/articles/article.aspx?ArticleId=42 - didn't see a 'navigational' example.
I'm sure I could figure it out if I had an example. - maybe.
To answer RCR's question as to why I think I need this: I don't 'need' it. - I've seen it on other stories and figured it was easy enough, but once I tried it, it didn't turn out that way.
I'm thinking it could bring the choices directly into the story instead of having to select them at the bottom of the page. For example:
The conference isn't going as planned. You asked what you thought was a simple question, now you're not so sure.
Agent C tells Agent F, "He needs to change the postback ID, that'll do it."
Agent R. says, "Ask him why he needs this" and adds in a whisper, "I don't like that guy, he gives me Kiel vibes".