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Need funny Bill ideas for President simulator.

3 years ago

So far i have:

Switch saturday and sunday and force a $50 fine for missing church

Make it illegal to smile in public

Make it illegal to fart in public

Change the national anthem to Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen

Ban Justin beiber from the USA

any other ideas?

Need funny Bill ideas for President simulator.

3 years ago
I'm actually more interested to know if you realize that Presidents don't put forth bills; they only sign them into law (or veto) once they are created by Congress and upheld by the Senate.

So if you're game intends to lampoon the Presidency (which is fine) you need to know that the Congress and Senate are the morons responsible for putting all the lame bills on the president's desk.

You might want to just focus on all the sexy sex scandals instead.

Need funny Bill ideas for President simulator.

3 years ago

At first I thought the person was asking Bill for funny ideas.

Need funny Bill ideas for President simulator.

3 years ago
In b4 succubus tits.

Need funny Bill ideas for President simulator.

3 years ago
Succu... dammit!

Need funny Bill ideas for President simulator.

3 years ago

haha, no i needed ideas for what bills to pass.  Anyway, i appreciate the ideas, keep em coming

Need funny Bill ideas for President simulator.

3 years ago
A game where you're the POTUS and having to vote one way or the other or else use a limited number of vetos to try and balance the opinion of the public and Congress might be fun.

But yes it even a very simplified parody would need at least a skim of a wiki article on how government works.

(Is Justin Bieber still even relevant to anyone?)

Need funny Bill ideas for President simulator.

3 years ago

Its finished and the rating is 18+, Story maturity is at a 7. 


Yes, i went there

Need funny Bill ideas for President simulator.

3 years ago
Who is Bill?

Need funny Bill ideas for President simulator.

3 years ago

All socks must be sold in packs of three. That way, if you lose one, you'll still have a pair. ^_^

Need funny Bill ideas for President simulator.

3 years ago

Why not just use real laws that actually exist? Makes a nice insider joke.

Funny US laws are imminently googlable. Of course the most fun ones are state and local laws your president can make them federal laws.

For example, I had no idea that it is illegal to mispronounce Arkansas.

For good measure I'd throw in the 3rd amendment.

Need funny Bill ideas for President simulator.

3 years ago

OK here are some more allegedly real laws that I found:

  • $500 fine for using a nuclear weapon
  • Illegal to have a skunk as pet
  • Make it illegal to eat friend chicken with knife and fork
  • Black cats must wear a bell on friday the 13th
  • Make advertising on tombstones illegal
  • No dancing to the national anthem
  • Companies must provide ample supply of toilet paper in coal mines
  • Can't keep a skunk as a pet
  • Donkeys can't sleep in a bathtub
  • Make it Illegal to honk near a sandwich shop after 9pm
  • It's illegal to for a woman to marry the same man more than 3 times
  • Ban giving rats as presents
  • Idiots are banned from voting (yes, actual law NM, not my cynical commentary)
  • Illegal to trick-or-treat when you are over 14

Need funny Bill ideas for President simulator.

3 years ago

Advertising on toombstones? Why that's genius!!! Why has nobody else thought of that?

"Here lies Chad, beloved husband of Karen. Tragically, his cancer could not be cured by the magical healing properties of Karen's vast collection of DoTerra Essential Oils! Though they did manage to prolong his life for several years (with the help of a little chemo, twelve surgeries, months of radio theropy and several bone marrow transplants). If you or someone you know is suffering with cancer (or any other kind of illness) then call Karen, and learn more about how you can become a Boss Babe by buying and selling DoTerra Essential Oils! It's not just an oil, it's a lifestyle!" ^_^

Need funny Bill ideas for President simulator.

3 years ago

I'm dead. XD