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End of game page

2 years ago
Do I just not add any more links? And what are some of your thoughts on having options to kill your player in the beginning of the game? I want to give the player multiple choices, including dumb ones that will get the player killed in combat and the game starts with player going into combat. Will people just go through all the options and choose the one that doesn't get them and their squad killed?

Thank you for your time.

End of game page

2 years ago
1) Add Link >> End Game and Leave Comments
2) They will rate it for the point and not bother to read the rest of the game unless you REALLY grab them with the first page.

End of game page

2 years ago

Don't just leave a dead end page after you kill someone, make sure you add the "end game" link so it leads to the rating/comment screens.

A story with a bunch (Or even one) "dead pages" is going to be more frowned upon than killing someone on the first page.


End of game page

2 years ago
The editor warns about any dead end links just left hanging there when you publish, and technically they'll make a game look broken or unfinished, which it can be taken down for.

And just adding to End's post that yeah, no one will mind a first page death, it just decreases the amount of time you may have to catch a reader's attention.

The one thing to really avoid though is what we call forced looping. If the character dies, let the player rate and comment. Sending them back to the beginning or previous choices until they finish the game "correctly" is something loathed by many here. It's just a kind of railroading, and if someone is NOT hooked on the game, making them jump through hoops just to put their two cents in will only make them saltier.

End of game page

2 years ago
Awesome, thanks for the help. No dead end pages over here.

So it's a good thing because people who aren't into the story won't have to deal with it for very long if they die early. And cool, no force looping over either. I don't care about people finishing the game correctly. This place is about making your own choices and dealing with them, which is why I love it here.

Another question, would people be able to rate it if I check the sneak preview box?

End of game page

2 years ago

With sneak preview on, nobody can rate it or comment on it, but it's visible on your profile and people with the site extension/people you give the link to can play it.

End of game page

2 years ago
Cool, thanks. You guys rock

End of game page

2 years ago
It is still possible to leave comments, but I'm not sure if ratings are calculated. You don't get a point for rating an unpublished game however.

Very few people are going to be snooping around in someone else's unfinished game unless invited to help proofread though. And if there's an actual issue with a comment like that (because now that I've said this it's entirely possible someone might do it for lols) you can just ask for an admin to delete it.