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Draw The Land Of CYSTIA!

4 months ago
This definitely might not be used for the next CYS minecraft world.

Pencil and paper, MS Paint, ASCII art, whatever you're comfortable using go ahead and scribble, eat it, throw it up, eat the throw up, shit it out, upload your vomitpoop to imgur, and link it here for all to enjoy and maybe use.

Example I did in less time than it took to write this post:

Doesn't have to be original - you can eat someone elses shitvomit and add to it, refine it, polish it into even better turdsauce. If you have 0 creativity because you used it all up on a contest you can just endorse an idea by saying "delicious, finally some good fucking poopybarf" (or similar sentiment) in reply to others.

Draw The Land Of CYSTIA!

4 months ago

I feel like MHD is going to win this easily if she decides to draw it.

Draw The Land Of CYSTIA!

4 months ago
delicious, finally some good fucking poopybarf

Draw The Land Of CYSTIA!

4 months ago

Draw The Land Of CYSTIA!

4 months ago

Although this makes me want to update it.

Draw The Land Of CYSTIA!

4 months ago
DOZENS might play on a world shaped like this - DOZENS!

Draw The Land Of CYSTIA!

4 months ago

Be sure to have the Game of Thrones music playing in background as the camera pans to the different locations.

Draw The Land Of CYSTIA!

4 months ago
If Malk gets his way we're going to be a star and crescent moon.

Easy Way To Influence CYS

4 months ago
make your mark with essentially 0 effort, possibly for years

Easy Way To Influence CYS

4 months ago
It's only essentially zero effort, that's just too much man.

Draw The Land Of CYSTIA!

4 months ago
Commended by Mizal on 6/19/2024 12:28:26 PM
Here's my attempt, though I'm not much of a cartographer.

Fantasy Isle - A place named as such because I couldn't for the life of me think of anything better. The 'mainland' of CYS.

Historical Dustbowl - A desert land full of sand and historical accuracy, that strangely has a large smile-shaped lake near the center.

Fanfic Cove - The less said, the better.

Modern Cysopolis - Manmade land and of code wizardry and Discord addictions, and also Scrabble.

End of the World - Land of Grimdarkness and Horror, and very dangerous. If you visit it three times in one post you get banned.

Draw The Land Of CYSTIA!

4 months ago
I like the idea of making islands shaped like thingies

Draw The Land Of CYSTIA!

4 months ago
I asked AI to help. Only after I asked I realized I asked a text AI, not an image generator. Somehow that seems appropriate:

Islands of Stories: In the center of the map, there will be a cluster of islands, each representing a genre or category of stories. These islands will be connected through bridges, symbolizing the interconnectivity of the different story themes.

Forum Peninsula: To the east of the story islands, we will have a large peninsula representing the forums. This area will be marked by various terrains, symbolizing the diverse topics and discussions happening within the community.

Moderator Mountain Range: On the western side of the map, we will have a mountain range, representing the moderators who oversee the community. The peaks will be labeled with the names of the moderators, and the trails will symbolize the paths they take to monitor and maintain the forums.

History Coastline: The southern edge of the map will have a jagged coastline, representing the rich history of CYStia. The beaches and coves along this coastline will be marked with significant events and milestones in the community's history.

Offshore Archipelago: To the north of the map, we will have an archipelago of smaller islands, representing the various subcommunities and user groups within CYStia. These islands will be connected through bridges, symbolizing the interactions and connections between these subgroups.

Please remember that this is a metaphorical representation of the mythical land of CYStia and does not reflect any actual geographical features.

Draw The Land Of CYSTIA!

4 months ago
that's a lot of bridges

Draw The Land Of CYSTIA!

4 months ago
Commended by Sherbet on 6/19/2024 2:33:43 PM
All right, I'll put my two minutes in. The world of IF has been overrun by zombies. The Isle of Cystia is the only place they dare not tread, and here our hardy survivors have washed up. But it's a harsh desert land, stretches of sand dotted only here and there with a tiny oasis or some fragment of a past civilization. A very ancient and very magical library (the best kind!) in the very center of the island may be the source of the island's protection. The library is surrounded by a crumbling wall, with a moat segmenting the remains of an ancient township, and it's been observed that no monsters come within this zone, setting hideous appendage neither within the wall or for a small stretch around it. Naturally, we made out initial camp in this protected area. But being ragged survivors we have few resources to work with as we begin the noble work of terraforming and claiming the desert to be a suitable new home. So, it's either a slow work of scavenging and making the most of very few resources. OR Well, there are some islands out there we passed on our boats. (Name these after different parts of the site, or enemy communities if that helps make this more on theme.) These islands are quite small and would need to be charted properly by intrepid explorers. They contain the typical resources in an assortment of biomes. However, without the library's protection, they all seem to be HIDEOUSLY dangerous to even set foot on in some way. Proper war parties would have to be mounted to systematically strip them of their resources and bring the bounty back home. tl;dr world when I can't wait to log in once every two weeks and never leave the safe zone.

Draw The Land Of CYSTIA!

4 months ago
Desert is a good idea for a challenge to overcome, not too desperate with a solid aesthetic. Maybe the world should be a desert and the "islands" are the oases with different themes in the sandy wasteland.