Oh yah, the god of judgement. How'd I forget that! I actually really like Egyptian mythology (you seem a bit more of an expert though, I take my, err, big pharoah hat thingy off to you), don't get me wrong. Maybe if you could see the Moses doco, you'd get what I am trying to get across.
Hey, I'm a Christian, and I'm not saying all of our mythology is good either. I mean, some chick getting mad from a dude's ribs? And the Buddhists? 'The King asked the elephant to stand on no legs. It did, and flew away, and ruled a third of India, and in a later life became Siddharta Gottama (is that spelt right?).
Oh yeah, religion is weird. I'd say no offence right now, but...
never mind. Sorry if I offended you. No need to be so upset, just stating my view. Some Christians would get ticked at the very mention of multiple Gods you know.
If bow chikee bow wow doesn't spell it out for you, what will?