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A place to sit back, hang out, and make monkey noises about anything you'd like.

I'm Back

18 years ago
Hello people of  I have came back to continue my time here at this wonderful site.

Heck, from all the games I've played elsewhere, I'm sure I can make a good story about some roleplaying I have done on other sites.  Anyways, before I got on, I decided to think, who do I remember.  Here is the list I came up with.

(Who was the other person that had his style)

Sorry, but I forgot you Solo, and possibly October.

I believe I am coming out of retirement.  I'll be crawling the ideas forum, and if possible, a list of good games would be nice for me too see.

Also, I know more technical things about websites, so expect some ideas to be more techy than others from me.

Anyways, I don't think I'm going to create a huge story thing, as that would probably take 3 years, but instead work on small adventures, or possibly some simulations.

I'm Back

18 years ago

haha thats quite funny actually, youve been gone only two months, hardly  a retirement :P

it seems a little longer than it actually is tho lol

I'm Back

18 years ago
Yippee Havvy is back lets hold a celebration. (Rolls Eyes)

I'm Back

18 years ago
Gets out balloons and cake.

I'm Back

18 years ago

I'm Back

18 years ago
Great to see you. I thought you'd take a while longer, or a while shorter, but not the time in between. Welcome back, Havvy.

I'm Back

18 years ago
I was hoping it'd take a lot longer :P :D jk

I'm Back

18 years ago
You weren't expecting three months?  I mean really.  That's a quarter of a year.

Anyways.  I died on Madglee's game. 

I'm Back

18 years ago
thats an extremely short absence....

I'm Back

18 years ago

I'm Back

18 years ago
I'm horrified that you had no recollection of me.

I'm Back

18 years ago
Yeah effing seriously, madglee is the first person i think about when I think mag.

I'm Back

18 years ago
Seriously? Thanks man. Triple J breaking out props left and right. :)

I'm Back

18 years ago
Feel honored, I dont do it much :P :D

I'm Back

18 years ago
Well, you were kind of newish to the site in my perspective, and I didn't actually see any of your contributions.  Now I have.  They are excellent.

I'm Back

18 years ago



I'm Back

18 years ago
Notice:  From my perspective.

I know that he has the oldest account, but I wasn't on this site back then, so in his abscence, I came, and when he came back, he looks new.

I'm Back

18 years ago

Still how can you say hes a new member from your preospective when were talking about remembering people.  Wouldnt you remember him almost solely on how long hes been with us, even if for nothing else?

I'm Back

18 years ago
Not exactly.  I also forgot Solo if you haven't noticed.  Anubis also.  Maybe October.  I forget the list. :P

Anyways, you don't expect a person to remember everything exactly after not thinking about it for 3 months.

I'm Back

18 years ago

"I can still do, since I have a good memory on what happened before I left." - Havacoman.


I'm Back

18 years ago
A good memory, not a perfect memory.  Also, some things are still coming back to me.  I completely forgot about Simpsons and redeye.  I have a good memory when it comes to Fear though.

His "Edutainment" game.
The Universe Account.
His brother Badger.

I'm Back

18 years ago
How can you not remember madglee, hes one of the best things thats happened to this site.  madglee kicks magor moose ass (inside joke there)

I'm Back

18 years ago
That I was here for.

His great contributions happened after I left.  Before that, he didn't really make a great contribution, and as such, I didn't remember him.  It's really simple.

I'm Back

18 years ago
I disagree.  The only thing you missed that you didnt see was Mommy can I go out and kill tonight, which is amazing but you were here for meeting him and you must have played ADIH.  Frankly I'm offended you dont remember him, lol.

I'm Back

18 years ago

Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points Earning 500 Points Having 1 Storygame(s) Featured Rated 100.0% of all Stories Given by alexp on 07/25/2006 Given by Havacoman on 07/29/2006 Given by JJJ-thebanisher on 07/25/2006 Given by solostrike on 08/19/2006 - You have got a great featured game, you have helped out quite a bit on the site for the little time that you have been on!



I'm Back

18 years ago
Actually, you'll be surprised how long I wait before looking at a good game.

I'm Back

18 years ago
The other person was Jdog

I'm Back

18 years ago
Yep, that I also figured out after seeing one of his posts (mainly in the contest thread)

I'm Back

18 years ago
Are you ignoring my trophy post?

I'm Back

18 years ago
You have a trophy post?

I'm Back

18 years ago
On this thread, eagly eye.

I'm Back

18 years ago
Doh!  (The Homer Simpson kind)

I believe I gave that too him before he came back...

It was one of his games I believe.

I'm Back

18 years ago

I was the first to give it to him and it was because he was an intellectual and I wouldnt have known that prior to when he came back.

In words you may understand better: Your wrong.

I'm Back

18 years ago

I was the first to give it to him and it was because he was an intellectual and I wouldnt have known that prior to when he came back.

In words you may understand better: Your wrong.

Hey, does this count as intellectually insulting somebody.  Oh, and are you talking about some long post he made in the FWW, or what?  I gave it based on one of his games.

I'm Back

18 years ago

why the fuck are you arguing. over the internet. i found a joke the other day about this :P

What do the special olympics and an internet flame war have in common?

- Even if you win, you're still retarded


lol :)

I'm Back

18 years ago
now that was not very "politically-correct"

I'm Back

18 years ago


im not retarted, fuck you!

I'm Back

18 years ago

I'm pretty sure this is a "I'm back" thread and not an arguing one. I don't know what happened between you guys, Havacoman and JJJ-thebanisher, but please stop arguing.

Anyway, welcome back! Nice to know there's more people on.

I'm Back

18 years ago
Why do you hate Havacoman so, JJJ? Although I remember The Madge solely on good memory (and maybe on not leaving the site, but I remind you that shut up), Havacoman spent three months not thinking about the site at all. He's not such a big a fan as you are so just let it go.

Until about three weeks ago (before he made his new storygame) I hardly knew him at all, because I didn't talk to him so much through PM's (I still don't, but still, I know him and I'm pretty sure there's no hard feelings). Havacoman might not have known him that well at all.. just let it go.

My God, it's just remembering someone. He can make friends with Madge again, can't he?

I'm Back

18 years ago
You know, it's not like I utterly forgot about him.  I get my memory back when I see things again.

I don't think about the web all the time outside of it.  I keep some things in my brain with a lock that can only be opened when it's commanded too.

I'm Back

18 years ago
Really? You need to allow yourself to think things? lol im just joking :P

I'm Back

18 years ago
*Looks at thoughts*

*Thinks to self*
What to think about?  What to think about?

I'm Back

18 years ago

Who the frick is MADGLE??? Its madglee.... YOUR MISSING AN "LE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

October who are you to tell me what to do?  Why even go into this?  What is your motive?  Do you want me mad at you?

I'm Back

18 years ago
Well, we are both so fond of polls...

Let's take one here and now.

Who wants JJJ to quit making remarks about any thoughts of stupidity, memory loss, and confusion I may or may not have?

0 - For
0 - Against
0 - Abstain (Vote for neither)

I'm Back

18 years ago
I s'pose I should thank you for allowing me to bolst my post count by replying to some very mindless posts.

I'm Back

18 years ago
It seems you already are, but I'd rather remain friends.

I was suggesting, not demanding you to do something, although take it any way you want. It's just you seem to be starting most of the arguments between you and Havacoman, so I asked if you could stop. I'm sure a few other people would agree that it isn't pleasant to see other people in arguments all the time. Emphasis on the all. It is okay to have arguments every once in a while, but this is just about remembering somebody. If he couldn't really remember *Madglee, then that isn't his fault is it? He can remember him now, it just had to be tapped.

*I shall be calling Madglee by his name, except with a capital letter. I only called him The Madge because I couldn't stand defying grammar to name somebody without a capital, so I thought of a nickname I could use instead, and that was the first thing that came to my head. I was aware of how lame it was at the start.

I'm Back

18 years ago

You have obsessive compulsive disorder or something? Its madglee.

And no I'm not mad yet but the havacoman personna really does piss me off alot of the time, and sadly your drifting closer and closer.

I'm Back

18 years ago
I thought as much.

I know what you mean, and me trying to stop the fights is probably making you more angry. I know the feeling, hating people thinking you can't handle the argument yourself, and those people thinking they are more mature by stopping the argument. I don't think I'm mature, but I know how you feel, so I shall stop trying to interfere... unless it really is my argument.

I'm Back

18 years ago
Great job, your respecto meter just went way up.  (which is kinda the opposite of the havaco meter)

I'm Back

18 years ago
Look at the words in the ()s.  Look at it closely.  Anyways.  I'm logging off for the night.

I'm Back

18 years ago
maybe i meant the anti havaco meter EH EH EH EH EH EH EH

I'm Back

18 years ago
And than again, maybe it would be best to put in "Anti" into the post, or else I shall mistake it.

I'm Back

18 years ago
Maybe it was a test?!

I'm Back

18 years ago
What kind of test are you talking about?

I'm Back

18 years ago
What kind of havacoman are you talking about?

I'm Back

18 years ago
The one and only...

Try to give me an example of another Havacoman (that existed at the time of that writing)

I'm Back

18 years ago

I'm Back

18 years ago
The name of this account that I am currently using.

I'm Back

18 years ago
but what is it?

I'm Back

18 years ago
Welcome back! Good to have you here again!

I'm Back

18 years ago
Hahah, this thread is hilarious. I'm not mad at anyone, I was just kidding about not remembering me. No worries. Please don't call me "The Madge," though. LOL! Oh, and what is Havaco? Where does it come from?

I'm Back

18 years ago
It is a name...

I'm Back

18 years ago

Does Havacoman have any relation to a little boy many of us would know, saying "Have a cow, man?"

Oh, and welcome back to the site. I'm not sure I ever met you, before you went on leave, I joined July last year, so, "Hello!"

I'm Back

18 years ago
Ah you clever blaster, since Havaco refuses to reveal, I'd be inclined to believe you're right tsm.

I'm Back

18 years ago
The answer is no, but Choco made the same odd observation in a PM.

I'm Back

18 years ago
The answer is its a name he came up with at age six :P

I'm Back

18 years ago
Add about four years to that, maybe five.

I'm Back

18 years ago
Well, tell us, what is it? Classified? I'll tell you where my name came from.

I'm Back

18 years ago
One day, 3-4 years ago...
(P.S.:  I meant to say 3 instead of 5.  I started with 4 at my first thought)

<thinks>I want to create a game and a world where many people can play and battle.  What should I name it?  I know, I'll call it "Havaco".</thinks>

I'm Back

18 years ago
Lame name dude :P

I'm Back

18 years ago

Well, at least, he's creative :D

Hey, JJJ-thebanisher, mind if I nickname you banisher?

I'm Back

18 years ago

If you like, most people go for

JJJ, 3J, JX3, etc.

I'm Back

18 years ago
Yes, well, I like being original :).

I'm Back

18 years ago
"Cake" isnt original....

I'm Back

18 years ago
Random, yes.

I'm Back

18 years ago
It's original!...since nobody have that name :p

I'm Back

18 years ago
Plenty of people use the name "cake".  Maybe not on this board.

I'm Back

18 years ago
Hey, by any chance is your name (real name) TJ?

I'm Back

18 years ago
Not sure who your talking to.  Mines not.

I'm Back

18 years ago
Dang, I thought I found something.

(JJJ)-->(Triple J)-->(TJ)

I'm Back

18 years ago
Good idea :P

I'm Back

18 years ago
Oh wait, that's right.  You name is Jordan. 

I'm Back

18 years ago

I'm Back

18 years ago
This thread might just be bigger than your ego.  (It only has 72 posts)