
Forums » Feature Wishing Well » Read Thread

Suggestions for improvements and additions to the site.
This feature was rejected 10/10/2008: I like this idea, but the way the system works right now... Comments and Ratings are not tied together... so this is technically too complicated to do.

Comments update

16 years ago
At the start of a story game, you can always see the most recent comments on the side.  I think that this should be changed to be where It shows the comment given from the highest rater, the most nuetral rater and the lowest rater.  This way, the comments would be more useful to somebody who wants to know whether or not the storygame is worth playing.  They would be able to see both arguements for and against the story, and thus make a better decision, versus if the most recent commenters happened to not like the story very much, but the story had more positive comments earlier.

Comments update

16 years ago
This is a WICKED idea :D

Comments update

16 years ago
Dude. Not cool. You're spreading segregation of comments.

lol, just kidding. Awesome idea, man.

Comments update

16 years ago
Excellent idea.

Comments update

16 years ago

Comments update

16 years ago
The only problem is that it defeats the purpose of anonymous ratings.