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16 years ago

I'm in a debate with a retarded girl... *ahem* religious girl on gay marriage, and I found it kind of funny that I made this connection:

While I’m thinking about it, I want to ask you: Do you eat pork, Anna? Do you lie, or have you ever? Do you rest on the seventh day? Are you imperfect in any way?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then maybe you should try to change yourself before you start on anyone else. After all, how can you even begin to... "fix" others, if you can’t even do it for yourself?  You’re so quick to chastise others, and make them do as you want, yet you yourself are imperfect. Couldn’t it be that, because of your imperfections and possiblly tainted will, you may be dictating others to follow you into a hole that you cannot see?

Couldn’t help but noticing... And I myself am astonished to make this connection, but: Isn’t that exactly what happened with Lucifer? Just a thought.


I called her Satan. :p


16 years ago
Moved all off-topic posts. Discuss this thread only please :)

I personally think you were right and this girl was being retarded


16 years ago

wow that was a bit much.

but i still stand by what i say. starting with 'religious retard', then going on to say "If you answered yes to any of these questions, then maybe you should try to change yourself before you start on anyone else." 

i agree that we shouldnt go around 'fixing' others until we areselves are perfect mind you. but to start with an aggressive approach then tell her to back down is a bit controdictory.



16 years ago
I think what he's trying to say is that not all religious people are retards, just this one because she's anti gay marriage because it's a sin and yet she sins.

Since he isn't opposing sinners, he doesn't need to be sinless. Do you see this logic?


16 years ago

I said retarded because she doesn't know what she's talking about.  She wishes to impose her beliefs of others.  She believes that oppressing homosexuals makes for a better community.  That's retarded. 

People are so quick to tell other people what to do, they don't look at their own faults.  Also retarded.


16 years ago

How did this "debate" with the aforementioned retard go?


16 years ago

they like to discuss acts 10:13-21.  God said that many of the things that were declared unclean in Leviticus were now made clean by jesus. 

The specific instance being discussed is that salvation is for Gentiles, not just Jews.  However, they like to expand that to say also that most of the things forbidden in leviticus are allowed now.

But not for gays.  God is against them.  Still.


16 years ago

I find it interesting that people can reconcile the vengeful, warrior god of the old testament with the forgiving tolerance of the New.

Isn't that what Jesus did? Defied the ancient jewish customs and argued for love and peace?

Christianity has to do with christ, nothing more.

Incidentally, in the middle east there are more gay men than anywhere else in the world. Not a recent phenomenon either.


16 years ago
We won, it was moved.

And, regardless of that fucking book (or any fucking book), trying to suppress gays is just wrong. Homosexuality is a natural occurrence and occurs in almost all animals, it's been profound throughout evolution and there are no signs of it "going away". So, Christianity, sit the fuck down and back the fuck off.


16 years ago
I believe that since you do not choose to be gay (I think),but rather born that way, you should have the same rights. You probably won't get married as catholics, but you'd have to be married to be "gay" with another guy. So If you aren't Catholic, you can be gay, If you are Catholic and gay, you can't marry, but you can be with another man. (like dating)


16 years ago

You DON'T choose to be gay. You find out that you have been born gay. Many people don't know that, so they believe that being gay is pure sin, when really it's a natural phenomenon.

And about this whole Catholic gay thing...shut up. :P


16 years ago

This gay thing is another of mankind's attempts to restrict freedom that has nothing to do with them.

Freedom where it doesn't interfere with another's freedom.

In this case, I'd say freedom of sexuality is more important than... well... freedom of supressing freedom.


16 years ago
If you're gay and Christian, you've got issues. That's like saying that you're a Jewish Palestinian rofl. No, I'm kidding.


16 years ago

Nah, I dont see conflict there. One of the core tenets of Christianity is tolerance.

See, this is the problem with a holy book thousands of years old, heavily edited, certain books selected and others banned and finally translated between at least 3 languages.

To make it worse, each interpretation believes their version is "God's will". Thats why I'm not too pleased with the spiritual side of christianity. I believe the moral guidelines are far more importan than pleasing a deity, because of the manipulation the latter can undergo.

Fucking fundamentalists.


16 years ago
If there are so many "types" of Christianity, who's essentially right? No one knows...but everyone thinks they're right. People try to shove their beliefs on theres, and find it's against their own. Christianity says to share your beliefs, not face rape someone with them.

Rommel-I agree with you. I like the morals of christianity, but the whole spritual, "prayer" stuff is just bull/.


16 years ago

Once again, I like to find balance, equilibrium, connections, etc. Since I'm Christian, I believe I'm right. Hence. But I don't believe that MUSLIMS MUST DIE!!! (I'm sorry if that offended anyone. Sorry self.) or anything like that. I TOLERATE that. Also, I like to find connections with those other faiths. Even things that aren't necessarily accepted as an official statement in Christianity's credo, I try to work into my credo.

So when someone says, "This is God's will," and then, like, kills some athiests or something, I'd go up to that person, slap them in the face, and then tell them, "Epic fail!!!" and hope they repent.


16 years ago
Lol Anubis. I don't commit to one church/denomination because I believe as Christians, we should be happy the person's Christian and not our undies in a bundle about what "type" it is. Honestly, it's like RC and Coca Cola...same fucking thing just different brands and maybe different sweetener. Nothing TOO different...except for Catholicism is like Mountain Dew in this example...any one like soda?


16 years ago

I'd like to believe "we can all be friends," but frankly Saranac's Root Beer pwns all.


16 years ago

(I've been waiting for a reletively short post to reply to. :p  For the record, if anyone has fallen into Fleshy's trap, this thread isn't about religion.)

I think that being a part of a church is not a bad thing, given that you need to be baptized to go to heaven :p, but no person should believe 100% what their church tells them.  There's corruption all over... And people will be wrong.  I agree with you about people making a fuss about what denomination one is.  If you've read the books, you can make your own interpretation, instead of having others tell you that they're right and everyone else is wrong.

My church, for example, has some pretty good ideas I think.  Though, I wouldn't agree with them on everything.  The "prophet" of the SDA's believed that bicycles were evil... Come on, man!  Bikes!  Hahah... My church doesn't advocate that, but the do still try to defend her by saying that bikes woul detract people from giving their offerings and decimos (whatever that is in English).  That's pretty dumb I think, but that doesn't make them wrong about everything.

Anyways, my point was:  people need to chill the fuck out.  Haha, stop attacking people who don't believe in that same thing.  Some people really piss me off with that.


16 years ago
exactly, CYS needs to dispense chill pills :P


16 years ago

"bikes woul detract people from giving their offerings and decimos "

That means: "Don't spend money that you could just give to us! Happiness is eeeeevil!"

They just want to leech your money. It's just a guilt-con.


16 years ago
Watch out Rommel, it doesn't matter if that's true, apparently people are upset with us for saying it.


16 years ago

Fuck the bible belt. The internet is still free (except for china. And North Korea. and maybe aussieland if the shitbrained cockpouches win this one.)


16 years ago

What does the internet have to do with religious intolerance? 

Before being a dick head, try reading thoroughly.  I said that she believed they were evil.  I don't believe that, obviously, but I was making a point about how no church is perfect, though they may have some good ideas.  It's people today who try to defend the "evil bike" theory and that's just one explanation.  If you're going to try and defend something as retarded as that, then there's obviously something wrong with you; and if you're going to group those people with everyone else, as if we all think alike, then there's something wrong with you.


16 years ago

lol Totalitarianism.

Maybe we can open a chill pill factory, Solo. lol That'd be awesome! "Hey man, settle down, and take a Solo-Anubis Inc. Chill Pill! Buy 10 for 2 bucks!"

Anyway, I do admit that sometimes people - inside and outside the faith - believe that to be holy, you must rid yourself of ALL pleasure EVARRR! No. It's the same with fasting. You don't STARVE yourself, you make a focused effort to eat healthily, and maybe skip a snack or two. Then again, if starving is your thing and helps you commune with God, go ahead by all means. Once again, it's about your choice. I know that I've set a friggin' Guinness World Record of repeating that line, but it's true.

Oh, and allow me to bore you YET AGAIN with a story.

So we have these friends who go to our church, and they are uber-strict when it comes to their faith. They fast extremely strictly, etc. Anyway, fairly recently one of the boys of this family got leukemia. Everyone is like "OMGHOW'DHEGETITTHERESNOHISTORYOMGOMGWHATWEDO?!?!?!!?" My mom is studying biophysics in college, and it just so happens that the unit their class was on was leukemia and cancer and whatnot. Turns out that if one doesn't receive enough meat and dairy, their body is much more suseptable to cancer. Now, returning to the boy, part of the fasting was to give up dairy and meats.



16 years ago
That sucks man, a friend of mine was tested for it last month and they called his family and told him that he tested positive. People were crying, etc. Four hours later they call back and say, whoops: mixed up the tests, he doesn't have leukemia.


16 years ago

That's hilarious and horrible all at once.

By the way, our friend is recovering, so we all let out a sigh of relief.


16 years ago

LOL, sorry, had to post it.


16 years ago

You son of a bitch lol


16 years ago
Makes a point though.


16 years ago

Yeah, he does. Although the Ten Commandments are things you FOLLOW, not things you cannot do. So goes to show you his research is a little off, but I won't doddle on that.

Honestly I focus more on the morals thought by religion, and I don't zealously defend every letter and comma and space of the stories.


16 years ago
Well he says that if you don't do them you go to hell :P


16 years ago

Not the first time ppl have died for religion.

Not even the ten-thousandth time.


16 years ago

Not really.  The bible rarely even speaks of Hell. 



16 years ago


16 years ago
lol, I love that one everytime I see it.


16 years ago

Yeah, that's probably how it went down.  I can't help but thinking that there had to have been some guy counting each and every one of those deaths.  XD  They counted right down to the last digit.


16 years ago

How do they know exactly how many people died in the Great Flood?  Or when Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed?


Can anyone name the 10 people killed by Satan?  (Job's family?)


16 years ago
Your forget the definition of faith then. And there is a reason as to why certain religions observe teh month of fast.

First, the month of fast is for purification. Not eating during the day is only one part of the purification-ness, that cleanses the body physically (btw cleansing the body by fast is a method being used in north america for non-religious people as well) but fasting also means to cleanse the mind mentally and spiritually. So that means no bad thoughts, try not to commit sins etc.

My religions belief of fast (i.e. ramadan) is only symbolical, we specifically believe that we should be conducting our lives as if we fasted everyday (minus the food part), and that every day we make it a commitment to not think bad thoughts etc.

So don't take the surface definition of fasting because everyone has a different take on it. Also, we are NOT allowed to fast if we are medically unfit to do so, but some families believe you fast no matter what. But thats what faith is...


16 years ago

You got it.


16 years ago
Fasting is voluntarily not eating food for varying lengths of time. Fasting is used as a medical therapy for many conditions. It is also a spiritual practice in many religions.

If you're eating during that month, you aren't fasting, you may be cleansing yourself of thoughts, etc. You might believe they you're even having the same effect, which is fine. But you're not fasting, regardless of whether it's cleansing or not.

So, it's really ridiculous to tell me to not take the surface definition of fasting. You all might do different things on that month, but when someone isn't eating: They're still fasting. If they're eating: They're not fasting.


16 years ago

The reason for fasting is to refrain from food as well as focus on spiritual "fasting", where you cleanse yourself, etc. It's sort of a figure-of-speech I suppose.


16 years ago
Oh yeah, the reason for fasting can be whatever it likes, I don't pretend to know or debate that. I'm just saying that if you're eating, you're not fasting, you may be trying to reach the same ends, but it's still not fasting.


16 years ago

Fasting can be partial or absolute. Is that what you're talking about?


16 years ago
I'm talking about how Solo's post. He said that:

"My religions belief of fast (i.e. ramadan) is only symbolical, we specifically believe that we should be conducting our lives as if we fasted everyday (minus the food part), and that every day we make it a commitment to not think bad thoughts etc. "

So basically they aren't actually fasting. Then he said:

"So don't take the surface definition of fasting because everyone has a different take on it."

But I'm arguing that if you're eating, you aren't fasting. Fasting is the act of not eating (As supported by the definition I posted a few posts up). So, I am saying that it's very illogical and a little annoying to be told not to take the "surface definition".


16 years ago
I am referring to the fasting of religious peoples. Thats exactly why i am saying do not take the surface definition. My whole point of the post was to say that fasting does not only mean not eating, it encompasses other aspects.


16 years ago
Then what you're doing isn't fasting. The point is, that fasting CAN be dangerous, what you're doing is not fasting and is not dangerous.

"Religious Fasting" is not Fasting.


16 years ago
Wait, your saying the guy who is ill and fasting, thats what is dangerous. Thats what your saying right?


16 years ago

...Religious fasting is fasting. Why would you think it's not? Because it's not absolute, or that it includes that effort of cleansing? It's still fasting, and if you must it just has a little extra.


16 years ago
If you'd read what Solo had said Anubis, he said that his fasting did not include the act of not-eating. If you're still eating, it's not fasting. Thus religious fasting is not fasting.


16 years ago

He's saying that the part of the inner cleansing is something he does every day, or strives to do. It's part of what he does while he fasts. If you're adamant about fasting being only that you refrain from eating, then think of it as abridging.


16 years ago
No. He doesn't fast.

"My religions belief of fast (i.e. ramadan) is only symbolical, we specifically believe that we should be conducting our lives as if we fasted everyday (minus the food part)" - Solostrike

Why don't read the part in the second set of brackets?


16 years ago

Bah, I skim. So sue me.


Don't actually sue though. Please.


16 years ago

the irony of this being about religion now is beyond funny to me.


however, fasting can be more than just not eating. otherwise it would just be starvation. however, they have a difference. it goes beyond just not eating. besides, when fasting many people go with just water and bread. still fasting though.



16 years ago
Fasting must involve not eating or it is not fasting. You can have a partial fast, where you eat a select number of things, and eventually if you add enough things, it becomes a diet.

However, a fast, is a designated period of time where you eat NOTHING


16 years ago
According to the Christian belief, not sure on the dictionary definition, but fasting is eating very little over a period of time. It does not mean to torture yourself by eating nothing, and does not mean you diet either. It just means you eat very little or a select few things.


16 years ago
So my point is proven. Religious fasting is NOT fasting.


16 years ago

Fasting is primarily the act of willingly abstaining from some or all food, drink, or both, for a period of time.-wikipedia



your definition of fasting is not the only one out there. fasting does encompass eating very little food as well within its definition.



16 years ago
Alright, point taken. But in Solo's case, where he does not limit has food at all, merely acts in such a way to represent that, it still doesn't fit into that definition.

My point still standings: Religious fasting is not the same as actual fasting


16 years ago
In other words, were all arguing the same point against each other.


16 years ago
Specifically during the month of ramadan, i do refrain from eating, as a symbolic gesture. And why are we trying to prove if religious fasting is fasting? I dont see why its so important to get that point across?


16 years ago
I don't remember anymore :S
Damn, but there was a reason. .. HAHAH


16 years ago

There was a reason for invading Iraq.

Damn, I forgot it.


16 years ago
ROFL!!! aahhaha