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Dust off a seat and discuss a good book do read, right?

Hunger Games

13 years ago
Has anyone else read the Hunger Games? By Suzanne Collins? I just ordered the first book from Amazon, hope its worth it! Hope I enjoy it! Anyone else here read it?

Hunger Games

13 years ago

Oh my gosh, centrix, IT'S WORTH IT! That is my second favorite series (next to her 1st series The Overland Chronicles which I think you'd like as well) and they're even making a movie out of it. but I'm afraid they'll completely ruin the movie like they did with Percy Jackson and the Olympians.

Also, don't expect a good ending to the series. She doesn't make happy endings like most people do.

Hunger Games

13 years ago
That was the only thing that made me upset about those books the ending. The books are defiantly worth buying through. I didn't I went to a book writing site were someone had put it up but it is by far one of the best books out there.

Hunger Games

13 years ago

Hope I write a book that can top it. ;)

Hunger Games

13 years ago
Good luck on that.

Hunger Games

13 years ago

Fergie if you can write a book that can top the hunger games I will read it.

Hunger Games

13 years ago

I will read it while wearing a kilt, and doing a hand stand.

Hunger Games

13 years ago

I wonder if we still have that kilt. No joke, we have a kilt -_-

Hunger Games

13 years ago
Just because it is not a joke doesn't mean its not funny

Hunger Games

13 years ago

I don't recall saying it wasn't funny. But at least your one comment farther along eh? ;)

Hunger Games

13 years ago
I actually already have the trophy check my page. I did a little happy dance when I saw it. Also out of all the books the first one is my favorite the others did not do as well for me.

Hunger Games

13 years ago

Bull shit, you dont deserve that, though its just a colored shape on the screen and all it does for you is show how much time and space you have wasted.

Hunger Games

13 years ago

That sounds alot harsher than i inteded, i apologize in advance.

Hunger Games

13 years ago
This isn't a forum to talk about my trophies, it is to talk about the hunger games. Like I said first book was the best in my opinion.

Hunger Games

13 years ago

Yeah by the book mockingjay it was getting really violent and everyone was dying.

Hunger Games

13 years ago

I still haven't finished Mockingjay.  I don't care if the ending sucks or not!  I checked it out from the school library to read, but returned it after not even completing it.

Hunger Games

13 years ago

The only book I can remember not finishing was David Copperfield in the fifth grade. I read Moby Dick right after and I'm sorry to say it was more interesting lol.

Hunger Games

13 years ago

I'm always willing to let a book have a chance but I have read some that never seem to get good.

Hunger Games

13 years ago

Suzanne Collins writes the worst endings to her series. The underland chronicles left you saying "What the hell just happened. THIS IS IT?????" and Mockingjay left you saying "What?? WHAT???? WHY DOES SHE DO THIS??? POOR ****** "

I didn't say the name for those of you that didn't finish yet. but the stars don't represent how many letters are in his/her name.

Hunger Games

13 years ago

Whoop.  When I said I didn't finish it, I didn't mean I totally despised it...I just got lazy and stopped.  Still wanna buy the book...I have the other two.

In other news, this text is REALLY stacking up.

Hunger Games

13 years ago

Well the books were good. And it seems that most people have read these books.

Hunger Games

13 years ago
No doubt the books were good, but the ending was terrible. I also hated the whole lets kill everyone involved view point. The ending was the most horrible ending to a book series ever.

Hunger Games

13 years ago

No doubt.

Hunger Games

13 years ago

True but you must remember she had to make a choice.

Hunger Games

13 years ago
What choice? The continuation of the H games? That was not what I was talking about. Well part of it. I was mostly talking about how ******* dies.

Hunger Games

13 years ago

No the whole ending was a mix of choices. The continuation of the games, who she shoots at the exicution, and so on.

Hunger Games

13 years ago
Most of the choices were messed up.

Hunger Games

13 years ago


Hunger Games

13 years ago

Hey, has anyone ever played the Hunger Games game 'Trial By Fire'?

Hunger Games

13 years ago
Yes that game was fun.