Autumn of 2011
SindriV - Green - Germany - Military: Large Specialist GDP: High Tech: Force Fields (developing)
- German President Micheal Klaas announces his new crime-deterring strategy. German police forces are much better equipped, and are ordered to execute the "more dangerous criminals" on sight. This significantly decreases crime, but reminds their citizens of a much less pleasant time...
- German researches begin work on Force-Field like technology to protect their troops from harm. Much of the world laughs at the endeavour, but Germany stands by their decision.
- Germany signs a defensive pact with the US
- Germany creates a military alliance with China.
- Conspirace theories rise about seeing French engineers at the border, although this cannot be proven at any way.
Erudite2 - Dark Blue - France Military: Large Trained Nuclear GDP: High Tech: Computer software (developing)
- French Scientists announce their intent to work on Cold Fusion, although some question if this will get done seeing as they have also announced that they working on new computer software, although specific details are not released to the public.
- There are reports of French engineers close to the German border, although no construction can be seen and no further accounts reports are made, so many dismiss this as a scheme for attention or a conspiracy theory.
- Three charity functions have been formed with government funding: Poverty R Us, Foot Dele Camp, and College Merci. Morale sours because of the government's care for the people.
- The French also fund environmentally safe fuel sources and lightbulbs, although some quesiton the effectiveness of this when an efficient environmentally friendly fuel has not been discovered yet.
Cool74 - USA - Red Military: Large, Trained, nuclear. GDP: High. Tech: Communications Sattelites (developing)
- America invades Canada from the south and west. This invasion is fairly successful due to how unexpected the attack was, and considerable ground has been taken. The Canadian government and what remains of their well trained military dig in in northern Canada, preparing for a deadly stand-off.
- Mexico denounces America's invasion of Canada, stating that it was "completely unprovoked" and that they had "no right" Mexico vows that if this continues, they will have to intervene and calls on other nations to assist.
- America signs a defensive pact with Germany.
- American scientists begin construction of a network of communications sattelites. This is sure to not only increase the quality and effectiveness of communications with other nations, but with troops in the field as well.
Ugilick - China- Orange Military: Massive Trained Nuclear GDP: High (they didn't go from low to high, they went from average to high). Tech: cloaking
- Emperor Huan Zhou announces a new economic growth plan. A standard in factories and other industrial standards is set, and workers that go over the standard are rewarded. Those who go under the standard, however are physically punished. Humanitarian groups and western nations across the world protest the brutal treatment of Chinese workers, but nobody doubts the results.
- The educational system is completely revised. Those cut out for military life are trained purely for the military. Mathematics is only taught for military usage and nothing more, history is replaced with a history of military tactics and armies, and Physical Exeducation is replaced with military training and drills. Those not cut out for the military are only taught skills for their future careers. Although this increases the number of specialists in the workforce and military, overall education is expected to decline.
- Emporer Huan Zhou meets with Kim Jon Il of North Korea, but details are not released to the public.
- Leading Chinese minds are concentrated on developing cloaking technology. Due to previous progress globally and China's high economy, this is expected to succeed.
Guanyin - Saudi Arabia - Yellow Military: Average Trained GDP: Average Tech: Space-capable shuttle (developing)
- President El-Kharib announces the formation of the Pan-Arabic Islamic Republic (PAIR), and encourages other nations of the Islamic faith to join.
- President El-Kharib gives his support to the rebellions in Egypt, Libya, and other Middle Eastern countries. He encourages the leaders to step down and give in to change.
- PAIR announces that although they are an newly-formed republic, they still allow the American military to keep their military bases in the area.
- President El-Kharib reminds the world that they are a West-friendly republic, and encourages western countries to buy their oil.
- Word is that funds are being diverted to a newly formed program, but specific details have not been uncovered.
- PAIR begins an ambitious educational program, building state of the art universities and research centers throughout their lands. Bright Middle-Eastern minds are attracted, and many leave their home countries to study there. This will casue a slight drain on the economy, but it is expected to pay off in the long-run.
- President El-Kharib announces that PAIR is working on their own space program, and are working building a space-capable shuttle.
- English and PAIR scientists are exchanged as part of a "cultural exchange program". This is expected to provide a boost to both nations' scientific endeavors.
- UK grants PAIR Exclusive off-shore drilling rights on the condition that proceeds are used to finance their space program.
- Efforts are made to further train their soldiers, but due to minimal funding, this is met with little success
English - UK - Light Blue Military: Average Professional Nuclear GDP: High Tech: Anti-ballistic missile system
- Prime minister English (ironic, I know) orders the invasion of Iceland. Due to the fact that there is no standing army there and that the invasion was completely unexpected, the country is quickly overrun and then annexed, officially becoming part of the UK
- UK engineers begin work on an anti-ballistic missile system. Prime Minister English assures everyone that this is simply a precaution. Due to the fact that the UK is encouraging the PAIR space program, many believe this sytem to be space-born as well.
- British scientists are offered scholarships to PAIR universities as part of a "cultural exchange program", and the UK returns the favor. This is expected to slightly boost each nation's tech development.
- Prime Minister English grants PAIR exclusive off-shore drilling rights as long as the proceeds go the their space program.
Fergie- Russia- Purple Military: Massive Specialist Nuclear GDP: Low Tech:
- Nothing interesting to report
October - Australlia - Black Military: Average Trained GP: high Tech:
- President October announces that Australia is now a republic. This is strictly for security reasons.
- President October also increases mining without raising taxes, proceeds are directed to building technical schools across the country.
- Dole payments are reduced, this causes minor outrage from citizens currently under the dole, but proceeds are going to increase nurses' wages. This improves efficiency in the hospitals as morale rises, which will benefit the Australians should they be invaded.
- Marijuana is legalized as long as the sellers pay a government tax. Even though some dealers sell illegaly to avoid the tax, most former dealers sell with Government permission. This benefits the economy.
- Gay marriage is also legalized, but opinions are mixed on the issue.
Killa_robot Brazil Military: Large, Trained GDP:low Tech: railgun (developing)
-Brazillian scientists begin work on a rail gun, hoping to build a electicly-projected rifle.
- The government increases the budget of the training program, although this drains the economy, Military Quality is increased.
Other News -
- Mexico call in their reserves and begins training their troops
- Bombings of government buildings in North Ireland occur, destabilizing the region there. Although no statement is released, many blame this on the Irish. The irish government denies any allegations.
Sorry about the wait guys, took me about an hour to type, not to mention all the time preparing it. I'll start earlier next time.