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3 Day's Left!

13 years ago

So just wondering but who is excited for the upcoming Elder Scroll's game? I am so ready to slay some dragon's and Worship Sithis once again! (I really like the Dark Brotherhood but i'll find them myself when i get the game.) Who's with me? Who is ready to be Skyrim's Dragonborn!

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago

I'm ready for a job promotion.

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago
I'm more ready than the guys for the awesome reach video.

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago

Words cannot describe the excitement im feeling, im not gonna sleep all weekend just to play straight through!

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago

lol same

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago

I'm excited but I won't get it for a couple of months. The way things are going right now I need to wait for prices to drop haha.

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago
I am forbidden to buy games this time of year talk to me after Christmas.

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago

Haha, my parents are the same way.

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago
I NEED to play that game...

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago
I know right! I hate this thing my parents do.

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago
lol, so my rentals decided to mess with me this year and got me MW3 and are probably getting skyrim too... i don't know what i'm going to do!

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago

I'll tell you what to do! Lock MW3 in a chest in the back of your closet and play Skyrim for 6 days straight!!!!

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago

So just wondering, but what are you guys going to do once you leave the introduction dungeon?

I plan on wandering to the nearest town and testing the Law-system then living there for a week. (ingame of course) After that I will start hunting down the Dark Brotherhood and worship Sithis once again.

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago
Find the nearest elf to romance and become a dragon obviously.

Nah, I'll probably just wander around in the first town a bit gathering up all the fed-ex and "go kill that thing" quests that are there.

While one might think this will slow me down even further on my ongoing story progress, I'll probably be still getting the same amount of writing done since my wife will be demanding to play the game as well so I won't be playing it straight through like I normally would.

Though I don't know what either of us is going to do when Saint's Row 3 comes out on the 15th...

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago

Im planning on just messing around and joining the Dark Brotherhood after i get a little of the main story down.

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago

Does anyone know how to join the Dark Brotherhood? I couldnt find it even after 10 hours of gameplay today.

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago
Well how you did it in Oblivion was you murdered someone out of malice, then slept. But Skyrim is way different than Oblivion, so don't expect there to even be a Dark Brotherhood, or atleast expect some different way to get in it.

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago

Yeah, Oblivion was easy to get into, I found out how to get into in Skyrim after some wandering, im gonna finish the Dark Brotherhood tonight, atleast thats my goal, that and start the Companions.

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago
Hey Is it Ok just to jump in and start the series at skyrim? Because I want to know what the hell the Dark Brother hood is.

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago

Yeah its fine, you dont need to know much from the other games for this one, The Dark Brotherhood is just a group of assasins you can join.

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago
Yeah they mess peeps up...

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago

I started on Oblivion but i made sure to read up on all the lore. The Dark brotherhood is an (underground?) organization devouted to a Diety called Sithis.

For a short explanation on The Dark Brotherhood: People do the Black Sacrament which contacts the Night mother who then sends a speaker to meet with said person, They exchange money and details about who to kill then the speaker sends a Dark Brother/Sister to kill the assigned Target.

The Dark Brotherhood belives they send the slain people's souls to the Void. Which is were Sithis Lives.

(As said before this is the basic idea of that Group)


I've already completed the Dark Brotherhod Questline so ask me for spoilers if you want. >:P

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago

I figured it out and beat it yesterday, the main target... wow, was never expecting it to be him, the switcharoo move pissed me off, but that was amazing!

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago

Aventus Aretino...


That's all i'm going to say.

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago


I was told this by a friend, so I dont' know if it's true or not.

Basically, there's this kid trying to do the ritual to summon the brotherhood, and then you show up. Needless to say, the kid mistakes a strapping young warrior like yourself for a member of the Black Hand, and so he offers to pay you in order to kill his orphonage matron (apparently she's some bitch who starves the kids and refuses to let them be adopted but really, if you're willing to join an assasin organization I'm sure you don't care about a just reason, right?). Well, being the misguided rascal that you are, you accept and kill the matron, then collect the payment.

Little do you know, however, the Brotherhood abducts you in your sleep the next time you go to bed and takes you to their lair. Then they present you with three people, and it's up to you which one you kill. The logic behind this is "You took our contract, a life for a life" so now you have to fulfill one for them. (Spoiler, the Kajiit pretty much tells you it's him) Well, kill whichever one you want, whether it's the mercenary who hasn't done anything wrong, the mother of 7 who abuses her children, or the dickish Kajiit, and then you're in due to your devotion to the brotherhood.


3 Day's Left!

13 years ago

EXTRA SPOLIER (from my other save :D )


The Assassin says you must kill somebody in there to get out. She dosen't state that it has to be one of the prisoners. You can kill her and escape which leads to a diffrent DB(DarkBrotherhood) quest.

It's called "Destroy the Dark Brotherhood" or something like that. Also the game guide dosen't state that the Kajiit is the contract.

I only tried this because it seemed intresting.

(Warning: Dark Brotherhood members you have to kill later are extreamly tough if you decide to kill her.

SPOLIER END (No i do not use the Game Guide unless i am completely dumbfounded and stuck.)


So for the Civil War, which side did you join? I chose the StormCloak's only because the legion is starting to act like a bunch of BI*ch's with power.

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago

Stormcloak were my choice, I honestly chose them because i loved the extreme snowy weather around the main Stormcloak city, i love seeing that everytime i start a new mission, im obsessed with the look of games.

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago

You know, It's sad that the stormcloaks are Racist but the Imperial's are just Tyranical people.

I wanted to join the imperials at first but when i walked into Solitude for the first time and saw the unjust execution. It's still akward when the Stormcloak leader is talking about how Skyrim is only for the nords and I'm a Kahjit or High Elf....

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago
I'm playing a Dunmer so it doesn't make much sense for me to side with the Stormcloaks. When the time comes I'll join the Empire, but I wish we had a third option and could directly join the Aldmeri Dominion since they're all for elven supremacy.

I've been avoiding the Dragon Storyline and Civil War stuff for the most part though and been doing the tons and tons of side quests and just exploring in general. So far my favorite ones are the Daedric artifact quests. I joined the Dark Brotherhood too, but I killed all three of the prisoners. She called me an overachiever. Lol.

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago

From what I remeber learning about the Aldmeri they put High Elfs above Wood Elf's and Dunmer/Dark Elf's.

It's sorta like HE>WE>DE>Im>N>K>A. So i'm not sure if you want to go to the Nazi-type Elven Empire. (^_^)

3 Day's Left!

13 years ago

Hey guys, I just noticed that Oblivion's map looks kinda like Texas?