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Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
Estelywyn, Playa, RobustSporadic

I've posted who won and why in every debate thread we had, so it's time for a new debate! I'd like to host another one if we have enough people who want to participate, but I'll need at least six people who want to go this time, since we had so many drop out last time. Just post here if you have the time and willingness to debate with someone, and we'll start if we have enough.

Look here for the rules/format:

After the Estelwyn debate, though, I decided to tweak a rule a bit. In your final focus, you can still adress things made in the in the rebuttals, but not the constructives.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
Take me in

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
I'm always willing.

Debate Preparation 2

12 years ago
Can we have voting for the topic of this debate?

Debate Preparation 2

12 years ago
Nope, I decide them, but feel free to back out if you don't like it.

Debate Preparation 2

12 years ago

What will it be this time?

Debate Preparation 2

12 years ago
I'll have to think about it. It's not gonna be US specific this time, but feel free to throw out ideas, just don't ne mad if yours isn't chosen

Debate Preparation 2

12 years ago

Nuclear Weapons, Biological Warfare, Drug Legalization, Abortion etc.

Debate Preparation 2

12 years ago
Nuclear Weapons and Biological Warfare are seeming well than other two.

Debate Preparation 2

12 years ago

Hell, even something like the BCS system.

Debate Preparation 2

12 years ago
Should homeworks be banned, Will development of Nuclear Weapons fuel third world war and afterlife.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago

I will

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
Is the world going to end in 2012, Causes of teenage suicide and Unarmed self defense.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
The use of banned, inhumane weapons in war. ex. Napalm

The use of Gas warfare.

The use of Nuclear weapons as deterrents.

The use of Biological weapons in my opinion is too easy to shoot down in a debate.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
For the first one I mean against military targets.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago

Not really, sure you might kill a bunch of people but isn't that what bombs do?

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
All right, I've had a bit of trouble coming up with a topic that isn't too one sided, and I'm a little shaky on this one so I'll open it up to a vote. Who's okay with the topic "In times of need, the government has the right to exercise imminent domain." Imminent domain is the state taking control of privately owned land. I've debated this topic casually before, and I find it to be fairly balanced with good points to be made on each side.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
Remember, even if you're against the topic, you can just argue the neg. This is mainly for seeing if you guys think this debate is fair rather than whether you find the topic right or wrong.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
I think everyone might agree with that, an it would come down to specifics.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
Ah, again related to government....

But I can say its okay.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
Since we have 2/4 of the people who posted on this thread saying it's ok, we just need one more affirmative vote and it'll be our topic.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
But what would happen if it clashes/tie?

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
If it's a tie, I decide

Debate Preparation 2

12 years ago
I'm also against the topic.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago

I'm okay with the topic and I'll state right now I am AGAINST it.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
That's three and the topic stands

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago

I'm going to text Wingman and tell him about it.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
The second round of debates is on the resolution "In times of need, a government has the right to use imminent domain". For those who don't know, Imminent domain is when a group (in this case the government) takes privately owned land away from citizens for another purpose.

Respond with what side you support and that you're willing to debate this topic. If we have an odd number of debators, those that posted their debates in a timely fashion will get first choice over those that haven't either in the last debates or in other forum games.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
We have 4 people wanting to debate right now, I'd prefer at least two more.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
I guess, no more persons are interested in debate, so better start it with four members only.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago

I am for this topic.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
I'm just throwing out another idea for the next debate. How about Affirmative Action?

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
I've heard the term, but I'm not sure what it means. Could you explain?

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
Affirmative action refers to policies that take factors including "race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin"[1] into consideration in order to benefit an underrepresented group "in areas of employment, education, and business",[2] usually justified as countering the effects of a history of discrimination.

I believe he means how colleges have to accept a certain number of black, hispanic, and other ethnic group students, to prevent colleges denying students based on race, which can sometimes lead colleges to pick those students instead of students with better grades. I apologize if anything in that sentence was phrased incorrectly.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
Oh, alright, thanks

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago

You stated it perfectly.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
Copied first part from Wikipedia.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
I'll bump this and keep new offers up untill tuesday. If no new offers come in by the end Monday, I'll pair everyone up.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
^^ : I'm really sure today is thursday.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
Sorry, I just don't feel like judging them. So debate amongst yourselves if you want to, but i'm not going to judge them. Sorry for not posting this earlier.

Debate Preperation 2

12 years ago
final bump before we start