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Major Update

12 years ago

While there are no new features and no bugs were fixed, the application’s runtime framework was updated. Given that some of the code on here is pretty… ancient (circa 2001!), this was a bit of an effort. But this means that new bug fixes and features can be added much easier going forward.

HOWEVER, as with any major change like this, there’s a good chance that NEW bugs were introduced. If you notice anything crashing, or other interesting NEW behavior, please respond to this.

You’ll also notice that the main content is now centered. No good reason, just thought I’d try something different.

Major Update

12 years ago

I haven't found any bugs or anything but the members online part looks bigger but it might just be my imagination. Not bad or anything, but that and the centering the main content just seems a little off in my opinion but I'll adapt pretty quickly.

Major Update

12 years ago

Looks pretty weird centered.

Major Update

12 years ago

The large whitespace to the left certainly is jarring. It is cool though to see the site tended to though :)

Major Update

12 years ago

Definitely a weird look, I liked the old one better ;)

Major Update

12 years ago

Yep, good eye --- the members online footer part is new. I ended up having to reimplemnt the sidebar nav, message alerts, notification alerts (for like, duels, and other things I guess?), and the footer.

Its weird, the left-align felt so strange to me, I guess because every other site I visit anymore is center-aligned.

Major Update

12 years ago

Oh, also, I did add one new page in the new application framework --- 

It has fancy rounded corners and hover glows, but more importantly, it most importantly it was really easy to implement.


Major Update

12 years ago

Normally it's fine to be centered, but the site wasn't designed to be in the middle, so it looks weird.

Major Update

12 years ago

That and scrolling down past the outside set of links (on the left) makes the whole page look off centered to the right :(

Major Update

12 years ago

I like having a centred layout, but what BerkaZerka mentioned is definitely a problem. The sidebar makes the content appear off-center to the right a bit when you scroll down past the menu. The layout might work better if it was spread across the whole page instead of 800 px (or whatever it is now). Using % measurements in the CSS rather than set measurements would make the site look a little tidier and more adjustable to different screen sizes.

Alternatively, changing the colour of the outer background (currently white) to the same colour as what is behind the forums (that light brown-y colour) would make the site look a little less in-development-mode and would also make the area the sidebar takes up clearly visible as you scroll down past the menu, which solves BerkaZerka's problem.

Major Update

12 years ago
I can't seem to make a new game. Every time I try to make a new one by clicking the button something just says error and I can't move on.

Is anyone else having this problem?

Major Update

12 years ago

It does the same for me... that is a HUGE problem.

Major Update

12 years ago

Defintely. Can anybody fix this?

Major Update

12 years ago


Major Update

12 years ago

I found another bug. Whenever you click on the new message notificatoin, it takes you to the your messages page but it only allows you to read the topic of your message. The link on the side of it disappears for no reason. I was able to get around this by My Stuff> Messages> Link so it's not a big deal, just a matter of convience.

Major Update

12 years ago

I didn't notice Cool already posted this in the Bugs forum.

Major Update

12 years ago
I would have posted here...I just didn't know there was an update. I just thought my computer freaked out on this site.

Major Update

12 years ago

ah good find. will be fixed in next push

Major Update

12 years ago
I agree with playa. If you are going to align the page this way, the side bars need to be a different color.

Major Update

12 years ago

If the thread isn't reset to the start every once in a while, the text and post information goes off the page and leads to a single word taking up a whole line . On the old format, the page would extend to the side but it can't do that with the centered format.

Major Update

12 years ago
When you got to story games and click on the [68 story games](random number) on the lets say fantasy part,it brings you to the new story games instead of the correct link.

Major Update

12 years ago

The sidebar goes really weird when moving or deleting posts. I've uploaded a screenshot here.

Major Update

12 years ago

I get a "Server Error in '/' Application." page when clicking on the "<<Game Description" button on the Ratings Detail For [story] page.

Major Update

12 years ago
That was here even before the update, at least for me.

Major Update

12 years ago

First time I've seen it and I have used the button many times - I'll try it again, just to see...

Major Update

12 years ago

Nope, still there, even with a few diferent approaches.

Major Update

12 years ago

The bug was here before the update for me as well.

Major Update

12 years ago

Getting the same "Server Error in '/' Application." error off all story links from my My Stuff > Comments page

Major Update

12 years ago

OK, on further checking, I get the same error on All Story Links in my Personal Stuff (including My Saved Games). I think the Saved Games error is probably the most important one to address first.

Major Update

12 years ago

I should note that the "Restore" option for saved games does still work fine, so it's not as big a deal as I first thought.

Major Update

12 years ago
Ya im getting the same thing too. Saves work fine also.

Major Update

12 years ago

Strange, mine doesn't center align. Using newest Firefox on Win 7 ultimate x32 bit.

Major Update

12 years ago

He changed it back.

Major Update

12 years ago
Is there any thing he can put in that giant space to the right?

Major Update

12 years ago

green dots.

Green increases creativity. This is a creation site.

Major Update

12 years ago

Sticky notes.

Major Update

12 years ago

Links to famous storygames.

Major Update

12 years ago
Maybe it could be optional what you want in there? Like you could set it up so were it just tells you if your post has been replied to, if your story has gotten a comment, or like Bo said popular stories.

Major Update

12 years ago
sticky notes too.