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The Brave Little Toaster

11 years ago

Does anyone remember The Brave Little Toaster movies from when they were a kid?

The Brave Little Toaster

11 years ago

Yes, but for some reason in my head i see the lamp dude dieing at a dump-yard. Did that ever happen?

The Brave Little Toaster

11 years ago

Not that I can remember.... What you are probably thinking of is the scene where a bunch of old cars are being called, "worthless". During that junk yard scene the glass on the camera breaks and the lamp looks at it.

The Brave Little Toaster

11 years ago

The Brave Little Toaster was a great cartoon! Think I mention it in my Disney Quiz game somewhere. I remember this scene used to scare the crap outta me when I was little. cheeky


The Brave Little Toaster

11 years ago

Yes,yes you did.

The Brave Little Toaster

11 years ago

Yup, Disney was weird as mess.

The Brave Little Toaster

11 years ago

Oh yes, In a small way, that was a large part of my childhood.

The Brave Little Toaster

11 years ago

They are thinking about remaking those movies. I never realized how dark that movie was until recently.

The Brave Little Toaster

11 years ago

what the brave little toaster?

The Brave Little Toaster

11 years ago

I can't help but find my memories of The Brave Little Toaster to be a source of conflicting emotion ranging from confusion and great joy. 

Sure, it had it's good points and the movies were definitely good, but when I look back now there were some parts that made me question.

If I recall there was a Clown Nightmare or Dream somewhere in the movie, which Brair pointed out. I don't know about you, but clowns scare the crap out of me. I don't know why they put that satanic clown into the movie, but I was NOT expecting it. NOPE. Deal breaker right there.

There was also another thing...that old air condition in the house, you remember that? It was all grumpy and everything and then got into this huge rage and overheats himself and burns to death and then the other appliances just leave. You remember that? I remember that. Was I the only one who got a bit disturbed when that happened? Just me? Okay.

I'm going to go sit in that corner over there now because I'm starting to remember all those old kids movies I use to watch. Truly, all of them have their creepy points. 

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang; Evil Baron Child Catcher anyone?

The Brave Little Toaster

11 years ago

Yeah, looking back a lot of the kids films I used to watch when I was little were really creepy. Fantasia had that whole Night on Bald Mountain scene with the devil and the harpies with their boobs out, I remember Secret of Nimh being really scary, Black Cauldron had that Horned King and his army of skeletons, I don't know what the hell was up with the pink elephants in Dumbo and the bunnies in Watership Down sure had a lot of blood cheeky

The Brave Little Toaster

11 years ago

I loved Watership Down. That movie was really good. Especially all the connections you could make to the world with it. The book was better though. (even thought the movie practically followed the book nearly perfectly, they omitted some parts)

The Brave Little Toaster

11 years ago

I read and saw Watership Down when I was a kid and I can honestly say I never looked at bunnies the same way again. Though, I have to admit Watership Down and The Plague Dogs top my charts of the most messed up, but also most awesome children's movies out there...albeit my views on the films were entirely opposite at the time when I first watched it. 

When I first put the movie in, I went from smiles to a look of utter horror as I processed everything that was happening with my tiny brain. 

There was just something about The Plague Dogs that spoke to me as a kid and made me never watch or touch the movie ever again until years later. Maybe it was the good old-fashioned animal cruelty in the very first scene that set the pace for the entire movie and gave me a heads up of what I was expecting. Or maybe it was the fact that I had my dog in the room while I was watching it. Truly, I do not know. 

 But I do know when I watch it now I can actually enjoy it and for that I give praise for where praise is due.

Bravo Richard George Adams. Bravo, you magnificent man you. 

The Brave Little Toaster

11 years ago

Your forgetting the Car in the junk yard that commits suicide during the song "Worthless"


The child catcher still freaks me out. One look at him and I want to hide. Back when we were kids Child movies weren't afraid to get scary.