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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

Arborell Windhammer Competition

11 years ago

Does anyone knows about it or has taken participate? If not then just google- arborell windhammer competition.

IMO, The best story of 2012 competition. The Academy of Magic - First Term

Arborell Windhammer Competition

11 years ago
Looks interesting! I might have to read these gamebooks sometime. With no entry fee, it'd be worth it to enter whether my story turns out good enough or not.

Arborell Windhammer Competition

11 years ago
Endmaster should send Necromancer. A solid victory and 100$

Arborell Windhammer Competition

11 years ago
But it has too many words.

Arborell Windhammer Competition

11 years ago

Well darn, that means Dead Man Walking is out too ( 530,000+ Words)  ^-^