Endrew, The Contributor
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This is my first story, that is why I'm looking for constructive comments [even if they are harsh. Lol.]. I'm 14 and English is my third language. Lots of unacceptable grammatical errors, though I've tried to get everything understandable.
This is the story of an assassin. Hope you enjoy it, if you manage to get through my English.[LOL.]
Several short stories tucked into one to avoid spamming this site with blink an eye and recipe games. Nice site. Buckle up your sword and get ready. As always, I'm looking forward toconstructive comments. They mean very much to me. And...this game was completed in a single day so don't expect much. Enjoy, If you manage to get through my english. It is my third language. Sorry for every single error. Thanks... NOTE: Two of the stories have been republished! Check them in the Fantasy Section - A Vampirium. I am deleting them from here! - Negative
By Endrew...
The world has died many years ago.
Fight machines and men in a desperate fight for survival. A turn-based combat system. Skill testing. Just like old Fighting Fantasy times. You will have to use all your skills if you want to survive.
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