With the amount of zombie movies, fiction and computer games now almost at horde proportions in itself, I'm wondering what you think makes a good zombie apocalypse story. Which stories are your favorites? Which do you dislike? Is there something that you feel makes one zombie story better than another? What makes one tale rise to the top of the stinking, oozing mass and what causes others to rot quietly at the bottom?
Am I going to write my zombie apocalypse any time soon? I don't know, maybe. On the one hand, it'd be fun, but on the other, you could say it's a bit like flogging a dead (or undead) horse: as a genre, it's pretty much completely tapped and is now repeating itself ad-nauseum - and yet there's the thing: it does so to the delight of countless millions including myself. We don't mind, indeed, we enjoy seeing the same story again again, as long as it's suitably different and has more of the elements we enjoy and less of those we don't.
So tell me, Listener, what are those grisly undead elements for you?