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what's the line between historical and modern?

one year ago
i'm just wondering what year the cutoff would be where a "modern" story becomes "historical" lol

what's the line between historical and modern?

one year ago
You should study history and learn. There is a very clear and definitive line and you better not cross it, or else. So study, learn, and get it right.

what's the line between historical and modern?

one year ago
I think everyone has a clear intuitively felt answer for this, and also it would reveal their age.

what's the line between historical and modern?

one year ago

The cut off in my history book was Obama becoming prez, so 2009

what's the line between historical and modern?

one year ago
thanx for actually giving an answer :D

what's the line between historical and modern?

one year ago
There really is no answer, everything is a part of history and "modern" is subjective. (for some 9/11 was the dividing point for then vs now, for others it will be Covid.) And there's no set rule for either category anyway. If you really need a guideline though, if characters are using cell phones, it's modern.

what's the line between historical and modern?

one year ago

I think it depends more on the content of the story than on the year. For instance, a story set in the 80s about a family drama could easily slide into the modern category with no issue, assuming 80s technology and culture doesn't feature heavily. A story set in the 80s about an alien invasion will probably be historical, since 80s technology and culture will by nature feature heavily.

A question to ask yourself is "could I set this story in the modern day without making major changes to the plot?" If the answer is no, then your story relies on historical elements and is historical fiction. If yes, it may still be historical fiction depending on how heavily you use the aesthetics of your time period.

Target audience is probably most important. Are you targeting people who like historical stories or people who like modern stories? Someone who wants an English political epic about the aftermath of the battle of hastings won't click on your historical story about the stock market crash of 2008. Even though that's technically a historical story, you'll probably get more people interested in it if you put it in the modern category.

what's the line between historical and modern?

one year ago
modern history is 2004.or at least for now.think if you had a story in medieval times historical
but then again in 6 years 2010 will be the cutoff line 20 years is a good measure