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Question about the catagories

one month ago
Hello! I was making some simple ideas to try writing my first story game but had a question: if I were to write something with the main focus being robots taking over the world, would this be considered scfi? what category would I put it in? I was thinking it would be cool if you had a set amount of time to convince the robots to spare humanity and each choice made the timer go lower.

Question about the catagories

one month ago

Robots taking over the world would probably fall under science fiction, yes.  However just pick the category that you believe would most closely explain the genre of your story.  It's more about providing the reader with a general idea of the type of story they will experience.

Of course depending on how it's written, robots taking over the world could also fall into horror. A robot taking over the world to impress another robot he loves could fall into romance.

Question about the catagories

one month ago
Ah true, I’ll probably have to make some rough drafts first and see which genre it leans towards more then. Honestly horror could work like you mentioned, I hadn’t even considered leaning into the scary part of it more. Ty for the reply!