Me and alexp had 7 o clock scotch at 8 last night and spent time talking about our goals for this website. Thought maybe you guys would be interested in our decisions.
We've decided that the website, which has a few very dedicated contributors, will soon be member run. I've noticed that the games that truly should be featured in each category are also rated the highest in those categories. Because of this, the plan will be over the course of the next year to feature games that are simply rated the highest - this can be automated. We want to make it so that one time per month, the highest rated games are featured and points are awarded at that time - of course you will only get the point bonus one time, no matter how often your game is "on and off" the featured list. I also hope to make it so that the higher your "point" total, the more weighted your rating will be. In addition, any game that spends 2 straight weeks with a rating of 1, or 4 straight weeks with a rating of 2, will be automatically deleted. If a game is deleted in this way, you'll lose 25 points.
The front page will be up and running by the end of this as well. Because of this, the 5 games that have the highest rating will be featured on the front page - much like our "top rated stories" category. Admins will still be moderating, but we want to make moderation by points too - we do plan on increasing the number of points you need to have to get mod powers. Thoughts?