I remember being able to download the first two Fabled Land books (Double pack) for my iPad, but apparently they never made any more of them for it. But what I did get to play I enjoyed. Probably the closest thing to a Elder Scrolls “sandbox” style RPG in book format.
I can’t say I really have a favorite CYOA book, so much as I had series I preferred.
The main two I played that used dice and stats were the Fighting Fantasy books and the Lone Wolf series.
The Lone Wolf series I sort of abandoned around book 8 though. I ended up encountering some major book errors and it messed up the entire adventure. I tried going back to the series years later when I discovered Project Aon. I think I got slightly further (Book 9 or 10) and then I abandoned it again. It’s a good series, but for some reason I lose interest at a certain point.
I was more into the FF series anyway. Unfortunately they only ever made 21 FF books (And the 4 part Sorcery! series) originally here in the US. For a long time I looked for 22, but eventually gave up thinking they were done with the series.
Little did I know years later while browsing on the internet that they had made 59 of the damn things! (All those adventures missed!)
Though I’ve gone back and replayed some of these on my iPad, but I sort of feel like the “Gamebook Adventures” series by Tinman games does the FF style a lot better nowadays. If you’re not familiar with them, I highly recommend checking them out (They’re also the company that republished some of the original FF books)
The lesser known Golden Dragon Fantasy books would probably be up there too if they had made more of them. Just six books, but I think they were one of the better FF competitors at the time.
I had some other series too, but those would be the top 3.
Be an Interplanetary Spy books were probably my favorite “pure choice” series. These were fully illustrated and you had to solve puzzles and you got a choice of which solution was correct. If you chose wrong you nearly always got a gruesome death.
Oddly, never was really into the original Choose Your Own Adventure books. Though I noticed that the reissues have really toned down some of the original content and death scenes, because I know some of those could get really grim dark.
See for yourself here: