Necromancer (nEEk-rum-Ayne-sheer)
1. (noun) A rightly good book whomst t'was authored by Endethmeisterre
Zounds! Necromancer be a rightly good booketh!
2. (noun) One whomst necromances verily indeedly
?I sayeth! Flamezfury doth necromance this threadeth with zest and zealeth, and shalt be flogged until morale doth improveth!?
3. (verb) To rightly do a thingeth in a waye that doth remind thee of the style or method of Necromancer. 'Tis not an actualle word, but a fictionalle interpretayssion to add notte a little dyeversitie to Ye Olde Dictionarie, for the intreste of yonguerre generrationnes.
Forsooth! Flamezfury didst not rightly Necromancer that posteth.