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When is TWOW coming out?

2 years ago
GRRM is taking forever. I remember reading the books in middle school, what are your thoughts? When do you think it will release? Do you think it ever will?

When is TWOW coming out?

2 years ago
He's a big old fatass who's going to die soon. Maybe it's finished, maybe he's only written three paragraphs, but the goal seems to be to coast along making everyone wait until he's out of the picture.

If he doesn't need the money then releasing it won't do anything but piss off a certain number of extremely vocal frothing fucktards no matter what, maybe he just doesn't want to deal with that now that the series is so high profile.

When is TWOW coming out?

2 years ago

Winds of Winter might come out, but I doubt if the last book is going to.

At this point the TV Show is "canon" given that it actually was completed. (Much to the disappointment of almost everyone)