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Hey Kids! Comics!

one year ago
Commended by Darius_Conwright on 1/8/2024 4:59:28 AM

Awhile back in one of those other threads someone asked about short stories and I mentioned one I remembered and went into detail, though that seemed to be the last post in that thread for some reason.

Anyway, I found the original story. Slightly different than I explained it (Though just minor stuff) and I figured I might as well upload the whole thing, it's pretty short. Who knows, might upload more stuff like this at some point.


Hey Kids! Comics!

one year ago
These days you have to remind kids they're supposed to read comics left to right.

Hey Kids! Comics!

one year ago

I nearly did, but then I decided fuck the weebs if they can't keep up.

Hey Kids! Comics!

one year ago
F, spoiled brain cell

Hey Kids! Comics!

one year ago
Had a chance to look it over now, I do remember you talking about this one.

Hey Kids! Comics!

one year ago

Back in the 80s there were quite a few indy horror comics that only lasted a few issues, if they even got past their first one. (Like the story previously posted for example) It was rare that you had a long running one like Deadworld

One particular one was "Tales of Terror" Lasted about 13 issues, I got most of them and as you might expect they vary in quality (artwise and storywise) Since every story was a self contained entity, you didn't really have to follow the issues in order or anything. So here's one I've picked that I always liked, plus I'm going to add something else related to the story that's probably just as entertaining (Maybe more so)

Always thought Cabbage Patch Kid dolls were creepy on their own, glad this comic confirmed what I always believed.

Yep, that's it. Little girl gets fucking eaten (probably alive). There's no moral message or anything. Just bad shit happens. Gotta love it.

Anyway, I mentioned before during my Deadworld review thread about something called Letter pages in comics, this was basically where comic nerds sounded off in the pre-internet days. Now I've still never quite seen a letters page that was better than the ones that were found in the old Deadworld comic, but you still got some gems in other comics every now and then, such as this one where someone wrote in about the cannibal patch kids story.

Now I should mention that the story above was from issue 5 and at that point that was probably the only one of two little girls showed to be bound and gagged. The only other story at that point would be the pedophile one where there's a guy trying to molest his daughter and her toy bear becomes real and kills him. (Hey, sometimes there was a moral lesson. Don't be a pedo is a simple one)

But in any case, this guy just comes off as a degenerate that wants to see shota porn and the editors were far more generous with their response than say King Zombie would have been.

Still, just goes to show that when it comes to nerd shit, degenerates have always been there with their retarded faggotry.

Hey Kids! Comics!

one year ago
I credit much of my survival to adulthood to never letting a doll stay in my room while I slept, ever. (I had Little Foot from Land Before Time and he was the only one with a pass.)

I guess not being a pedo also helped.

"big Al" really set himself up though, I am amazed they responded so gently and didn't even call the police.

Hey Kids! Comics!

one year ago
I have always thought Cabbage Patch dolls were weird, and I do not like big Al very much at all.

Hey Kids! Comics!

one year ago
Commended by mizal on 1/10/2024 7:34:26 AM

As I mentioned briefly in the last story, there were still quite a few of these that had a moral lesson or a come uppence of some asshole. Hell, Tales of Terror had not one, but TWO anti-drunk driving stories two comics in a row since that was one of the issues that was starting to get pushed for in the 80s. I am almost certain that someone working on the comic must have had an axe to grind with that particular subject. In fact, there were actually a few nerds sounding off in the letters page bitching about being preached to. Lol.

But once again sometimes the better horror stories don't necessarily have a lesson at all and still manage to be wholesome.

Here's a story about a boy and his dog. Always a classic.

Hey Kids! Comics!

one year ago
I wonder what the deal is with the gravestone given he didn't actually die in the comic.

Hey Kids! Comics!

one year ago

My interpretation was that Billy died before the events of this comic and the entire plot was a wishful fantasy from the perspective of the dog. I think that that is more likely to be the intention of the author than that Billy was a ghost visiting his dog because the entire plot of the comic went exactly as how you would expect a loyal dog to want things to go. Possibly Billy was killed by his dad.

Hey Kids! Comics!

one year ago

Urnam0 already mentioned it along with his interpretation, but my interpretation was Billy was already dead and he just returns as a ghost at night and the dog protects him. Funny thing is when I read it the first time, before I got to the ending, I thought it was going to be the dog that was actually the ghost rather than Billy.

If we go with Urnam0's interpretation though that is one imaginative doggo.

Hey Kids! Comics!

one year ago
I kind of like Urnam0's interpreration, everything really does kind of does read like the ultimate wish fulfillment for the dog. And monsters harassing a ghost doesn't really make too much sense.

But then the actual title says "every evening" which does imply this is a pattern that would be in line with a ghost. If you have the next issue, I wonder if anyone wrote in asking for them to clear up the same question.

But imo the gravestone just needlessly confuses things, it was a complete feeling story without it.

Hey Kids! Comics!

one year ago

I figured Billy was in some sort of limbo so the demons were trying to get a free soul.

That was issue 6 and I just skimmed the letter pages (Which are really short) through all the way to 9 and there were a couple people saying they liked the story, but no more elaboration than that. (Oh and someone bitched about one of the drunk driving stories)

Hey Kids! Comics!

one year ago
Poor puppy :(
The wish fulfillment fantasy for the dog who imagines all this makes sense to me.

Hey Kids! Comics!

one year ago
Commended by mizal on 1/12/2024 6:51:31 AM

Alright, let's bring it back to something a little more "traditional" as far as these stories tended to go. Sure the first one had some bloody bits in it, but it was in black and white as opposed to glorious color!

Here's a little tale that actually inspired one infamous character I wrote, or rather was one of the inspirations at least. Funny enough said inspiration doesn't really show up until the end, but obviously it stuck with me even decades later.

This'll be the first one I have to censor a bit, nothing major, but this is still a family site and all.

Hey Kids! Comics!

one year ago
This is downright awesome!! I need to pick up western comics more or at least search for them around the web. Not to be a geeky otaku but the first comic reminded me something from Chainsaw Man and the manga's concept of devils. Without humans, devils wouldn't exist since they're born out of humanity's fears and if all humans die they'd likely cease to exist. Some of the forms that the monster dude took, the cluster of body parts looking as if they're melting into each other reminded me a lot of the Eternity Devil's design.

Hey Kids! Comics!

one year ago

I'll probably post more of this stuff at some point, just took a break from it. Got tons of old stuff review or post though. There's a few series I want to do longer reviews on. Maybe after the contest.

Hey Kids! Comics!

one year ago
I'd be willing to wait on what you have on hand. These are genuinely really sick to see!

Hey Kids! Comics!

11 months ago
I like comics!