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Dust off a seat and discuss a good book do read, right?


17 years ago
I got the book today!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, it looks so frigging professional, very very very very very (infinity) cool. Loving it. I suggest everyone purchase immediately!


17 years ago
It's gettign shipped here.... I WANT IT!!!


17 years ago
I'm going to get one very soon. I'm currently already saving up for something. It's a shame it's getting published in America. I thought I could just go to Paul's shop/place (I think he has a shop, but I don't know) and pick it up there, but apparently they're all getting printed in America. I was ticked off.


17 years ago
lol just get it shipped to you lol


17 years ago
You buy it from, actually, they ship it wherever. I didn't get it in a store or anything.


17 years ago

how much was it again? ive forgotten. ive also not got alot of money now either... ermmmm



17 years ago
Look for a thank you section, can you tell me who'se all in it?


17 years ago
i just went to and couldnt find it.... oh well. ill look again tomorrow.


17 years ago
Yeah me neither.


17 years ago

Hi guys! I'm glad the book looks alright, because I haven't seen the finished product myself yet, lol. Hopefully my copy will arrive this coming week. For anyone who looked for it, but didn't see it on Lulu.Com, it's now available to the public. I won't tell you to buy the book, as different people have different reading tastes, and I don't want to pressure anyone into buying a book they aren't interested in. But for anyone who read the demo on this site, and liked it, and likes any of my other writing on this site, I think you'd enjoy reading my book as well :)

Sorry, No Discounts on Ulysses: The Pegasi Incident:

For those who have asked about recieving discounts or getting free copies from me, I just wanted to clear up: A number of people I know have recieved free pre-release copies of the book from me (at cost to me), becuase they were involved in playtesting, commenting on, and editing the manuscript. Two people on this website fit into that category. The sale of my book is through an online publishing store though, so I am not involved in the sale of the book myself, which means that I can't arrange for retail discounts on it, sorry :)

On the subject of Australians interested in my book, I'd like to say that it actually works out cheaper to purchase my book from America and have it Standard Shipped to you, then it would be for it to go through Australia Post. I know that sounds odd, but Standard postage and handling from to international people, works out around AU$8.07 Australian, while here in Australia, if I posted it myself to you, you would have to pay up to AU$11 for australian postage and handling.

Price of Books:

On price, the book costs US$15.95, which works out to be about AU$18.61, which is cheaper than the standard $21.99 novel price of most books in Australia. So, Australians that have access to a credit card, and want to by my book, it's cheapest to order it straight from my American publisher and have it Standard shipped to you. So, total cost for an Australian ordering the book, would probably be $30. I know that sounds annoying, but remember, you're paying for it to be delivered to you as well, not just for the book itself, and if you bought any other new books over the internet, you would still have to pay a postage cost.

For those who have asked me for a cheaper book, I'm sorry, I don't have a real lot of say over the pricing and posting costs, and I want to point out, I'm not making a massive profit off the books - an author only recieves between $1 and $4 or so for each book sold, depending on the store that sells it. The rest of the money goes to the printers / publishers / book stores. And then my money gets taxed, on top of that! I've tried to make it as cheap cost and competitive as I could, and still hope to actually make some money after covering my own costs.

Book Stores:

I've been told it could take six or so weeks for leading online and retail book outlets to gain access to the book. It has now been listed with wholesalers, and will slowly filter out into other book stores. I still recommend buying it direct from, but if you wait for it to be listed on your favourite book store's computer, you can ask them to order a copy in for you. Those in Australia who don't want to order it from overseas, try Angus & Robertson or Borders Bookstores in about six weeks, and see if they will order you in a copy of the book. I don't know what fees they might charge you for ordering books in, but it might save you having to pay postage and handling costs. (I don't know though, haven't looked into it.)

E-Book Edition:

I'm not sure what's happened about the E-Book. I wanted a $4.00 PDF version of teh book to be downloadable, to read on your monitor, for people who didn't want to order a physical book. I've looked on the web site, and I can't see the E-Book version there anywhere. I'll look into that, and make sure an E-Book version is available soon, for $4.00 (about AU$4.67) If anyone wants an e-book version of it, that they can just download and read on their computer, mention it, and I'll post in here when the e-book version goes on sale.


17 years ago
Dude your awesome!


17 years ago

I now have an online storefront, at:


17 years ago


17 years ago
i will wait to see if indigo gets copies, otherwise i will place an online order (ugg...  i hate giving out credit card number over the internet... )


17 years ago
Im with ya on that one.


17 years ago
I'll just get Angus & Roberston's to order it in. Much easier (even if it does cost ten dollars more).


17 years ago
That's fine with me :) I'm going to ask around some bookstores every now and then to see wether they get the book on their computer lists. Just don't go to Ang & Rob straight away, as it won't be on their computer databases yet. Could be six weeks before it shows on their computers.


17 years ago
I wonder why that is....


17 years ago
When a book's ISBN number gets registered, it gets put on a 'wholesale' list. Bookstores tend to view the list only once every 4 to 6 weeks, to update their data, since it is constantly having new books added to it. So, until they go and look at the list, books added to the list aren't known to them.


17 years ago
Ah.  I see.  The all powerful list controls all.