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Steve has returned

4 months ago
It was kind of a low key thing but Steve resurfaced a couple of days ago to confirm he did not, in fact, OD on oven cleaner at a gay orgy at any point in the last four years, so that's nice.

Unsure if he'll be writing any more questionably spelled epics, and I think he actually charges money now to pointlessly argue until both sides collapse from lack of oxygen, but he's still our charming Irish degenerate.

And if Ebon's return to do absolutely nothing warranted a whole ass thread, then Steve gets one too, dammit.

Steve has returned

4 months ago
is he lawyer now?

Steve has returned

4 months ago

It's very sad. Don't ever become a lawyer, kids.

Steve has returned

4 months ago

Oh, good suggestion. Reading back on my old works, I'm honestly embarrassed that my dogshit still has a place on the front page, rather than this, the one work that brings pride to my dull soul.

Steve has returned

4 months ago
I think Saoirse is pretty significant.

Fear the Psyker probably also, but I'm biased against the setting.

Steve has returned

4 months ago

Saoirse's great patriotic gold, that's the blood the ancestors in me. 

Steve has returned

4 months ago

I like Fear the Psyker

Steve has returned

4 months ago

This is a good thing.

Steve has returned

4 months ago
I am glad Steve died in spirit and not in body.

Steve has returned

4 months ago

Steve has returned

4 months ago

It'd have been a straight orgy, or at least a bi orgy, of ugly people.

This disrespect spits upon my reputation, and not in the good way.

Steve has returned

4 months ago

Welcome back Steve! And honestly, The Path of Death is my fave