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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago

You can't just release an EndMaster game so casually like that! Even if you are him!

How is anyone supposed to sleep now? 

Well, in any case, congratulations on once again blessing this site with one of your stories. I'm so happy.

I'll have to compose myself now. 

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago

It's been a long day what with running contests, games and doing stuff in real life.

Been wanting to publish this for a long time now, and I'm glad I finally have. Just as well I had a little time between finishing and publishing so I could add the little extra title image. Which I'm not sure why I put myself through the hassle of searching/splicing/editing the images so I could get them down to a managable size to use on the site, but it's done now.

The story changed quite a bit from it's original idea, then it started using other ideas I had until this final product was the result.

Anyway as I mentioned before there's a couple lines you've directly said that I felt were good enough to use in some particular dialog, so be on the look out for those (Assuming you remember saying it).

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago

I'll consider it a welcome challenge of sorts to try and remember a phrasing or two I've said while reading. Might be a bit of a challenge while trying to immerse myself in all of the lore and dialogue. But I don't believe it to be something impossible.

From what I'm reading so far, the final result is quite good. I hope the paths don't have to be played in some sort of order or anything, because I chose Catalina's path immediately. She's honestly one of my favorite characters of yours, so it couldn’t be helped.

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago

Nope, you can play them in what order you want. They don't really overlap with each other.

Catalina's story is the longest and best one. I probably wrote a little more for that one than I thought I would, but it was necessary.

Besides fleshing out Catalina in that story, a few other minor characters got a bit more screen time too. One of the major things I got to do with her was something I intended in the original Necromancer, which was the butterflies.

There was supposed to be a running joke that he attempted nature magic once and conjured butterflies which he could NEVER fully get rid of. Like even when he's surrounded by zombies, skeletons and such, there was always a couple butterflies flapping about and it wouldn't be until towards the end when his prescence is literally killing the world that there was going to be a scene where the butterflies start to finally disappear/die and they don't come back.

Of course as ideas typically do, this never made it in mainly due to the tone shift from less comedy to more serious. However, for whatever reason I still liked the idea, so I altered it a bit for Catalina who has a bit more affinity for different types of magic anyway.

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago

Yeah. I loved the butterfly aspect while reading through Catalina's path. Which I just so happened to finish yesterday morning. I don't think there was something I may have said in the past either on the side or discord in that one. However, I have to say that her story something like an origin was nice. She was never really 'normal' even before she hooked up with the Chad that is the Necromancer. 

Catalina is so lucky. I cannot fathom being able to win the lottery with being quite content with the first dick you get. In the end it becomes so good that she can actually go crazy. Lel. Oh, he had a Chad name as well. Must have been buried in the source code of the first game but is now canon here.

Now I have to read the other paths so I can properly give a comment. 

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago

Technically Azrael wasn't Catalina's "first dick" since her first time was with a corpse she reanimated and she just kept the dead random frat dude preserved the vamp's coffin.

It's entirely possible she might have even had a few other "encounters" with different corpses as well just to test out some things before she officially got with Azrael

In any case, Azrael was definitely her first (and only) living dick. And she liked him enough since he was giving off a strong death aura so it was like fucking something dead anyway. And after he became undead, the sexual attraction would have just grown stronger. (But there was already the romantic element there by that point anyway)

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago

Ah, right. The literal dead dick scene. I was thinking of the corpses like one would dildos, I believe. 

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago

I mean you're sort of correct in that Catalina was pretty much using freshly raised corpses like dildos with "extra moving parts"

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago
I'm sure there will be many things to enjoy here besides just seeing how many times I can get Semra murder-raped to death like that psychotic bitch deserves.

I will certainly take the time to read those other things after accomplishing my primary goal.

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago
I know End always does minimalist taglines in place of descriptions, but I'm really digging the distilled badassery of "Three ladies. Three legends."

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago
How did I miss this wtf

Congrats! I’ll definitely take time to read this one over…

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago
I warned stargirl off Semra's path, but I won't try that with you because partaking in that sort of unwholesomeness seems like a small but satisfying way to stick it to your psychotically controlling parents.

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago
Well, that's reassuring.

I expect much unwholesomeness from Semra, because, well, she's Semra.

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago

The story was good! Every page read from top to bottom. I couldn't leave Semra to her ghastly fates, so I even reached the epilogue with her.

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago

Glad you liked it.

Yep, Semra has some pretty bad endings and her story is definitely the one that had some of your lines for a particular scene.

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago

Yup! I noticed! I feel very honored.

Oh, I left a comment as well. Not one of my cookie cutter ones that you can copy and paste into a machine, I hope.

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago

Hey! Been a long time fan of yours.  Hit up this site and just finished your latest story.  So my few questions are the following:

1. Is Eternal Bliss the "canon" or at least "your canon" Eternal ending based on Semra's path?  I was hoping for Eternal Emperor or Eternal Patriot to be canon, as those were my 2 favorite endings. 

2. Love the names William, Azrael, Francis (revealed before I know), and Aron.  

3. Have we met Sinthinia before?  I forget.

4. Based on this story, it would seem either Rogue Nation or Hero of Holgard (my personal favorite) is the "canon" ending to Rogues right?  Which is it though? 

5. Love your work a lot again!  Will we get more?  The ever present villains like Big Red, Dendrin, Semra, and the Necromancer are all begging for a reckoning, either that or we can have more stories on how they thrive in their endeavors.   

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago
Actually pretty cool how this guy has only shown up a few times over the years, and only then to talk about Endmaster's stories.

I bet End wishes more of you were like that.

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago

haha his stories are really well done! 

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago

Thanks, I'll try to get to all the questions. I can elaborate if necessary.

1. Yep Eternal Bliss is the "canon" ending of Eternal as far as the ongoing storylines. There's a few reasons why I chose that one but one reason is Rogues is sort of the main fantasy world setting I'd focus on in the future. It's more versatile than the other two (which are both dead now).

2. Yep I was trying to make sure to name all those nameless protagonists in this story!

3. Sinthinia pops up more in the doomed hell branch of Necromancer. She also makes a very brief appearance in one of the bad Death Song endings involving Big Red.

4. Hero of Holgard is the "canon" ending for Rogues. It's the only path where Aron reconnects with Tanya (briefly) and she's become a Hell Warlord by that point.

5. Hopefully if I have the time I can get more stories done with these character (and new ones)! Next projects might be a break from fantasy for awhile but Pure, Vile, Deadly was definitely one of those I had to finish if only to flesh out certain characters along with finally connecting all the fantasy worlds.

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago

You could maybe do that Raider ending for Ground Zero?  That would be pretty cool.  Or maybe go back into Alpha Wolf?  Make a World of Darkness like universe?  Nice job world building also, kind of wondering now who these spiritual beings or gods are that gave the Necromancer directions to go between worlds.  Is there any sort of plan behind the scenes to initially coax the Necromancer into killing his world, then killing others?  

So I guess canonically Aron/Rogue is a bachelor, Spymaster, and sort of just waiting for Tanya?  What would happen if he simply just gave Tanya his soul?  Would that result in them being together?  I was thinking if both of them wanted to be together, for eternity even, then wouldn't it make sense for Aron the Rogue to just sign a contract with Tanya (could even be a marriage contract or something) and just give Tanya his soul?  

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago

Ground Zero was one of those I pondered doing a sequel for before, but just never came up with something that I thought would follow it up properly. If I was going to pick a canon ending for GZ, it probably would be the 3rd one (Atomic Alliance ending) since it offers a little more flexibility as far as world building and still keeps the protagonist from GZ relevant, even if Vincent is long dead by that point, his descendent(s) can carry on. (And yes, that's the GZ protagonist, you just learned another nameless protagonist name)

Most of Suzy’s endings sort of follow up a bit on GZ, but only very briefly. (And certainly not to the extent of the GZ epilogues)

Alpha Wolf is one of those self contained stories that I don’t see me ever really revisiting again. Though one never knows. I always see that one that doesn’t quite fit any of the established story “universes” mainly because it’s more like an alternate earth where the movie monsters were real. Even with some of the weirdness going on in the “Suzyverse”, movie monsters being the most normal thing ever isn’t common in the modern setting.

As a general rule I used to shy away from sequels mainly because I always felt most of the stories I did were “told” so there wasn’t really a need or desire to follow up on them plus I never wanted to ruin the original with a cheap sequel.

I’m a little more open to sequel ideas of course now, though I still am hesitant to do them unless I got a really good idea for a follow up and even then, it’s typically not a traditional sequel with the same character, just the same world (Like Innkeeper and Rogues) 

Expanding the Necromancer lore/stuff is something I’ve gone back and forth on a few times, but as I said, it’s one of those that I’d really need to solidify before doing it. Hence why I’ve never really done a proper sequel for him and just have him pop up only at key times in other stories just as a reminder that he did establish a place for himself in the multiverse as it were.

Eternal was one of those where I really did feel like the story was “done.” I had no plans in making anything else for that world. The best way to do this is to kill the world of course. Lol. Eternal Bliss was always my head canon anyway, though I didn’t really make that ending canon until I decided to bring back Semra.

Of course I had to figure out how transport her to a new world so she could be awful to people there in the future, so the ideas for the Vile story followed.

As for Tanya and Aron, they’re a bit something of a star crossed couple and have other pressing concerns at the moment (Tanya especially)  but again who knows what the future holds.

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago
Hey! I'm a longtime fan but never really got around to making an account on this site and just lurked around but decided that now was a good time to make one. First I want to say absolutely loved the story, all three characters were written brilliantly and the expanded lore connecting all three worlds was so good. Secondly, I was wondering if you had anything planned to extend the storyline of this universe in the coming years?

The reason I ask this is because there just seems to be this set up for an even larger tale connecting all of the main stories you wrote for this universe (I.E. Eternal, Necromancer, Rogues) into an even bigger narrative than Eternal was (and that one was a behemoth!). Like Semra is now in the same world as Aron, who is in connection with Tanya, who is in connection with Big Red, who is in connection to basically everyone except Aron and Francis (protagonist-wise). Also with the idea of the "cosmic war" which I'm assuming has something to do with the Engan/Ancient Ones, which apparently Azrael is aware of (and may even become involved in?). I don't know, it just feels like there's like a set up for like this Avengers: Infinity War type thing going on lol. If you don't have an answer for this right now I totally understand, I also know you mentioned that you were taking a break from fantasy for a while which totally makes sense.

Nevertheless, it's just so cool to see so many things being in connection with one another, and The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly really made the universes you created so much more rich.

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago


As for plans for making one big mega crossover story, yeah there's always the idea there (Has been for awhile), it's just finding the time to do it!

As of right now I only have a general idea without specifics. If I was going to attempt something like that, I'd really want to make sure it's solid obviously.

Still, I don't like leaving things on too much of cliff hangers since I never know if I'm going to ever get around to finishing them any time soon. So for something like this I don't make it a major focus and just leave it a bit in the background.

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago
Thanks for the reply!

I just have a few story specific questions:

I noticed that the three characters in TPTVTD take place in various parts of their timelines in connection to the original stories they're from, Tanya I'm assuming takes place after her story in Rogues (future), Semra takes place during/towards the end of Eternal (present), and Catalina reminisces on her old life in Necromancer (past). Was this intentional?

If this was intentional, I know Aron is still alive during Tanya's story, but how many years has it been since their last meeting?

Also, is Azrael considered a god by other deities and feared by the infernal realm or is he only considered a god by humans? I ask this because I remember Big Red being like "Death god or whatever he wants to call himself" like he doesn't take Azrael seriously.

Lastly, and this isn't really a question but just something I thought of, if there is ever a big crossover story, I always thought it would be cool if Semra met Azrael and he showed her where Francis ended up, which would definitely break her heart and lead to some interesting characterization. I don't know, just wondered if you ever thought of something like that.

The Pure, The Vile, and the Deadly

3 years ago

No problem, nothing I like more than to talk about myself the inner workings of my various stories!

1. It wasn't originally planned that way (This story went through a lot of changes) but when I ultimately cemented what I was going to do, yeah I did go with a past, present, future thing.

As for exactly how many years have passed, probably not an excessive amount though Tanya is running about on other planes so the time frame works a little differently anyway. (Aron's probably not an old man yet though and probably in his 40s or so)

2. Azrael is definitely a god but it's more like Big Red has been around a long time so he's not impressed by a mortal turned deity since he's most likely seen it happen before. Plus he's got his own agenda and is only concerned with someone when they're in his way or can be used in some way.

Another character who ascended to godhood would be Dendrin/Fel. He did it a little differently of course. 

3. Azrael and Semra actually do meet in one of the bad endings of her story in case you missed it! But yeah if there ever is time for a major cross over Semra might meet him "officially".