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Questions about a storygame? Thoughts on Eternal? Any other IF you're playing out there?

Suggestions for some good games?

2 years ago
There's a lot of storygames here, and I know what I like and what I don't like, so I figure it wouldn't go awry to list my preferences and what stories I like, and then get some suggestions from all you pretty/handsome writers who are so skill and interesting and cool about what I should play.

Firstly: I don't like things that are pointlessly dark. It's okay if it's somber or if there's a point, but if it's just gratuitous, I'm out.

I do tend to focus on speculative fiction (read: things with fantasy and sci-fi elements in them), but I'm okay with playing something realistic if it's good enough. Action is nice but not a must.

I actually quite like escape-the-room games, even played a few Escape Rooms IRL. So, if there's something Zero Escape-y, feel free to recommend it to me.

I don't really have a preference vis-a-vis super mechanically heavy, gamebook-esque stuff vs pure narrative/choice-based games.

So, if you've got any ideas of games you think I might like, tell me about 'em and I'll give them a shot!

Suggestions for some good games?

2 years ago

Anything by EndMaster is great. Lots of featured and top-rated games for a good reason.
Aside from that, some suggestions of mine are A Tale of a White Lie, CYBERMONKEY (along with WARCHIMP), and Biscuits and Ghosts.

There is also the great puzzle game, A Stack of Cats if you find yourself wanting something from that category.

Suggestions for some good games?

2 years ago

If you read Tale of a White Lie, don’t forget to rate it a 7 or 8! If not, you get flogged and beaten. I mean, you could rate it lower. This isn’t a dystopian society... I mean, we like free will here. There's no place more free than here.

You only get two options per page at times, but you're gonna love that! 

Also read Sherbet's stories since he was nice enough to recommend one of mine.

Suggestions for some good games?

2 years ago
I'm actually reading Imagination now! Since Apple mentioned to read him and that seemed like the most up-my-alley of the works I saw.

Suggestions for some good games?

2 years ago
His style is a little overly wordy for some, but if you like sci fi you should try out Marooned on Giri Minor. And then if you enjoy it, look up the much, much larger sequel Secret of Grass Planet.

There aren't a huge number of popular puzzle games here, but the inventory and variable system would definitely allow more exploration of that kind of thing by any interested authors. You might like Inepta Academy, or Ruins of Anzar (which should be rated higher than it is imo).

Also in that category are Cows vs Aliens, Koi Koi, and Delve, where Berka and Killa broke the editor over their knee and made card games and a roguelike.