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Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Mythic Nippon
Welcome to Mythic Nippon. It is a place of mystery and wonder; inspired by the legends of Feudal Japan, Imperial China, and other places in the Far East. It is a world of stoic samurai and treacherous ninja; sorcery wielding wu-jen and brutal warlords; where dragons soar the skies and immortals walk the earth; Where demons and oni scheme among men and danger lurks in every shadow; Where legendary heroes and masters of ki search for honor, glory, and adventure!

It is the Kamakura era; year 1297.

Sixteen years ago, the great Mongol warrior Kublai Khan, led a massive invasion of Nippon for the Chinese. His forces carried with them a new weapon; one that would rival the powers of sorcery itself – the secret of gunpowder. His campaign was a brutal success and Nippon was quickly subjugated under Chinese rule.

Kublai Khan left Nippon shortly after the Chinese Shogunate took power – though legend has it that he never made it home. His fleet of mercenary warriors was caught in a terrible typhoon and sunk to the bottom of the sea; a ‘Divine Wind’ sent to avenge Nippon’s lost honor.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Playing The Game
During the actual game, we’ll have 2 threads, The In-Game Thread and this Out of Character (OOC) Thread.

The In-Game Thread
The In-Game Thread will start with a posting of all the Characters Links at the top; Followed by the Opening Plot Hook; and In-Character Postings from the players.

This means talking in character and describing the actions you want your character to take in response to the various Scenes I’ll set during the game. You can ask Short Questions in the thread by prefacing them “OOC:” But I’ll always answer them in the OOC thread. For Example – OOC: Is it my turn yet?

The OOC Thread
Bigger or more complex Questions, Rules discussion, Out of Character Banter, and Thread Derailing go here in the OOC Thread.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Using Luck and Surge___

As one of the most dynamic aspects of BHB system, Luck and Surge Points can be used to influence the outcome of the game in the following ways –

Luck Points can be spent for the following Luck Options:

  • Reduce a MTN by 4 (before or after the roll)
  • Add a +4 Bonus to the TN or Die Value (before or after the roll) – when adding to Die Value, you must be able to use the entire +4 Bonus without going over
  • Take a Faulty Success instead of rolling the die (only if rolling is an option)
  • Negate a Botch or an opponent’s Crit
  • Focused Effort (spend a Luck Point for an Extra Die to roll with any one roll)
  • Not As Bad As It Looks (take only 1/2 damage from a single attack; this Option cannot be used twice on the same attack to reduce damage to zero)
  • Lucky Break (for inspiration from the GM to help move the game along or for a plot twist in the character’s favor)
  • Escape Death (to Stabilize a Dying character and ignore further damage for the rest of the Scene)

Surge Points can be spent for the following Surge Options:

  • +2 STR for one round
  • +3 Damage on any 1 Attack
  • Take an Extra Action
  • Interrupt another’s Action (changes character’s Initiative Order for the combat)
  • Make back-to-back Attack or Defense Actions without the Rapid or Evasion Edges
  • Shake off Stunned Condition
  • Shake off KO’d or Unconscious Condition
  • Shake off one level of Fatigue
  • Shake off Intimidated, Shaken or Panicked Condition
  • Ignore Injury (take a Round while Disabled without going to Dying)
  • Defy Mental Control for 1 Action
  • Double Tap (Counter Escape Death Luck Option)
  • Stretch or Tweak an Edge, Amazing Feat, Spell, or Power

Both Luck and Surge can be spent each round as Free Actions.

Luck can be spent as many times per round as the player wants, though it is advised not to use up all your Luck in one round.

Surge can only be used once per round (except with the Heroic Surge Edge). Unlike Luck, Surge can also be used without spending Surge Points, at the cost of Fatiguing the character afterwards.

Recovering Luck And Surge
Luck and Surge Points refresh at the rate of 1 point of each per in-character day.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

A Note About Luck and Surge -
Please be sure to indicate when you want to use them specifically, but also, If the opportunity to use them to your character's advantage comes up while I am updating combat rounds, I will automatically apply some of them (without asking you).

If you specifically don't want me to do this (for example only have a few left and want to save them) you need to tell me not to use any during the combat rounds.

Dice Rolling and such -
I will be doing all dice rolling and number crunching here on my side of the 'screen' to keep things as simple as possible. All you need to do is describe what your characters want to attempt and we'll go from there...  :)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Begin Posting from here (or the Opening Post) - Thanks  ^v^

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Dammit. :(

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

We'll be using this OOC from here on out. Posting on the BHB site will now be limited to character discussion between player and GM in their PC Threads.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Alright then, carrying on:

"A dayimo has thousands of samurai, I see no reason he would form any sort of personal relationship with us."

We actually have no idea how many he has, but that's not really the point. The fact that we are his samurai puts us in that relationship with him. I mean, we're people who effectively will die for him on a moments notice, so we do have a relationship, even if it's a rather biased one.


Political Sciences 8 (Economics; Law; Politics)

Putting 1 point into it did give me 8 (though I had no idea how that math worked out haha)

Nvm, it's base of 3 + INT + the bonus of 1.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

As for that, it's base value is 3+int+bump point

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Doesn't mean he cares in the least for us, in fact, it would be extremely unusual if he did. 

The weakest dayimos had in between 1000-3000 samurai, the average dayimos had between 10 000- 20 000 samurai, the strongest had, I believe, 100 000 - 500 000 samurai (and yes, this is feudal/post feudal japan).

Being a samurai was way more common than you'd think, while comparatively, there were significantly more commoners than samurai, the dayimos weren't exactly lacking for samurai either (As they were the only legal soldiers, and they needed fighters)

Our dayimo is clearly a powerful and influential one, but even if he's not, that gives him a minimum of 1000 soldiers, why should he care about 6 of them? After all, it's not like we're personally relate to him or as if we have any significantly powerful influences. We're just soldiers. He might have heard of us, at the most.

That doesn't mean there was a personal relationship. 

You were expected to die for your dayimo, just like any other soldier, or commoner, the fact that you're willing to do so doesn't mean you're in any way special, or that he even knows our names.

Now yes, we are samurai, which means that we have more rights than others, but as dayimo, our rights mean literally nothing to him, to his eyes, we're equal to the commoners, except we can fight, and if needed, he'd let one of his daughters marry us. If he had a daughter, or couldn't get another dayimo or his son to take her.

It doesn't mean that we have any sort of special right when addressing the dayimo, other than doing so without his permission won't get us killed, unless we interrupt of course. According to the popular beliefs on the bushido code and feudal Japan (Not that they're applicable to reality, but Berka is clearly going off of this), the dayimo could order a samurai or a citizen to commit seppuku for something as simple as not performing a simple task correctly, or for failing to kill an assassin before he entered the castle, regardless of an assassin's success or not, or for interrupting him while he's talking, and again, according to popular belief, they totally did it, like, all the time. They clearly don't give half a shit about the samurai, unless those samurai have done something that would specifically bring them to the dayimo's attention, such as your father saving his life.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

I never once said personal relationship, just that there was a relationship. You being his samurai allows you to refer to him as Dono, regardless of how often you see him or how well you know him, because it is socially acceptable for a samurai to refer to his Daiymo as Dono.

You shouldn't blanket every Diaymo as having that sort of personality. You also need to keep in mind that this is Japan after they got the shit kicked out of them and had nearly an entire generation of men killed. There's no way the numbers you stated there are applicable here.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

I think (Might have this wrong) that the general population of feudal japan was about 20 000 000 people, give or take a few million. China obviously had a much larger population, and a larger army (They had fleets numbering in the millions of ships, enough to make the spanish armada wet itself), but I don't think they would have killed that many people, at the most i'd say the population would be reduced to 19 000 000, with (admittedly) the majority being samurai. 

It is also socially acceptable (And as far as I know, more frequent) to refer to your dayimo as Sama, though I get your point, it's perfectly normal to refer to him as Dono as well.

As for them having that personality, well... You know what they say about power and corruption. There will obviously be exceptions, but I have no reason to believe our dayimo is one of them (Indeed, his strangely long lifespan indicates otherwise, it just kinda seems sinister.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Yeah but this is Berka's Japan. He could have had the population cut by like a third down to 13,000,000 (with most of the deaths being male samurais). There's likely a reason we all had to be so young to start (and it's more than likely because we'd be dead if we were older).

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

If we were much older, then we'd have fought in Sendai, and probably Had died :(

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Yeah, it will give you 8, but since you only invested 1 point in it, it will only count as you having 1 out of the necessary level needed for the feat in question. (I already asked Berka all of this, he answered in the OOC on bounty head)
The modifiers (Including base points), points you get from your attributes, and points you get from your edges don't count, it's only the points you initially spent there, as well as the points you buy with EXP.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Four more!

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

is there going to be ramen??

also i posted a new beard picture

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

ooh, I just got a PM from [--Redacted--]... Here's what it says...

*tentacles rise from the ground and drag me down. 


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Anyways, aside from making fun of Drak, I have something important to ask.

How are the minions so far? 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Drunk on ramen!

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Is that even possible? 

(I'm totally gonna need to go grab some Sushi in preparation for this game....)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Hm.. If they spike it with sake? :)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Must find Kosher Sake.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Sake is Kosher no?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Sorta. It's like fine scotch. By definition, it's Kosher, but it stored in a way that could make it unkosher. 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Sometimes, supposedly there is a store that has kosher sake in Brooklyn, hoping to go there at some point. 

There actually a lot of complicated laws regarding any alcohol, so most sake is kosher, but there are many laws making it invalid to drink.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Gotcha, I thought that it was Kosher. But i get what you are saying about the way it is stored. Still seems silly :) You religious/cultural freaks you :)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Well, by definition, I can't drink any wine you* touched, so yeah, we're pretty nutty in that regard. XD

*Any Gentile, that is.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

I knew what ya meant. F*** racist Jew Bastardo :)

but thanks for pointing it out. 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Hey, that's not the worst. XD 

There's an indepth reason for all of this, but it's more likely to offend all you inferior gentiles. :P

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

not me Sir, I know you're whacko



Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

non Jew

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Full Definition of GENTILE

often capitalized :  a person of a non-Jewish nation or of non-Jewish faith; especially :  a Christian as distinguished from a Jew
:  heathenpagan
often capitalized :  a non-Mormon

Examples of GENTILE

  1. <a strict sect that believes that fellowship with gentilesshould exist only for the purposes of conversion>


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

You can't drink things touched by a non-jew?

Man, that is really really racist lol.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

No, only wine. Everything else is alright,

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Why wine?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Bacl when Judaism started up, every other religion nearby was pagan worshippers. And apparenlty, some of those worshippers used wine in their worship. So, to protect us from drinking sacrificial wine (and therby appearing to worship the pagan god) we weren't allowed to drink wine touched by a non-Jew. 

(note that some wines (those unfit to be offered) are allowed to be handled by a non-jew.)

Of course, this is not really applicable nowadays, but we Jews don't change our laws, so it stayed that way. 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Ohhh, that makes sense then.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Wasn't it also because they didn't want Jews to get drunk near a non-jew, so they didn't get married? We're also not allowed to have a large meal set by Gentiles because, once again, when Jews 1000 years ago were traveling, a non jewish women might make them a meal at an inn, and then they might start talking etc.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

STAHP IT. If anyone want's too learn more, they can just PM us. 

We Jews like keeping secrets... 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

It was written before BZ's post...

sorry frown

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

FOOL You disgraced our religion! 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Now I will be exiled to the cities that Moses prepared! Oy veiys Meir indeed!

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Way is this? WHAT IS THIS? Damn crossdresser!

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Ooh, that was a fun event. ^_^

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Yup, us jews are exclusive XD

Seriously though, don't take it personally. Back in the olden days people used to get drunk, then fall for the bar maiden, who wasn't Jewish etc. Rabbi's didn't want intermarriage, and made a prohibition against wine served by Gentiles.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

No no no, that was for food cooked by a non-jew (and there are sublaws about that...) (since if you eat with the family, you may become close and marry their daughter). The wine was specifically agaisnt idolotry.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Guy's, start a New Thread if you want to carry this discussion out much further...

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Pretty sure our glorious discussion 'bout Judaism is over. :P

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Ah, alright Berka haha

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

I'm going to begin formatting/posting the In-Game thread.

Again - do not post in it, until signaled here in The OOC...

The game officially starts tomorrow, but you can make an opening post tonight (once cleared to do so) if you wish.

I plan on making at least one major Update once per day.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Hopefully not as bang bang bang as The "one update a day" Bad Seed :) not that it was a bad game I just feel we lost some RP value with the pace. (mostly because of all of us being stuck on individual intent)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Also is it safe to assume we're not going to do the name your attacks? (I know suffixes would be too complicated to add)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Oh no, we (at least I) am going to name every attack. XD (At least, the badass ones, not the normal punch punch pucnh ones...)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

I left jab left jab right haymaker to the jaw of Victim A then I heel kick his shin followed by left jab left jab up down B

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

...Sneak attack... ;)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


*Bandit turns around


*Bandit dodges arrow

Yuki: "Tsk, formidable foes indeed...."

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

On the Name Attack Things, no - But Yes, if anyone ever makes a Combo - Combo's need to be Named and Yelled.  ^v^

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

I think I'll go along with Aman's way of thinking and name important or initial attacks. Seems like it'd be fun.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Certainly isn't discouraged!  =)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago






Holy ****, these ****ers are crazy, let's get out of here!

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Go for the eyes Boo! GO THE EYES!

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago
So hows that coming?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

3 more!

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Aren't you working on a drug dealer alchemist guy?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Yep, that'll be the next one... 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

2 more!

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Anyone got any suggestions? I'm running out of ideas for character edges. 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Epic mostache!

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


King of Thieves perhaps? 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago
Skateboard thrashing prankster

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago
Man of many masks (master of disguise) Literally wears real faces, those of fallen enemies...

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago
At least ot sounds cool, could have the mistaken identity thing...

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Definetley badass, but would freak out Roka. XD

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago
Work it in man it is a really concept, maybe he just has like a plain humanoid mask that takes on the appearance of any enemy he has downed?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Hmm.... Problem is that Minions suck ass in combat. 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago
The mask is owned by you and the minion is like a doll but when you put the mask on the doll it takes the form of the last enemy you downed.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago
Could be very useful to gather info infiltrate, trick enemies (say the guy you killed was a ninja master and we needed to infiltrate their clan etc)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago
Actual abilities could be very limited and their could be a roll done by BZ as to whether anyone suspects him of being an imposter?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

That would (at least) require the exceptional item edge, and Berka hasn't let me get one of them, so i'm unsure if it's an option at this point.

Also, minions aren't meant to be nearly so useful. They're extras.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago
Well i think with the identity check roll and the fact he is essentially the same as like a planted microphone I dont find him overly useful, hes a more vwry situational use guy, Maybe Berka would have some input on this?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Ooh, that's cool, but it's an occult shtick, not really something Roka woud have. Short of making it an exceptional item, or something... 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Would that boost sleight of hand or archery?^^

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

The King of Theives never used any bows, if I remember correctly. 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

I thought king of thieves were Robin Hood?^^

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Your group doesn't have enough obsessed girlfriends.
Give yourself a nice, flexible acrobat (Acrobatic edge), or a creative chick who tries to win your love through poetry and paintings (Creative edge)

Also, get yourself a gambler (card shark edge) or a second in command (compelling edge) or a resident geek (trivia edge)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Hmm, that could work. (the acrobatic chick...). Also like the creative chick. Might replace my monk with her. 

Gambler would work well. 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

You could also get someone with a physicial or medic edge, say that one day when Roka was young he got into a fight he couldn't handle and was left for dead, when a physican spotted him and saved his life. Or something of the like.


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Only got two minions left. (aside from the replacement female monk for my old monk). 

Hmm, choices. ^_^

Thanks for the suggestions though, helping me get the right thoughts for the character. 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Kirito would know any useless trivia we will encounter though.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

A trapper?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Sounds like a total loser. XD

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

I meant like a Saboteur or something.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

What about a musician?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Just changed one of my minions to have that. 

Nah, don't really need it. I have multiple artists who do that. Though, I could have the creative chick be a musciain.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

What about a linguist?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Ah, Aman, Imp weed is very illegal, Roka definitely wouldn't be getting it at a shop.

Also, imp weed causes psychosis, so your alchemist is going to be bat-shit if he's been addicted to this for any long period of time.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Is it? Because Berka allowed me to have it...

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Ah, wait, I was thinking of a different one...

Never mind  ^_^

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Wrong drug. Imp-Weed is a stimulant. Not illegal 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Yeah, my mistake

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

OH you meant opium right?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

I meant the gamma thing

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Oh. Opium is illegal too though.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

So Berka, how does one become a high priest?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Hehe, good one.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

I think 6 chicks is enough, right? 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

You and your harem Aman....

Also, make one of your minions a bear. Their perk could be: "Is a bear".

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

XD (to both)

Oh, the best part is that the 6 are the 'named' members. The rest of his fanclub is also part of it (the female ones, that is...)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Also, when do we see the exclusive class bonuses (warrior, brawler, priest etc.) or of I just missed it, could someone link it?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

There aren't any. 

Except for magic users such as priests and Wu-Jen, there are no class exclusive abilities.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

So what's the difference between warrior and scout if there isn't some kind of special edges we can get?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

The difference is your focus. But other than that, nothing.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Are you sure? I'm sure Berka mentioned somewhere that each class can get some cool edges...

@Berka, can you confirm?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Almost ready to post the Opening Scene/In-Character Thread  :)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Fun. ^_^

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

(reposting here)

So Berka, how does one become a high priest? (And, is there any bonus magic? I ask purely because if there's high priest magic, I want in.)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Like they would allow a wicked asshole like your character become a highpriest^^ and Kirito would oppose you^^

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

We're in different religions, and ancestor worshippers (like me) tend to be evil anyways ^_^

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Pfft, the last two were cop outs

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Hey, writing 15 red shirts isn't a fun time. :P

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Just wait till they all start dropping like flies

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Yeah, all that hard work for nothin' -_- 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

When I get my own, i'm just going to make a long group backstory, works much better that way. Much less effort on my part ^_^

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Eh, I had fun in the end. Some of them were bland, like the last two, but the stalker chick, the Samurai, the Ronin, the Musician (female) Monk, the advisor, and others were lots of fun to write up.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Yeah, you sorta got lazy with the last two... Still, at least they aren't faceless thugs ;)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Also, what does a Kirin do, other than act as a steed? Can it fly?

According to this picture:

It's clearly a unicorn, but is it powerful/ can it be used as an offensively powerful attacker? Or is it's purpose purely that of a celestial steed, the mount equivalent of the celestial weapons and armor? 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Ooh, or is it THIS kind of Kirin:

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Added that silly General Knowledge Amazing Feat :)

OK - this time for realz... Posting the New Thread - do not post till i get signal - thanks  :)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Ah, tant's dream skill...

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

What? No haha

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

YEAH! Two Bucklers for the win!

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Good to go!

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Mmmmmm, Time to get summonin'

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Okay guys, when you post, write your character's name so we don't get confused XD

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

2 buckles huh. 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

He has a very strange belt

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

'His finger entrenches into his nose, obviously trying to dig for some serious gold'

So happy I made you join. ^_^

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

"towering like a sumo "

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Thanks man, though to be honest, I wouldn't have written that down had it not been for this stupid cold I got from sukkot haha.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Yeah yeah, you've been complaining ever since Shabbat night

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Haha i agree. It was epic! Serious gold.. Haha

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Hmm, is it disrespectful to talk to another in the face of the deputy magistrate? 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

He did want to knowing we had questions... :)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Well, you won't, you'll be moving off to talk in private, i'd assume.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

ya i think he is talking on a more personal level now and not an authoritative group hearing level.


again if im wrong I'll edit.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

since we've been addressed are orders have been made clear etc. also damn Drak with the "bitch" lol :)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Yeah, Drak's OOC comment was hilarious haha

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

i think if we are at a respectful decibel level and the magistrate isn't addessing us as a group then no we should be ok. if not I'll edit.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Sure. I'm completely ignorant of this Japanese customs, so don't want to screw up and end up making my character commit seppoku.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Hate when that happens.

Anywho, good night all.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

actually I will just edit it and wait for the official dismissal.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

No problem. ^_^

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Just know I want to pull you aside upon leaving :) lol

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

^More or less this, lol But I think Berka will give us some lee-way so that we won't have to take the time to research a bunch of japanese social-stuff.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

It's cool i just threw in a brief edit at the end. Better safe than sorry.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

and another brief edit for anyone willing to read it.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

also when do we meet LadyZ?


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

She does appear in the samurai joining. 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Secret Theme Song: Sakura Sakura


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

lol My character likes Cherry Blossoms. What can I say? She put it there.

I was also wondering how long it would take somebody to point that out.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Obviously. :p

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Hi everyone. I am finally here :) I have been looking forward to this game and playing with you fine people. I am Sakura the Wujen and I plan to be as EVIL as possible ;) When we chat OOC you may call me Lady Z and I can't wait to get to know all of you.


Signed: Ladyzerka aka The Wenchinator

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

I thought you were the only heroic player character haha

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

I am ;)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Am not! :(

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Says the heroic character. :P

So, what does the Wenchinator stand for? (or is one of those taboo things the Zerka's don't talk about?)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

It's her code-name when they go to Morgan's parties....

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Poor Morgan, that statement will never be forgotten. 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago
Hello Lady Z it is wonderful to finally meet you :)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Hello Aeon... Very glad to meet your acquaintance also.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Its just my S&M....OOPS! I mean M&M character name I came up with one day.


PS.... BZ says ask Morgan :) she'll know

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

And now, I can finally give into temptation and start the RP.

Fuck group projects where teammates say they will do their part, drop the class, still insist they will do their part, and never do it in the end.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

absolutely doesent sound like me...blush

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

@Your OOC: post in the game thread.

I'm almost thinking of doing the knee-bow to some random lone traveler on the road just to see what happens. lol

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Tey would probarly have to dig a hole to put their face in to bow even deeper hahah^^

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

So will I get any additional information on those Yuki would have seen often due to her using her read aura ability on them?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Yeah, i also like to know more about sense motive. But read aura, isent that the same as sense alignment?  Like ofrihet are good or bad.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Yes, Read Aura tells if their Heart is good or evilly inclined.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

And sense motive? How does it work? Do i say when i want to use it or a permanent effect?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago
I would just RP it out. "Keitaro stood observing the urchin for a moment before answering his inquiry. Trying to understand the man's agenda."

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Yeah, I could build a list and point out only the unusual stuff. Probably will post it on your actual PC sheet though...

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

I would appreciate it :)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

What are you looking for Daedalus?

Sense Motive is generally something that kicks in automatically when you are dealing with someone trying to deceive you...

The man tries to bluff you and I roll sense motive for you to see if your character sees through the lies. That sort of stuff - and what Aeon said above.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Update Posted :)

Continue asking questions or describe how you spend the rest of the night, before meeting everyone at the City Gates in the morning...

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago



lmao just realized my post was longer than the update :) hahaha

EDIT: Do i need to update my character sheet to note that My Doshin Keiji and Miko are traveling with me?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Hmm - let me first tack on the 10 Doshin to all the sheets...

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

OK, yes, you can make a note of how many Doshin out of the 10 (posted after Resources under Equipment) are comming with you (up to 3).

NOTE ALL - Doshin are Commoners (basically Town Guards). I'm only really interested in the name of the leader of them among each Character's collection of 10.

You may all assign your Doshin Leader 1 Base Level Edge of your choice.

Keep in mind that Doshin are all Extras and not as reliable as Minions...

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago
Is our Doshin Leader left behind or does it come woth us? Also im not sure what a base level edge is. Like one that doesn't have pre reqs?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago
I edited in My Doshin Leader, He appears right after qhere you placed the Doshin. I also gave him the intuition Edge as I am not sure which edges you were referring to. I will edit as need be.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Doshin Leader can go with you or stay.

Yes, a base Edge has no other Edges as Prerequisites.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

thanks bud. :)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Just read your post - not too shabby :)

Might want to edit the 'hose' to horse though if you get a chance haha!

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago
Lol dang it.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

So, my minions are more loyal to me and more useful then the doshin, right?

And, do you play the minions/doshin, or do we control them?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

you and your harlots. 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

(answered below)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

So I'll re-iterate this here so that there's no big outrage from Drak if it's ever used in game.

Yuki knows information about all the PCs, meaning she is well aware of your guy's evil heart, Drak.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

(insert soon to be big outrage anyways)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Pretty sure we all (including Drak) hashed this out already. Doesn't matter what the Read Aura shows in regard to Society and having to work together.

On a personal level however, the character can take it and do with it what she will :)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

More on DOSHIN - Doshin are Commoners (basically Town Guards). I'm only really interested in the name of the leader of them among each Character's collection of 10.

You may all assign your Doshin Leader 1 Base Level Edge of your choice.

Keep in mind that Doshin are all Extras and not as reliable as Minions...

For the most part, you may play all of your Doshin (and Minions) yourselves - as there is far too many for me to keep track of.

I will however, GM override them if/when needed should I find reason to do so. Also, do not post your Doshin or Minions being successful at something that would actually require a roll - in those cases just post what you order them to try and we'll go from there.

Ask me in the OOC if you are not sure whether a roll would be needed.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Can you glance at my Character sheet and tell me if My Doshin Leader's Edge is approved? 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

That's fine - also, be sure to include the "html" tags when you edit so your picture shows :)

[html]<img src="" width="250" />[/html]

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

@ Everyone - you will note a formatted line at the bottom of your sheet under Resources - Please fill it in, thanks.

  • Doshin Leader: NAME (EDGE)


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Heh, cool, my first name is the same as the ancestor worshipper grand premier.

Also, Berka, reposting (again)

How does one become the high priest?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Well, first you must master Shogi...

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Demonic penguin... 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


But really, High Priest is a position in a Religious Group, like Daimyo is a position in the Ruling Body.

Becoming one is a long long political road and requires years of maneuvering and building one's supporters. It also helps to have your own Monastery, temple, or the like...

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

So, what I plan on doing anyways? ^_^

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Gave my leader the spirited edge (Them surge points)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

FOr Extras, that would be the Hearty Edge - I'll fix it.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

What's the difference?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Extras do not have any Luck or Surge Points, so Spirited (which adds +2 Surge Points) doesn't fit.

Hearty and Karma are the Edges that allow Extras to have Surge and/or Luck points. Those Edges were not included on the list of Edges, because the PCs are not Extras and those Edges two don't apply to them.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

So, how many surge points do they get with that edge? the standard 4?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Confirmed. 3.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Not bad.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

@ daedalus

First off, if bowing is truly so ingrained into the culture, then there's not need to post when people do or do not bow (Because 1, it's boring and repetitive as fuck, and 2, it's as natural as breathing. You don't describe your character's breathing do you? It should only be mentionned if there's something specific about the bow).

And 2: They were in the process of a fucking conversation. If someone addresses you AFTER you have already met and greeted each other and have been sitting together for a while, you do not bow to them after they address you, you have the damn conversation.

There is no burn, there is no serve, there is no ice to apply to burned area (Not that you should do that, since, you know, freezer burn), you have shown no conclusive proof that there would be any sensical reason for me to bow, there is no mention in the article of any such thing.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Don't anyone get too hung up on the perceived Japanese Culture in the game. It's not necessary. Once again - "Fantasy"...

Everyone will be safe to just post a bow when first meeting a higher up and when leaving a higher up. Treat the Bow exactly as you would a Western Handshake.

Then, you can also treat it like a Hug. You don't go around giving everyone a hug, but when you do - it's a nice gesture.



Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago
In feudal Japan they could have you executed for hugging. :)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Depends on who you hugged.

You can be executed for hugging now too.

I bet you that if someone ran screaming towards the white house, trying to hug the president, he'd be shot. At least 4 times. 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Yeah, like I said - you don't go around hugging just anyone  ;)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

It also doesn't help if you are carrying flowers and a chocolate gun.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

I bet that if you ran towards the white house, screaming like a madman, you'd be shot. Multiple times. 


Seriously Drak, you make the correct statement (if you hug the Saudi's president you'll be killed by his guards (or raped if you're a woman)), but with such a stupid example. 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

When you state that someone is going to be killed for hugging another person, there are no good examples.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

At least state something like;

if you hug a random stranger you'll be put in jail for rape. (which, oddly enough, is sorta true. Assuming you hold the hug for 14 seconds, I believe.) 

But apparently it happened often. (at least, according to what Aeon states.), so we can't really compare it. 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago
No it didnt. Hugging was and in some parts of Japan still is consider one of the grandest insults. There are plenty of stories of parents having their children killed grandparents etc. Just for hugging. Its a big big no no.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Yes, but let's separate the two - The 'hug' in-game is a bow, not a hug. No one is saying to hug anyone in-game, though I think it would be funny if someone tried hehe!

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago
Lol oh I was just stating a real life thing of Japan. Lol its aweird fucking place, whatbwoth Bukake and all but you get killed for hugging.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

So, I'm taking two Doshin, and my Samurai minion. Is that okay?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


10 Doshin (10 in Sendai / 0 with)
[*]Doshin Leader: NAME (EDGE)

EDIT - I added the above to all the PC Sheets. Mark how many are going with you and how many are staying in Sendai in the appropriate spot, thanks :)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Yup, I gave the name in my post, and I edited it into my sheet.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Imp Summoned for 6 Months of service - no problems and Drain (2 vitality points) will be gone tomorrow - so I won't even bother to note it on the PC Sheet.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Ok. I'll begin editing till I reach the point of "we're leaving"

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Added the Imp to PC sheet under Doshin Leader.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Got to go offline for a few hours - see ya all later  :)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

So, i'm guessing that if I make my intimidate or taunt check, then I get to describe my creature's actions, and if I fail, you get to describe how he'll screw me over?

Also, done. Ready for the trip ^_^

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

So, should we be stationing our remaining Doshin somewhere? I mean we are the protectors of the entire province, and there are 6 cities (which incidentally was our originally starting amount of players).

Would make sense to each monitor a different city, no?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

I think that we're all just being posted in this one city, no?

I mean, if we were going to be posted in different cities, i'd think we'd have been told.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

The Diaymo is in charge of the province of Mutsu, where Sendai is the capital. We're his samurai, so we're charged with protecting the whole province (hence why we're going to the northern most city).

I'm not really sure the angle Berka wants to go with it, but yeah, I'm thinking we're supposed to be protecting all the cities.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Ahh, no I get it.

Yeah, we ourselves are stationned in the capital, that's were our houses and our primary duties are, but i'm guessing that occasionally, the dayimo sends us out (like, well, like a taskforce) to take out or deal with outstanding threats, or particular situations.

So, think of the capital city as our home base, and the rest of the the province as where we go to solve problems.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

True, but we could easily have our Doshin stationed in a different city.

"Each of you will have ten Doshin working under you as your deputies, who will do most of the work, stand watches, and are allowed to carry flail-staves while going about their business."

Is what he says in regards to Doshin. Basically we go around and do the fun stuff, and they hold the line.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Yeah, basically. I'm guessing each major city (like the six listed) have their own Doshin for that though. They're commoner guards, nothing special that needs to be distributed like that, they're basically there so that when we ARE in the city, we don't have to do all of the guarding ourselves.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Well I wanted to distribute them more so we get an early warning if something big happens than to actually have them to protect the places haha.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

he also said we can take up to three the rest stay behind. So by saying that I am assuming he means they stay in the city...

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Oh, yeah, that too.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

We're going 340-ish miles away from the nearest city, how would we get an early warning?

I mean, if it's the case of us being in the city and a different city being attacked, we'd probably get a human messenger from the dayimo anyways, right?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago
Drak not gonna lie i read two lines of that.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Eh, as long as Berka reads it.

About a 1/3 of it is just plain logistics

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Berka, since Akiko is a real and important NPC, will you be playing her?

I mean the scene I'm thinking of here is basically just Yuki walks in, says hi, says she has to go, her mother tells her to be safe and wishes her luck, maybe brings up her father, then Yuki leaves.

Something I could do myself, but I'm not sure if you're okay with me taking control of her or not.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

You are free to RP the relation between Yuki and her mom yourself. I would only RP her mother if it were dealing with her actual station or invloved interaction between her and other important NPCs.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

On Doshin - yeah, they are all just assigned to you and the City of Sendai - representing Sendai's entire police force. You could send one or two off to spy out or watch another city (as they will do your bidding in relation to their jobs) - but there does need to be a certain number of them in Sendai at all times or things might start to go downhill for everyone's face when crime kicks up in their absence.

Each City has a Magistrate ruling over it - and each Magistrate has his Yoriki police force.

You guys are like State Troopers compared to the Local Sheriff when visiting a City other than Sendai...

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Working on a minor Update - should post tonight :)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

It will have to wait until tomorrow - I have to get the Doshin stuff squared away first  :(

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

EVERYONE - PLEASE EDIT your Doshin Leader's Name into your character sheet as instructed above. Then, post their name here under this post, as I need to know who they all are.

Also, clarify again who you are taking with you and if not the leader, but you have named them, post their names here as well.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Botan Kunda (leader) not taken. 

Aiko and Kei, taken, 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

As far as I can tell, here's who is being taken -

Sakara the Wu-Jen
Doshin Leader: Odo Kubari (Weapons Specialist); male

Udo the Scout
Doshin Tanak Fukao; male
Doshin Ran Akera; female

Roka the Brawler
Doshin Aiko; female
Doshin Kei; female

Keitaro the Warrior
Doshin Keiji; male
Doshin Miko; female

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Yep, that's my count as well.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Good to know - I'll get an update out in the morning then   :)

Night - all...

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Did mine. :)

  • Doshin Leader: Kazuo Tarumi [Edge: Common Sense]

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

New Update is posted :)

Now it's just a matter of leaving the city, getting into the ride, talking talking to each other a bit maybe, and so forth - until the first Way Station (or something unusual happens)...

I would also note that it is a little unusual for the group to be taking a wagon with them, but it won't slow them down any, unless speed actually becomes an issue.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

I suppose that when Drakilian's Imp finally comes out and starts riding the pony, that it might qualify as something unusual haha!

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago
New ooc? This one lags my kindle to hell.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Normally we wait for 500 posts - but I suppose We could Update Threads after 300...

Almost at 300 now BTW  :)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

I wonder who'll get it first. 

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

its cool its up to you bud, Its just for some reason this thread makes m y kindle go "duuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" then it crashes the browser


Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

It's most likely the picture loads from everyone's large avatars (including yours) - for whatever reason, this site downloads the full pic to your device every time it shows, then resizes it to fit in the avatar window. Note that the most frequent posters all have large pics haha!

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Hey BZ, can I edit my post?

nevermind, too late. Was going to ask about Aomori again, but whatever.


Also, (just to confirm for anyone who was still so wondering) there are no real bonuses for  classes. END

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

yeah that was one of the first things we discussed in the BHB OOC: (classes)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Out of curiosity BZ, i don't know if you are planning in weather effects like snow storms/monsoons/tornados/etc

But with the fact I grew up on a farm and I have a high outdoors rating, would I be able to warn the party of incoming danger from the likes of such? like Via PM by you or something. I am just wondering because it adds a realistic touch to it, and also makes sense with me background/skills. 

And will I be able to identify various plants for like poisons/herbs/edible things if we're stranded etc?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Well, if a storm do come up me or drake could probarly do some weird ass spell to make it nice weather again though :)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

unless the storm was brought on by another caster.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

plus u'd have to roll for that to happen, a failed roll would still equal storm, a botched roll may end up with you getting struck by lightning?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

If it was a magical storm can still be cancelled though. Oh, i dont even want to think of the possibilities of a botched roll *shivers*

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Precisely my point why take the chance of rolling a botched roll and getting crispy fried, when I could just warn the party in advance of an incoming storm, and tell you how long we had to get to shelter.

And Cancelling another casters storm could very likely require you rolling a MTN of 19 you know or = botch = u DED!

so just no point in it.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

The difficulty of cancelling out another caster would just be an opposed straight roll.

A botch on a weather roll would do nothing but fail to go off, and deal a huge amount of drain damage to the caster.

And the botches are a risk with every single spell and every single roll, there is no point in worrying about them.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Dont know since I didn't read much on spell casting, but isn't a botch (a nat 20) likely to cause even worse stuff to happen?

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Any failure will result in a spell not going off (at least, for complex spells, which all weather related spells are). That includes botches. Your spell will not go off if you botch.

On the other hand, the drain that you normally experience for failed spells would (I imagine) be worse than usual.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Yeah, but if I remember correctly, a botch has horrible ramifications. (kinda like rolling a nat 1 in D&D)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

This should be in OOC 2, but for future reference:

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Weather prediction skills is an Earth Science skill. 

Pretty sure survival skills is related to finding and identifying plants.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Pretty sure life sciences (biology) cover plants.

Waiting for a reply from BZ until I post though.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Yes, there's a lot of cross over. Outdoors, Earth & Life Sciences could all play in some degree or another...

I do have a weather calendar around here somewhere though... When weather and plants do come up, I'll consider which skills most suite the situation and go from there.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Also - as was mentioned in the opening post (easy to lose in all the text for sure) - there is only one road to Aomori and you are on it. Just follow the road - passing way stations every 30 miles - and you can't miss it. You'll go through the fortress city of Morioka first though, at about the halfway point.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Also - the day in the current update, promises to be a nice spring day. But being spring, some rain will definitely be encountered during the trip from time to time.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

I'll go ahead and Set up a new OOC when I do the update - either late tonight or early tomorrow morning (depending on everyone getting posts in).

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Damnit, wrote a 5 paragraph post, hit backspace and erased it forever :'(

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

I hate that bug!

It's why I use the delete key over backspace when typing here in the text boxes...

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Cool trick.

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Setting up a new OOC now - Do not post in it till I get it set up and signal here - Thanks :)

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

I am so gonna get first post

Mythic Nippon OOC

10 years ago

Done - Continue all OOC in Mythic Nippon OOC 2