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Write 4 Art 3, or The Bad Art Rises

7 years ago

The premise is simple: Do not participate in the coming exercises. If you do, at least hide them somewhere no one can find them.  Those who post their writing publically in the thread prompts will be punished heartily.

Everyone will start the week with a certain amount of points. Participating in these exercises will result in point penalties. Doing bonus thingies, wherever they occur, will result in even harsher point penalties. The more you decide to contradict me, the worse it'll get.

Now, I don't have enough free time to punish everyone who participates, assuming more than one person has the gall to write stuff and disrupt the peace of the serene writing prompt threads I have planned out like the asshole they are, so I'll only punish the person with the lowest overall score. But don't you go tempting fate, that person might just end up being you.

The offending offender will have a choice to make, when the end of the week comes and they end up being the bastards who gave in to this temptation: Either be publically shamed for their heinous transgressions, or, worse yet, have me draw a thing of their choice that could be shown on YouTube without getting flagged, censored, or force people to verify their age before watching.

The first prompt will be tomorrow. You've been warned, morherfuckers. I hope none of you are feeling lucky.