In the realms of spookiness,
Let's cheer,
For Halloween!
With bats as dark as the darkness, and creepy creatures gather together, if you're a human and a seer...
You might get quite a fright, with spooky skeletons arriving at people's doors,
And menacing witches brewing up a potion or two,
It's Halloween, the day we embrace-
The day where frightening sights comes, where black cats mew,
The rising of bad luck, comes out to you, gives you not a helping hand, but a spooky glare,
It turns and twists your day into a frightening nightmare,
Halloween is the time of ghouls and monsters rise,
And as you stare....
Be sure to watch out for a scary surprise,
Or you'll never know what'll happen.....BOO!
Feel free to give me feedback on this short, little poem!