EbonVasilis, The Contributor

Member Since


Last Activity

3/9/2024 8:51 PM

EXP Points


Post Count


Storygame Count


Duel Stats

3 wins / 4 losses


Architect Exemplar



If you are here for the stories, enjoy!

If you are here to duel, then get in line.

Trophies Earned

Earning 100 Points Won the 2018 Romance Contest Having 1 Storygame(s) Featured Given by EndMaster on 03/11/2018 - For righteous crusading against degeneracy (And stories)


A Chosen Hero

A world on the cusp of disaster. Two sides on the verge of destroying each other, but there is hope. In the form of a hero. Now this will person..., will they be able to rise into the mantle of hero? 

Author's Note

There are links that lead to background information... I highly suggest reading those, as they contain fairly important information.

Criticism is very welcome. 

This is an entry for BerkaZerka's 2017 Summer Slam Contest


A Knight's Pursuit

The story of an aspirant knight as he finds out what and who he wants to pursue in life. 

There are 3 endings total. Your choices matter.

This is an entry to Corgi's Contest: Lords of the Land II


Featured Story Magno

A historical fiction based upon Alexander the Great and his rise to the throne. 

Note that not everything in this story is factually correct, but there is one path based upon true history.

Note: Nearly every choice has an effect on something, so make your choices carefully. There are four epilogues to be found. 

Criticism is very welcome.

This is an entry for Bucky's 2017 December Story Contest


The Lost Realm

On the night of your marriage, your wife is captured and you are left for dead in an alley. When you come to, your wife is missing, and your once perfect life now in tatters. What else is there to do but to kill those who have wronged you, save your wife, and restore equilibrium to your life? Before you can do this, however, you must venture through The Lost Realm...

Author's Notes: Your choices matter, so choose carefully. There are 3 epilogues to be found.

This will likely be the first story in a series of five that I'm planning, so be sure to leave feedback, and please leave any criticisms you might have. 

Special Thanks:

I'd like to give a huge shout out to Mayana for beta testing for me. This story game would have loads more mistakes without her help. Thanks to Mizal as well for her help with scripting. 

This is an entry to EndMaster's 2018 Romance Story contest

Recent Posts

End Master’s Prompt Contest 3 on 1/27/2024 2:26:00 PM


End Master’s Prompt Contest 3 on 1/27/2024 2:25:49 PM

I'll take 4.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2 on 1/5/2023 11:54:54 PM

Want to.

EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2 on 1/5/2023 5:08:22 PM


EndMaster's Prompt Contest 2 on 1/5/2023 5:04:42 PM

I'll take 40. 

No. on 5/25/2022 2:18:18 PM


EndMaster's Prompt Contest on 5/23/2022 7:21:02 PM

The idea was axed in favor of the Agreena. Which was good too. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest on 5/23/2022 6:20:30 PM

Yeah I could definitely learn from him there. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest on 5/23/2022 4:42:10 PM

I was hoping he would enter this time around. I'll have to catch him in another one I guess. 

EndMaster's Prompt Contest on 5/21/2022 10:35:48 AM

It's the most amount of entrants ever then too, right?

The winner is literally going to have bragging rights over the entire site at this point.